A Merchant Ship

Ladies, I have a thought for you to ponder. Proverbs 31 mentions ..."she is like the merchant ships..." So what does that mean? Many times I have read that tidbit of wisdom and haven't really given it much thought. But it happens to be one of the most important statements about how a godly woman is to be.

A merchant ship is a STRONG ship. It is not fragile.
A merchant ship is built for PURPOSE. It is not idle.
A merchant ship can CARRY. It is not weak.

Think about what a merchant ship is. And on top of that, it says we are to be like shipS...notice the plural? That means a fleet, many, a force. That is what God is calling us women to be. He doesn't want any more pretty little boats. All cute and fragile. NO, He wants merchant ships. There are plenty of pretty little ships sitting in the seats on a Sunday morning. But where in the house are the merchant ships? God has called His daughters to to be strong, to work hard, to carry the plans He has for us.

We are to be many things, and it is not going to be easy. Even the people that surround us are to lack nothing of value because of their confidence in us. WOW! But others can't be confident in us if we are not first confident in ourselves. We must be confident, not in our gifts or position or people. But confident in knowing that God's hand is on our life and that we are working for Him!

Make a decision daily to bring good, and not harm, to the lives around you. Work hard. Be task driven, not people driven.She doesn't invest into that which is not profitable. She is kind to others. She is not fearful of the times to come, but is prepared. She is a strong leader, clothing herself in strength and dignity. She watches, she speaks, she gives instruction...and she is blessed. AND SHE LOOKS GOOD (clothed in fine linen and purple)!

God is calling for the women in His house to stand up and be different. To be merchant ships. Can you rise to the calling? It won't be easy, but we aren't called to a life that will be easy. How much more can you do, through the power of God, for His kingdom if you are a woman of noble character?

Ladies, are there any merchant ships in His house?

The Attitude of Gratitude

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

This morning my devotional time with my kids was about having an attitude of gratitude. It wasn’t even because they weren’t being grateful or anything; quite honestly it was just the next topic in the character building book we are going through. :) Isn’t it easy to sometimes lose that attitude?

I mean, it’s not that we don’t want to be grateful...I think it’s that we many times lose the right perspective. What I mean is…do you see the glass half full or half empty? Is it partly sunny or partly cloudy? Perspective can and certainly makes all the difference.

Even for strong Christians who are grounded in their faith, discouragement can easily sneak its way into hearts and minds as life deals us chaos. As we struggle with the challenges and difficulties of everyday life, or things that happened to us that were unfair or unwarranted, it is easy to get pulled into a habitual mindset of negativity. Just like that old song from the ‘80s says, we may find ourselves asking God, "What have you done for me lately?"

Our answer to that question will depend entirely upon our perspective. God does more for us each and every day than we deserve, but it 's so easy to lose sight of the good, because we can be caught up in the reality of the bad. How do we combat this perfectly human attitude and direct it over to an attitude of gratitude?


Resolve to have an attitude like Christ.

Take inventory of our every blessing.

Life. Your every breath. Your every heart beat. A spouse or loved one. Children. Clothes that need to be washed because God gave you clothes to wear, and a way to wash those clothes. Good health to help those whose health is failing. Trusted and educated doctors to treat you when you are facing health challenges. A house that needs cleaning. A car to drive. The ability to purchase gas for the car. A job to go to. The ability to be a stay at home mom or wife. Healthy kids who can play music or sports. Friends. Family. Freedom. Jesus. Eternal life.

What is on your inventory list today? If you were honest with yourself, would you say you have been looking for the positive aspects of the situations in your life? Are you considering how God could be using those things to draw you closer to Him? Or have you been primarily focused on the negative?

During times of negativity, we actually become our own enemy. We wage a battle in our mind because we look at our situation from our own perspective, instead of what God may be doing through our situation. So in order to change our minds, we have to choose to change the way we think – our perspective. Attitude is a choice.

I have heard it takes 21 days of doing something for it to become a new habit. The more you practice challenging your thought patterns, the more automatic it will become. Changes may not take place immediately, but over time, the challenge gets easier, and optimism becomes the norm instead of the exception.

Are you willing to take the challenge to become an optimist today? The rewards of looking for God's goodness in every situation will be a healthier and happier heart.

Dear Lord, forgive us for a lack of gratitude we all have at times. Thank You for your patience with us as we strive to grow to be more like you. Guide our hearts to recognize You at work, instead of seeing things from an earthly perspective. Lead me into a closer relationship with You by helping me remember to count my blessings every day. I n Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Groom

"How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!"
Song of Songs 4:1

Beth Moore writes in her updated edition of Breaking Free:

"What a wonderful relationship awaits you! The King is enthralled by your beauty. Single woman, you will not always be single. If you are in Christ, you have the ultimate relationship ahead of you. If God calls you to a life of singleness, feel special! Save yourself entirely for Him! The Kings is enthralled by your beauty.

Married woman with common frustrations: Give your spouse room to be human. Forgive him for not being God. Forgive him for not always saying what you need to hear. The Kings is enthralled by your beauty.

Until the ultimate relationship arrives, let your mirror image be the face of Christ. To Him, the most beautiful woman on earth is the bride who steadily makes herself ready for her Groom. Your bridal portrait is being painted one day at a time. When it is complete, it will be a breathtaking masterpiece."

I pray, we as women of God, start proclaiming our beauty through you! I ask that your words cut so deep that we will never experience a day that we feel any less than beautiful! I pray our faith continues to be strengthened by you and that we stand firm in whatever situation you have us in today. If we are singe or married I pray we stand boldly in your name because You Father are more than enough. We are steadily making ourselves ready for you each and every day. We impatiently wait for you to come and sweep us off our feet! We pray in awe of You, Amen!
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Hello to some of our favorite girlfriends (and guyfriends)!

We just wanted to use today's blog opportunity to tell you about some amazing upcoming conferences. You will want to make sure you join us if we are coming to your area. We could also use your help in spreading the word around!

APRIL 1-2, 2011

APRIL 15-16, 2011

MAY 13-14, 2011

The early bird registration discount for each of these events will end befoe you know it, so be sure to register soon! Visit the link to learn about discounted rates and conference details. If you are interested in helping us by volunteering at one of these events you can fill out a volunteer app online! We can't wait to see each of you very soon!

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Zephaniah 3.17

"The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing!"
(enough said)

Masquerading with God 2/14/2011 - True ID Ministries | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Masquerading with God 2/14/2011 - True ID Ministries Internet Radio Blog Talk Radio
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Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23

There may be nothing more intentional that scripture asks us to do than to guard our hearts. That word guard according to the dictionary means: to protect somebody or something against danger or loss by being vigilant and taking defensive measures, or to watch over and control passage through an entrance or across a boundary. Even though I had seen this scripture many times before in Proverbs 4 and the call to guard our hearts was very clear, for me the question still remained; from what? Finally it came to me. Guard our hearts from anything toxic.

That word toxic just means anything that contains poisonous material that can cause sickness or death. I can’t help but notice in today’s age how hard people are trying to keep their homes and bodies toxic free. You can now buy non toxic cleaning materials, hair care products, nail polishes, paints for your home, and the list goes on. So much effort and work put into living a toxic free life physically speaking, but no one thinks about all the toxic things surrounding our spiritual lives. If you and I are going to be able to be diligent in guarding our hearts we are going to have to be more aware of the toxic things we are allowing in. Allow me to point out just a few for you.

1. Toxic Thoughts
Part of guarding our hearts is to replace our toxic thoughts with God’s truth. Thoughts that are negative, fearful, critical and discontent need to be guarded against. In fact throughout scripture many times the word heart is used interchangeably with the word thoughts. The same is true for Proverbs 4:23. According to 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 we are to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. Sounds like guarding to me. So begin to think about what you are thinking about. Be vigilant to watch over and control the thoughts you allow to linger about in your heart and mind. Whatever you do remove the toxic ones and replace them with whatever is noble, true, right, pure, excellent, and praiseworthy.

2. Toxic Influences
From the movies we watch, to the music we listen to, even to the sites we surf on the web you may not find anything more toxic to our hearts than these influences. We have gotten a little lazy at monitoring the influences we are allowing to shape and mold our lives. If you are a mom you know how hard you may work to control the media and cultural influences your children are partaking in, but what about you? What are you doing to safeguard against the toxic influences surrounding your own life? A few things to ask yourself would be: Is What I am watching/reading displeasing to God? Am I being entertained somehow by sin? Is this luring me away from Christ? If you answer yes to any of those questions you need to flee from that type of entertainment. Don’t be lazy when it comes to guarding against toxic influences. They really will determine the course of your life.

3. Toxic Relationships

The bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:33 to not be misled, that bad company really does corrupt good character. Toxic company can be anyone that is chronically negative and critical, anyone that is a controller, and especially anyone that is a tempter. If you have any one of these types of company in your world you need to beware and guard your heart. That toxic company can work against your good character. As women we can be so timid to cut off toxic relationships even though we know how much they are poisoning our own walk with God. Be brave to take measures against the toxic company in your life. Set up healthy boundaries and be bold to cut ties where God leads you.

4. Toxic Words
Scripture tells us that the tongue holds the power of life and death and that is so true. Words have the unmatched ability to shape and mold a person’s belief system and self image. Whether its words spoken to you or words spoken by you, you need to guard against toxic words. Any words that don’t line up with God’s words are toxic. Begin to evaluate the words you are allowing to be spoken over your life by others and be quick to discredit them if they don’t line up with what God says about you. Be even quicker to evaluate the words you are allowing to come out of your own mouth. If they aren’t words that edify and build up those around you, don’t even speak them. Remember toxic and poisonous words have the power to bring sickness, but if you guard your heart and speak life you will bring healing all around you.

Of course this isn’t an exhaustive list of toxic things for us to be guarding our hearts from, but it is a great start. I have learned in my own life that what I allow into my heart and mind really will determine the course of my life just as Proverbs 4 teaches. As for me and my family I want the course of my life to be one that pleases and glorifies my God. That’s why I am determined to always guard my heart.


A Real Kind of Love

Dirty. Filthy. Covered with the dust from the streets, the feet of the disciples were left black and sore with cuts as they entered the room for the last supper. It was a servant’s job to wash the feet of those entering the house, but no servant was to be found. Reclining next to each other as they ate at the dinner table, Jesus laid aside his outer garments, took up a towel, and carried the basin of water over to Simon Peter. One by one Jesus, the Son of God, humbled himself to wash the grime and dirt off of the feet of each man.

Can you imagine sitting there at the dinner table as God washed the mud off of your feet? The task, however disagreeable, had to be done and only Jesus took the initiative to see it accomplished. It was out of love that he performed the service of a slave.

Later on in the evening, Jesus continued his ministry and proclaimed, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love another,” (John. 13.34).

How did Jesus love? He had just given an example of his love at dinner by washing the disciple’s feet. If you have any doubt that it was an example of love, go back to verse 15, “For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.”

Jesus is calling all people to have this same kind of love...
A love that initiates when others sit back.
A love that humbles you to face what may seem unlovely and serve position underneath you.
A love that acts in the knowledge of another’s impure motives or betrayal.
A love that cleanses.
Among a group of men who quarreled over greatness, Jesus set the example of service instead of strife.

Loving a person isn’t always easy. If any person has a reason to withhold love, it is Jesus. He see’s the unlovely in a person and nothing is hidden from his sight, yet he loves unconditionally. This love served others by putting a person before himself. Men and women, that is the love that God is calling us to show. It won’t always be easy, but it is always worth it. And when you do, God is glorified. Verse 35 says, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

In a self-serve world, service stands out. Love for other people is a witness to the ungodly. In this season of “love,” set the example to others. With those around you, whether friends or strangers, show love by taking the initiative to humble yourself and cleanse people. Put others before yourself and let God shine!
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Growing in the Journey...one step at a time! Part 3

We’ve been talking about spiritual growth for the past few Thursdays and today I would like to take a closer look of what spiritual growth truly looks like in our lives.

Spiritual growth does not look like: slavery. In Romans chapters 6-8, the Bible speaks on slavery to sin, freedom from sin’s grasp, and life in the Spirit.

Romans 6:1, “Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?”

So, if forgiveness is guaranteed, do we have to the freedom to sin as much as we want to? Paul’s answer is a solid, “Of course not!” The slavery to sin leads to-


Romans 6:20, “When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the obligation to do right. And what was the result? You are now ashamed of the things you used to do.”

Shame? I know that I certainly do not want to live this life on Earth with this hanging over my head! So, if we are in some type of slavery to sin..how can we GROW past it?!

We can take some necessary steps:
1.Identify our personal weaknesses
2.Recognize the things that tempt us
3.Stay AWAY from the sources of temptations
4.Practice self-control
5.Invest our time and energies into things that pleasing to God
6.Lean on God’s power and strength.

Lastly, we must realize that sin’s power is broken. We do not have to live in slavery. We have power available to us.

Romans 8:2, “And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.”

Many times we are not tapping into the true power source and we are trying to achieve this on our own. I know I have done this many times and still mess up! It’s like thinking I am going to use my blow dryer to dry my hair without plugging it in to the power outlet. It’s impossible!

Well, it’s the same way with our spiritual growth. If we want to live in freedom and be the women of God that He intended us to be…we MUST never underestimate the power of sin and attempt to fight it in our own strength. Satan is a crafty tempter, and we have an amazing ability to make excuses. Instead of trying to overcome sin with our own human willpower, we must take hold of God’s provision for victory over sin: the Holy Spirit, who lives within us and gives us power.

This week’s challenge:
1.Read Romans chapters 6-8 and ask God to speak to your heart through these chapters.
2.Read and pray over the 6 steps.
3.Ask the Holy Spirit for His power to be the director of your days.
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Masquerading 2/8/2011 - True ID Ministries | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Masquerading 2/8/2011 - True ID Ministries Internet Radio Blog Talk Radio
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God's Secret to a Total Makeover

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2 (NIV)

My family is getting ready to leave for Florida for a ten day vacation. One of my favorite things to do right before we leave is go get my yearly pedicure. Ok, I call it yearly because it’s my excuse to go give my feet some much needed attention before I’m wearing cute sandals all week! Ha! My mom and mother-in-law are also going to Florida, so they went along and we had so much fun getting our mini-makeovers before our trip.

We were laughing at ourselves and our excitement over this mini make-over, but also realizing how much ‘cuter’ we all felt afterwards. And while a simple pedicure can be a small makeover, how much more vital and important are our spiritual makeovers?? So, today, when I went to have my quiet times, the devotional below sure caught my attention! I hope you are equally blessed and encouraged just as I was!

(This devotional is by Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of ‘The Way of a Worshiper’.)

Change is great on the outside, but real change comes from the inside out. It’s more than cosmetic; it’s more than a skinnier version of the same old you. God wants you to be made new from the inside out – spirit, soul, and body.

God puts them in that order in his Word: “May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being – spirit, soul, and body – free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23 TEV).

God knows that real change comes from the inside. It’s great’s to clean out the fridge and get rid of the junk food in the pantry. But what about the junk food in your head? The old lies, the empty values, the false perceptions? Ephesians 4:23 says, “Be made new in the attitude of your minds” (NIV).
There are two words in today’s verse from Romans 12 that I want to focus on --

1.Conform. According to the dictionary, conform means to “make or become the same” or “to behave in a conventional way by accepting without question the customs, traditions and prevailing opinions of others.” How often do we do this? We think, “Oh everybody else is doing it so it must be okay.” But God says, “Don’t conform to the ways of this world. Stop and think about what you’re doing.”

2.Transform. Transform means “to change the condition, function, nature, character or personality” of something. It means changing from the inside out. In Romans 12, Paul says to transform yourself not by trying to be like the rest of the world, but by renewing your mind, by changing the way you think.

God wants a new you who not only looks different, but who lives and thinks and speaks and acts differently. He wants a new you who has taken a 180-degree turn and is headed in a new direction, no longer pursuing an old way of life, no longer trying to conform and fit in and be like everybody else. He wants a new you who is being transformed by the renewing of your mind – a new you who is being transformed into the likeness of Christ.

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Question of Love

With Valentine's Day fast approaching , I have been thinking about love. What does it look like? How and who do we show it to? What does God say about love?

I'm excited about a devotional I will post next Friday about love...so check back in. But today I wanted to pose a question for you. To get the wheels in your mind turning.

When you walk into a room, the question you shouldn't be asking yourself is, "Do these people love me?" The question you should be asking yourself is,

"Do these people know that I love them?"

Remember that as you go into your church, your workplace, your home, the doctors office, the grocery store, etc. It's not always easy, to love. But love is a decision.

Whether it's a room full of strangers or a place filled with old friends, love is the greatest thing you can give them. Can show them.

Decide to love, no matter how you are feeling: it may be you're down, it may be you're up. Our feelings can't control our disposition like that. The presence we bring shouldn't be affected by our day. Because Scripture says love never fails.

Decide to show God's love, to show genuine love each day. Like I said, it will not always be easy. At times the flesh will want to be irritable and rude, but the flesh must bow down to the Spirit. And the Spirit loves. Now go love the people in your world and offer the greatest of these.
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2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

It is a fact that no matter how many times you read the bible or certain verses you’ve already memorized, God will bring new meaning and shed new light for your situation or circumstance you stand in today. I love this scripture!

We must believe God for everything He is and says He will be in our lives. In our trials, confusion, heart ache and persecution, HE remains strong. When we can hardly stand, when we’ve wept our eyes out, when we have given up on relying on our own strength, HE is strong. Our visibility then becomes more clear and set on Him rather than our own strength and determination. When we allow Him into our lives He begins to rebuild our foundation. He always offered this indestructible foundation, He always offered this overflowing fountain of living water, He has always been and ever will be more than enough. Maybe today is the day, that we can all see more clearly. Maybe today is the day we will totally rely on Him. Maybe today we will humble ourselves before our mighty God and follow His lead. Although we may not know the whys or the hows. I guarantee you, He does and His will is beautiful!

Believe with me today! Trust with me today! No matter the call on your life, no matter the price, follow His voice, be obedient and let go of all else.

Merciful Father, as much as I have been through and will face today, I choose to believe in YOU and your strength. Teach me to let go of my strength and learn how to live through you and for you. No matter what obedience looks like in my life, help me to trust in you fully and follow your lead. I choose to make you a priority and devote myself to prayer and study. I want to be totally engulfed in you , your voice, your love, your life and direction for me. Make me a pillar of strength in you to stand up when trials and ill words enter into my day. Use my voice to make a difference for you and the lives around me Father. I choose YOU, I choose life, I choose your love, I choose your strength to carry me through, all the rest of my days. In your powerful Name, Amen!

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