You can also view videos and post on our True Identity Ministries Facebook page (link below). We want you to gather a group of girls and meet together each week to discuss your study. We also have resources below to help you start a group. Of course you can do it alone too! Lies Women Believe will challenge each of us to expose the lies that we as women most commonly believe and help us replace them with the truth of God's word!
The What’s and How’s of TIM Online bible study.
You and a group of friends. (Yes, you can do it on your own, but we hope you'll bring some friends along for the ride!)
An informal, web-based video blog bible study. The study is free! If you or your group feels led donations are accepted and appreciated. Donate below under resources or on the home page.
Wherever you like, but preferably somewhere with Internet access (and a good cup of coffee…and maybe a comfy chair….hmmm maybe an ocean view…well just anywhere will do).
Starting Tuesday October 12th and running through November 2nd. Again, you can meet with your group, view, and post comments anytime day or night. New videos will post each Tuesday.
To learn more about God’s sweet Word alongside others around the country and world. You'll be challenged to take a look at life through God’s word with application questions that will change how you think and act. What we can promise you is that no matter what season of life you are in, what your age is, or your background (bible study experience or none at all) or what circumstances you may be facing…God will speak to you through this study!
Here is how it will (hopefully will) work below. Let’s be honest here, there's always chance of technical difficulties. We’re relying on God to show us the way and praying you’ll join us in making this a new and exciting way to study scripture together even from miles apart.
Before We Begin
1. Purchase your copy of Lies Women Believe from any online bookstore or local bookstore (find helpful links below).
2. Form a study group with friends or neighbors. You can join on your own as we’ll have online community, but nothing replaces face-to-face time with people for relationship and accountability, we highly encourage you starting a group. In fact download the flyers below as a resource to help you!
3. Pick a time and location to meet—your house, the local coffee shop, whatever works for your group.
4. Sign ups are now open! Register in just a few steps below so that we can send you updates and reminders, there also may be free gifts given away throughout our study together, but you have to be registered to win! (You’ll be asked for your first name, where you’re from, and your email. If you’re studying with a group, we’d like to know how many of you there are!)
5. Spread the word. We’re going to need your help in getting the word out!
6. Finally be sure to complete reading of the first two chapters of your book before October 12th when the first video lesson will be released by Stephanie.
After We Start
1. Get together if you are in a group once a week to discuss your lesson.
2. Watch the video. Every Tuesday from October 12th through November 2nd, The TIM team will facilitate the summer study via short videos of about 10 to 20-minutes each. They will share from their heart, give you discussion questions or activities that will enrich your group time together, and wrap up the week’s lesson. If possible, watch these videos at the beginning of your group time, if not catch them during the week before you meet. Remember, you can meet, watch the videos, and post anytime day or night. It doesn't have to be Tuesdays! see blog at for videos.
3. Post your progress! Finally, and most importantly, TIM will need to hear from YOU and you’ll need to hear from each other! Your way of checking in with Justeina and the team is after your group time. Every week leave a comment to tell them how God is working in your group though the study of His Word! We love it if you’d post your comments as a group before you wrap up your time together. You can post on the blog or on facebook page! It keeps us encouraged as well if we know you are out there and that God is ministering to your heart!
Links You Will Need
Order Book Lies Women Believe
More Information
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