On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
Matthew 9:12-14
Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
As you breathe in the peace of the Holy Spirit today I’ve prayed this will encourage and shine a new light in your daily life as it did mine. Several years ago I realized what a slave I had become to a negative mind set about a particular person in my life. This attitude I had adopted did not just become a part of me over night, as most things don’t. It had begun to build up day by day until I was literally in bondage to a bad attitude. It got where I would be completely irritated and could not concentrate if this specific person was in the same room as I was. In my mind I felt that they were not only taking up my time, but they were growing needier as the days passed by. As time went on I found myself cutting conversations short and doing everything I could to avoid this person. I cannot describe the inner battle that was taking place at this time. I can still feel the exhausting pressure over something that was actually meant to be a blessing for me.
I praise God for the times He has moved so boldly in my life, allowing me to hear so clearly the message He has for me. This was one of those times. My Physician gave me just the right prescription to save a sinner like me! I remember that God clearly spoke to my heart and He said “Just remember whatever you are speaking or thinking about this person cuts straight to my own heart. I created them with all of their different qualities for a purpose. Just as I have created them, I have also created you. I have blessed you to be my own. Now go and don’t let yourself be fooled into thinking this is a sacrifice. You grant the mercy I have shown to you. Understand I am blessing you by allowing you to be a part of another child of mine’s journey to freedom.”
Every opportunity we have to be obedient to God and shine His light is miniscule compared to the salvation He granted us on the cross. When you are following Christ and seeking His Word, you will grow to seek His righteousness. It will be hard to quench your thirst for more of His wisdom.
Let’s make a choice to take on a different perspective today. Let’s not allow ourselves to believe we are anymore special of a child to God than the homeless man on the street, the fast food worker, the beautiful people in Hollywood, the bank President or the person on the news wanted for murder. He created us in His image to seek, find and serve Him. He doesn’t want us to turn our cheek or avoid the needy people in our lives. He wants the exact opposite. The Christian He is leading us to be is strong, filled with encouragement and looking for the needy. If a smile gives that person passing by a little hope, then smile ear to ear. Allow God’s spirit and his light in you to permeate, rub off and linger every where He desires you to go. This fountain that lives in us doesn’t just decide to pour out when it feels like it, but chooses to overflow on a consistent basis.
We are all sinners who have the unfathomable gift of eternal life with our Father in Heaven. Together let’s begin to see each and every person in our life as a fellow child of God. Let’s begin to remember He hears our every word and sees our every thought. Nothing is hidden from Him. So we will choose to speak about His children the way He would desire. Let’s turn from our destructive ways of thinking and begin to put one foot in front of the other down the physicians healing path.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray today that we can begin to see your children through your eyes. Make our hearts so sensitive to each and every need of your children. Give us a burning desire to reach out and encourage everyone we come in contact with each and every day. I pray the more we give the more you fill us with wisdom, understanding and your overwhelming love. Continue to show us exactly who you created us to be. We seek you on this day with an open and intentional heart. In your awesome Name, Amen!!
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