Psalm 62.5-12 (Message)
What an awe-inspiring and humbling psalm this is from David. As soon as my eyes locked on the words in verse 1, my mind immediately began to dissect what David is saying. I wanted to understand the psalm because it was so powerful and indeed one giving great glory to God.
"God, the one and only..." You will not find one person on this earth, now or ever, who even comes close to comparing with Him. So why do we put people on pedestals or rely so much on others? When really think about it, we do so often fall into this trap. I find it interesting that David, having a great mentor in Samuel, a close friend in Jonathan, and many other wonderful people in his life I'm sure, highlights to the reader that God is the one and only. With people like that in your life, it could be easy to form an attachment to the relationship; but not David. We know these words were very important to him because he inserted them into the psalm twice!
"I'll wait as long as he says. Everything I hope for comes from him, so why not?" These words were huge for me. I would say in the last year the two big lessons for me have been trust and timing. What is so vital for us to get a hold of is God's perfect timing...for everything. And I do mean everything. When we do, we wont be disappointed or discouraged when that opportunity doesn't open up, or the money doesn't come in on time, or so may other scenarios that will pop up in life. We wont be dismayed because we know that at the perfect time, it will happen. Besides, I would rather wait for His time than botch up an opportunity on my time. Waiting on God means that we have constant dependence on Him.
"He's solid rock under my feet [salvation], breathing room for my soul [freedom], an impregnable castle [security]: I'm set for life." [denotes my thoughts]. When we serve God, everything we could hope for or need is ours. Hope (verse 6) and need (salvation, freedom, security) covers everything. You will lack nothing!
"So trust him completely, people; lay your lives on the line for him." Trust. I think that David is trying to warn us in this verse and the next few that we must be careful to trust men. Yes, trust God completely. In fact, lay your life on the line for Him. But be careful not to put your hope and trust in men. They will fail you. With or without intention, people will always fail you because they are human. This doesn't mean not hoping for the best in people, but rather not looking to them for what you need. Only God will always come through. "God is a safe place."
You want to give your life to something, give it to God. You want to bet your life on another, bet it on God. You want freedom and security, trust in God. Only in Him will you find the life worth living and the wholeness you desire.
"Strength comes straight from God. Love to you, Lord God."
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