Acts 20:24
“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me.”
I love these words from the Apostle Paul. When I read this Bible verse a few years ago, I had to post it all over my house. Paul’s primary ambition was to faithfully finish the task that God had given him to do. I want to do the same. I want to be accomplishing the daily things that He has for me. Paul felt no responsibility to complete the task Christ had given to Peter, or Barnabas, or Timothy. He believed and taught that God has specific plans for each believer. He expressed this in Ephesians 2:10, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
God has a task for each one of us-one he planned a long time ago. There is just this little problem that often gets in the way of us accomplishing the tasks. The problem is lack of priorities. You see, without priorities in place, we will NOT complete the task that the Lord has for each of us. While we are all too familiar with the word priorities and may even know that they are very important to have in order, it is easy to have them fall out of the right order. One common reason our priorities get all jumbled up, is distractions.
Nothing is more discouraging than getting pulled away from our priorities because of distractions. Isn’t it amazing how distracted we can become?
1 Peter 5:8 says,“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
This verse shows us how active satan is in our world. His very name means, “One who separates.” His chief purpose is to separate us from God however he can. He wants us to chase after other things-even good things-so we miss God’s best. He wants to keep us busy. Have you heard the quote, “If satan can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy!” Busyness is a major distraction. Isn’t this so true? How many of you have hustled and bustled around all day, and at the end of the day, your thinking to yourself, “what did I do all day?”
Let’s take a quick look at the story of Mary and Martha.
Luke 10:38-42, “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
Now ladies, let’s put ourselves in this story. I’ve been there before, preparing to have guest over; making a meal, cleaning like a mad-woman, and by the time my guests arrive, I’m ready to go sit in a warm bath with a cup of tea. I miss out on the special time that God had opened up for us, just the same way Martha missed out with Jesus. Oh, it’s easy to read her story and think, “yea, right, if that was me, I wouldn’t have missed out sitting with Jesus.” But, sadly we all can probably relate to her more than we would like to admit. We say that God is our first priority, yet many times all of the distractions/preparations pull us away from having some quiet time with him.
As we sit at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to help us realign our priorities, he whispers the things he wants us to focus on that day. Maybe it’s sending an encouraging card to someone, visiting the elderly in the nursing home, investing into your marriage, having some fun with our kids, taking care of yourself by getting some exercise. Whatever it is, He will help us. When our priorities are where they need to be and we are accomplishing the task God gives us, we will have full access to the abundant life that He intended us to have. Our lives will be a sweet aroma to others.
Blessings to you today, as we sit at the feet of Jesus.
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1 Corinthians 2
1-2 You'll remember, friends, that when I first came to you to let you in on God's master stroke, I didn't try to impress you with polished speeches and the latest philosophy. I deliberately kept it plain and simple: first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did—Jesus crucified.
What Paul preaches to the Corinthian Church is exactly what God wants each and every one of us to understand. As Christians we can many times get caught up in fear on how exactly to live and then lead others to the Lord. Over the last year, God has began to show me the simplicity of His love and putting it into action.
The first step I believe is following His lead through obedience. Living in obedience is the first step to becoming a true disciple. Before we can be an effective disciple we have to understand the call of obedience the Lord has on our lives. God does not want us to think of Him as the hard to please judge over our lives. He is our loving Father who wants the best for us. During our journey with the Lord we may think the call of obedience is not always the easiest path, but there will always be blessing attached to our obedience.
As you begin to feel the blessings of walking in obedience for the Lord you will most definitely begin to thirst for more. This is where the study of God’s Word takes you to new levels of intimacy with Our Father. As you begin to search for more of Him through the bible, get ready to be amazed at what clarity He brings to your eyes, heart and mind. We can attend conferences and sermons, and although very good, there is nothing like personal alone time with Jesus.
As God lays insight on your heart through His Word, find a group of believers to listen, support and strengthen you. A support group is so important and effective in the lives of His children. Again, the Lord wants us to gather together to listen, support, guide, hold accountable, lift up, strengthen and grow in His love. Pray over this group and allow God to lead you to where He desires you to be.
As God begins to stuff your mind, mouth and heart full of wisdom the change in you and your life will undoubtedly be recognized by all. So I ask you not to worry about how and when to share the gospel. Just allow God to simply pour out of you at all times.
Whether by words or by actions His love is undeniable. Have you ever felt the power of the Holy Spirit living in someone? If you are like me it almost feels like a magnetic force. I love them instantly as if they were my very own biological family member. Ministering and being a light to the world does not have to be hard work. God living in you, is natural! He created us this way! Let’s choose to make a daily commitment to follow, search, listen and glow in His love!
Dear Heavenly Father,
We accept the challenge to step to the plate today with a new found confidence. We choose to be confident in You Lord, knowing You accept simplicity. We thank you for taking us by the hand and teaching us how to be obedient. Thank you for showing us a life of true obedience, that breaks the doubts, excuses and chains of bondage on our hearts. Whether tough times or easy Lord, we will stand together and seek Your ways. Surround us with strong Christians as we continue to build our lives upon The Rock. We pray our light shines, blinds and reaches out to any and all in need. We pray all of these things in your Precious Name. Amen!
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True Identity Ministries
It's time for our second online bible study! It will be our last one for the year. Beginning Tuesday October 12th - November 2nd - Join True Identity Ministries every week via TIM blog for an online bible study. We will be studying together Nancy Leigh Demoss' book Lies Women Believe. You will have 4 weeks worth of bible study homework and Videos will upload each week every Tuesday brought to you by our own Stephanie Lammers. Although video lessons will post every tuesday, you can view and post at anytime throughout the week. You can view videos at: or click links below.
You can also view videos and post on our True Identity Ministries Facebook page (link below). We want you to gather a group of girls and meet together each week to discuss your study. We also have resources below to help you start a group. Of course you can do it alone too! Lies Women Believe will challenge each of us to expose the lies that we as women most commonly believe and help us replace them with the truth of God's word!
The What’s and How’s of TIM Online bible study.
You and a group of friends. (Yes, you can do it on your own, but we hope you'll bring some friends along for the ride!)
An informal, web-based video blog bible study. The study is free! If you or your group feels led donations are accepted and appreciated. Donate below under resources or on the home page.
Wherever you like, but preferably somewhere with Internet access (and a good cup of coffee…and maybe a comfy chair….hmmm maybe an ocean view…well just anywhere will do).
Starting Tuesday October 12th and running through November 2nd. Again, you can meet with your group, view, and post comments anytime day or night. New videos will post each Tuesday.
To learn more about God’s sweet Word alongside others around the country and world. You'll be challenged to take a look at life through God’s word with application questions that will change how you think and act. What we can promise you is that no matter what season of life you are in, what your age is, or your background (bible study experience or none at all) or what circumstances you may be facing…God will speak to you through this study!
Here is how it will (hopefully will) work below. Let’s be honest here, there's always chance of technical difficulties. We’re relying on God to show us the way and praying you’ll join us in making this a new and exciting way to study scripture together even from miles apart.
Before We Begin
1. Purchase your copy of Lies Women Believe from any online bookstore or local bookstore (find helpful links below).
2. Form a study group with friends or neighbors. You can join on your own as we’ll have online community, but nothing replaces face-to-face time with people for relationship and accountability, we highly encourage you starting a group. In fact download the flyers below as a resource to help you!
3. Pick a time and location to meet—your house, the local coffee shop, whatever works for your group.
4. Sign ups are now open! Register in just a few steps below so that we can send you updates and reminders, there also may be free gifts given away throughout our study together, but you have to be registered to win! (You’ll be asked for your first name, where you’re from, and your email. If you’re studying with a group, we’d like to know how many of you there are!)
5. Spread the word. We’re going to need your help in getting the word out!
6. Finally be sure to complete reading of the first two chapters of your book before October 12th when the first video lesson will be released by Stephanie.
After We Start
1. Get together if you are in a group once a week to discuss your lesson.
2. Watch the video. Every Tuesday from October 12th through November 2nd, The TIM team will facilitate the summer study via short videos of about 10 to 20-minutes each. They will share from their heart, give you discussion questions or activities that will enrich your group time together, and wrap up the week’s lesson. If possible, watch these videos at the beginning of your group time, if not catch them during the week before you meet. Remember, you can meet, watch the videos, and post anytime day or night. It doesn't have to be Tuesdays! see blog at for videos.
3. Post your progress! Finally, and most importantly, TIM will need to hear from YOU and you’ll need to hear from each other! Your way of checking in with Justeina and the team is after your group time. Every week leave a comment to tell them how God is working in your group though the study of His Word! We love it if you’d post your comments as a group before you wrap up your time together. You can post on the blog or on facebook page! It keeps us encouraged as well if we know you are out there and that God is ministering to your heart!
Links You Will Need
(just to let us know you are joining us and to receive update emails throughout study!)
Order Book Lies Women Believe
More Information
You can also view videos and post on our True Identity Ministries Facebook page (link below). We want you to gather a group of girls and meet together each week to discuss your study. We also have resources below to help you start a group. Of course you can do it alone too! Lies Women Believe will challenge each of us to expose the lies that we as women most commonly believe and help us replace them with the truth of God's word!
The What’s and How’s of TIM Online bible study.
You and a group of friends. (Yes, you can do it on your own, but we hope you'll bring some friends along for the ride!)
An informal, web-based video blog bible study. The study is free! If you or your group feels led donations are accepted and appreciated. Donate below under resources or on the home page.
Wherever you like, but preferably somewhere with Internet access (and a good cup of coffee…and maybe a comfy chair….hmmm maybe an ocean view…well just anywhere will do).
Starting Tuesday October 12th and running through November 2nd. Again, you can meet with your group, view, and post comments anytime day or night. New videos will post each Tuesday.
To learn more about God’s sweet Word alongside others around the country and world. You'll be challenged to take a look at life through God’s word with application questions that will change how you think and act. What we can promise you is that no matter what season of life you are in, what your age is, or your background (bible study experience or none at all) or what circumstances you may be facing…God will speak to you through this study!
Here is how it will (hopefully will) work below. Let’s be honest here, there's always chance of technical difficulties. We’re relying on God to show us the way and praying you’ll join us in making this a new and exciting way to study scripture together even from miles apart.
Before We Begin
1. Purchase your copy of Lies Women Believe from any online bookstore or local bookstore (find helpful links below).
2. Form a study group with friends or neighbors. You can join on your own as we’ll have online community, but nothing replaces face-to-face time with people for relationship and accountability, we highly encourage you starting a group. In fact download the flyers below as a resource to help you!
3. Pick a time and location to meet—your house, the local coffee shop, whatever works for your group.
4. Sign ups are now open! Register in just a few steps below so that we can send you updates and reminders, there also may be free gifts given away throughout our study together, but you have to be registered to win! (You’ll be asked for your first name, where you’re from, and your email. If you’re studying with a group, we’d like to know how many of you there are!)
5. Spread the word. We’re going to need your help in getting the word out!
6. Finally be sure to complete reading of the first two chapters of your book before October 12th when the first video lesson will be released by Stephanie.
After We Start
1. Get together if you are in a group once a week to discuss your lesson.
2. Watch the video. Every Tuesday from October 12th through November 2nd, The TIM team will facilitate the summer study via short videos of about 10 to 20-minutes each. They will share from their heart, give you discussion questions or activities that will enrich your group time together, and wrap up the week’s lesson. If possible, watch these videos at the beginning of your group time, if not catch them during the week before you meet. Remember, you can meet, watch the videos, and post anytime day or night. It doesn't have to be Tuesdays! see blog at for videos.
3. Post your progress! Finally, and most importantly, TIM will need to hear from YOU and you’ll need to hear from each other! Your way of checking in with Justeina and the team is after your group time. Every week leave a comment to tell them how God is working in your group though the study of His Word! We love it if you’d post your comments as a group before you wrap up your time together. You can post on the blog or on facebook page! It keeps us encouraged as well if we know you are out there and that God is ministering to your heart!
Links You Will Need
Order Book Lies Women Believe
More Information
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“But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.
My foot has held fast to his steps;
I have kept his way and have not turned aside.
I have not departed from the commandment of his lips;
I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food.
But he is unchangeable, and who can turn him back?
What he desires, that he does.
For he will complete what he appoints for me,
and many such things are in his mind.”
Job 23.10-14 (ESV)
Using a fire to refine gold is the oldest and most reliable way to purify this very valuable element. Within the furnace, the radiating fire burns away anything not of pure gold. Using the analogy of being refined in the fire is also one of the oldest analogies we can find of God testing the believer.
“When he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.” God has this incredible heart for and vision of His sons and daughters that we cannot fully see. But we know that we are His treasure. You are His treasure; something of much worth to Him. God wants the very best for us, and for us to represent pure gold.
Right now I am going through a very difficult season, and when I read these verses the other day, I was so encouraged. I know that through this fire God has me in, I want to be refined and purified, as much as possible. Don't you want the same for every fire and storm you go through? If we do not allow God to fully refine us, than the trial was worth what? Just a hard time? Or is it worth something far more!
When gold is refined in the fire, it loses nothing of it’s worth, nor is it affected by outside elements. The only thing that is taken out from the gold is that which is impure.
As Job was going through this truly difficult time in his life, his character lost nothing of value, or it’s lustre. The same should be for our own life. When we go through the fire, nothing of our value or lustre will be lost in the fire. If it be genuine, it will lose nothing of it’s quality, only that which is impure.
Although in this chapter Job is wondering where the Lord is in his situation, one thing Job was sure of was his obedience to God. He knew that he had walked faithfully with the Lord, and that ultimately, the Lord would honor him.
Right now I want to be assured of one thing, and indeed I am: that the Lord God Almighty will be faithful to those who serve Him faithfully. In fact, I’m depending on that.
Ultimately, God will do whatever He pleases. Verse 13 says, “But he is unchangeable, and who can turn him back? What he desires, that he does.” But we can know that as His daughters, He has our best interests at heart.
What I find so incredible is that at the end of this book, Job is blessed with double portions. In chapter 1, verse 3, the account is given of Job: “He possessed 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, and 500 female donkeys, and very many servants, so that this man was the greatest of all the people of the east.” In Job 42.12 it says of Job, “And he had 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 yoke of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys.”
God didn’t leave Job an outcast, but through the fire refined Job, and rewarded his character through the fire by doubling what he had before! What an incredible testimony we can look forward to in our own life!
God really cares for us, and if anything, a fire should prove that to be true. A fire is God’s way of buckling down in us character and purity. Why? Because He has so much planned for us! Verse 14 says, “For he will complete what he appoints for me, and many such things are in his mind.”
That verse is so exciting to me! Why? Because God has so much planned! God is looking for strong, pure, honorable women in His Kingdom. Those daughters who will rise up for the many plans that He has. Lets not shy away or sit in pity during our fires. But rather lets feel the burn and allow God to purify us the the fullest extent!
when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.
My foot has held fast to his steps;
I have kept his way and have not turned aside.
I have not departed from the commandment of his lips;
I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food.
But he is unchangeable, and who can turn him back?
What he desires, that he does.
For he will complete what he appoints for me,
and many such things are in his mind.”
Job 23.10-14 (ESV)
Using a fire to refine gold is the oldest and most reliable way to purify this very valuable element. Within the furnace, the radiating fire burns away anything not of pure gold. Using the analogy of being refined in the fire is also one of the oldest analogies we can find of God testing the believer.
“When he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.” God has this incredible heart for and vision of His sons and daughters that we cannot fully see. But we know that we are His treasure. You are His treasure; something of much worth to Him. God wants the very best for us, and for us to represent pure gold.
Right now I am going through a very difficult season, and when I read these verses the other day, I was so encouraged. I know that through this fire God has me in, I want to be refined and purified, as much as possible. Don't you want the same for every fire and storm you go through? If we do not allow God to fully refine us, than the trial was worth what? Just a hard time? Or is it worth something far more!
When gold is refined in the fire, it loses nothing of it’s worth, nor is it affected by outside elements. The only thing that is taken out from the gold is that which is impure.
As Job was going through this truly difficult time in his life, his character lost nothing of value, or it’s lustre. The same should be for our own life. When we go through the fire, nothing of our value or lustre will be lost in the fire. If it be genuine, it will lose nothing of it’s quality, only that which is impure.
Although in this chapter Job is wondering where the Lord is in his situation, one thing Job was sure of was his obedience to God. He knew that he had walked faithfully with the Lord, and that ultimately, the Lord would honor him.
Right now I want to be assured of one thing, and indeed I am: that the Lord God Almighty will be faithful to those who serve Him faithfully. In fact, I’m depending on that.
Ultimately, God will do whatever He pleases. Verse 13 says, “But he is unchangeable, and who can turn him back? What he desires, that he does.” But we can know that as His daughters, He has our best interests at heart.
What I find so incredible is that at the end of this book, Job is blessed with double portions. In chapter 1, verse 3, the account is given of Job: “He possessed 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, and 500 female donkeys, and very many servants, so that this man was the greatest of all the people of the east.” In Job 42.12 it says of Job, “And he had 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 yoke of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys.”
God didn’t leave Job an outcast, but through the fire refined Job, and rewarded his character through the fire by doubling what he had before! What an incredible testimony we can look forward to in our own life!
God really cares for us, and if anything, a fire should prove that to be true. A fire is God’s way of buckling down in us character and purity. Why? Because He has so much planned for us! Verse 14 says, “For he will complete what he appoints for me, and many such things are in his mind.”
That verse is so exciting to me! Why? Because God has so much planned! God is looking for strong, pure, honorable women in His Kingdom. Those daughters who will rise up for the many plans that He has. Lets not shy away or sit in pity during our fires. But rather lets feel the burn and allow God to purify us the the fullest extent!
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Stephanie Lammers
(This is an excert from the book, What Happens When women say Yes to God, by Lysa TerKeurst) I wanted to share the following few pages from this book that challenged and encouraged me in the area of radical obedience. I know you will be blessed!
He (Jesus) saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” (Luke 5:2-4)
Did you notice that there were two boats on the shore that day, and Jesus specifically chose Simon Peter’s boat? Why? Because Jesus knew that Simon Peter had a radically obedient heart and would be willing to do what He asked him-even when it made no sense. I like Peter’s response to Jesus request: “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets”(vs. 5) Do you hear what Peter is saying? “Though I ‘m tired from working all night, though I don’t think You know much about fishing, Jesus, though it makes no sense at all in human terms…because you say so, I will do it.”
How many times have I found myself in Peter’s position and not responded in obedience the way he did? It saddens my heart to remember the occasions I’ve ignored Jesus’ call for radical obedience because I was tired, or because I didn’t really believe Jesus would work miraculously in a particular situation, or mostly because the Lord’s request made no sense in human terms.
I often wonder now at the blessings I’ve missed because of my lack of obedience. Look at what happened to Peter because of his obedience:
When they had (let the nets down), they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. (Luke 5:6-10)
But Simon Peter’s blessing that day didn’t end with a huge catch of fish. His radical obedience to Jesus’ simple request ultimately resulted in him discovering the calling on his life.
Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. (Luke 5:10-11)
We have to remember that Simon Peter didn’t know that something as mundane as lowering his net into the water would change his life-but it did! And that’s how it can be for us. Our calling is revealed as we walk in daily obedience to Christ in the little things.
That’s what’s remarkable about radical obedience. You don’t know where it will lead. You don’t know how God will use it. That’s what I love about Peter’s story. It shows us so much about the radically obedient life.
First, as Peter discovered, our call to obedience may challenge our pride. God hates a prideful attitude (James 4:6). Many times the little steps leading to the bigger steps in our calling will be tests that help whittle the pride out of our heart. Peter, for instance, could have easily questioned Jesus’ fishing knowledge…after all, Peter was a professional fisherman and Jesus was a carpenter. But Peter chose to swallow his pride and take the small step of obedience.
Second, God uses our experiences to equip us for our calling. God doesn’t waste our experiences in life. I know in my own life God has been able to weave everything together to form a tapestry of good experiences, bad experiences, hurtful things, joyous things, professional jobs, ministry jobs, and everything else to prepare me for the work He is in the process of revealing to me. The same was true for Simon Peter. Yesterday he was fishing for fish; today he would be fishing for men.
Third, our obedience may inspire others to respond. What a radical blessing! As we respond in obedience, others will catch the vision and respond to God’s calling on their own loves. Think of it. It wasn’t just Peter’s life that changed that day. The lives of his fishing partners, James and John, were never the same either. And it started with Peter saying yes to Jesus.
One caution at this point. We need to be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking that our blessings for radical obediences will profit our accounts and fill our pockets. Yes, Peter got a boatload of fish as a result of his obedience, but notice what he did: “So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him” (Luke 5:11). They didn’t celebrate their banner fishing day. They didn’t consider the fish a just reward for all their hard work. They didn’t sell the fish and use the money to buy more boats and hang out a new shingle announcing their expanded fishing fleet. No, they were only thinking of the person who allowed it to happen-and they left it all behind and followed Him.
Where We Focus Our Vision
Now contrast Peter’s story with another incident we find recorded in Luke:
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots (Luke 23:34).
It’s hard to imagine anyone playing games in the shadow of the cross while the savior of the world looked on in excruciating pain. He was dying for their sins, and they were dying fro one good roll of the dice. They didn’t even hear His cry for God to forgive them. They missed His offer of eternal significance because they were too distracted by earthly rags. They had no vision beyond the moment. Max Lucado writes of this scene:
“It makes me think of us…I’m thinking that we are not so unlike those soldiers. We, too, play games at the foot of the cross. We compete for members. We scramble for members. We scramble for status. We deal out judgements and condemnations. Competition. Selfishness. Personal gain. It’s all there…so close to the timber yet so far from the blood.”
Are we like Peter? Or are we like these soldiers at the foot of the cross? Our life will follow where we choose to focus our vision. If we are serious about radical obedience, about having a vision that’s God inspired, then we mush keep our focus on Christ. When Christ speaks, we must listen. When He directs us to act, we must act. When He compels us to give, we must do so freely. When He reminds us to get past trivial matters, we must let our pride fall away. When He invites us to leave the world behind, we must follow Him.
He (Jesus) saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” (Luke 5:2-4)
Did you notice that there were two boats on the shore that day, and Jesus specifically chose Simon Peter’s boat? Why? Because Jesus knew that Simon Peter had a radically obedient heart and would be willing to do what He asked him-even when it made no sense. I like Peter’s response to Jesus request: “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets”(vs. 5) Do you hear what Peter is saying? “Though I ‘m tired from working all night, though I don’t think You know much about fishing, Jesus, though it makes no sense at all in human terms…because you say so, I will do it.”
How many times have I found myself in Peter’s position and not responded in obedience the way he did? It saddens my heart to remember the occasions I’ve ignored Jesus’ call for radical obedience because I was tired, or because I didn’t really believe Jesus would work miraculously in a particular situation, or mostly because the Lord’s request made no sense in human terms.
I often wonder now at the blessings I’ve missed because of my lack of obedience. Look at what happened to Peter because of his obedience:
When they had (let the nets down), they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. (Luke 5:6-10)
But Simon Peter’s blessing that day didn’t end with a huge catch of fish. His radical obedience to Jesus’ simple request ultimately resulted in him discovering the calling on his life.
Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. (Luke 5:10-11)
We have to remember that Simon Peter didn’t know that something as mundane as lowering his net into the water would change his life-but it did! And that’s how it can be for us. Our calling is revealed as we walk in daily obedience to Christ in the little things.
That’s what’s remarkable about radical obedience. You don’t know where it will lead. You don’t know how God will use it. That’s what I love about Peter’s story. It shows us so much about the radically obedient life.
First, as Peter discovered, our call to obedience may challenge our pride. God hates a prideful attitude (James 4:6). Many times the little steps leading to the bigger steps in our calling will be tests that help whittle the pride out of our heart. Peter, for instance, could have easily questioned Jesus’ fishing knowledge…after all, Peter was a professional fisherman and Jesus was a carpenter. But Peter chose to swallow his pride and take the small step of obedience.
Second, God uses our experiences to equip us for our calling. God doesn’t waste our experiences in life. I know in my own life God has been able to weave everything together to form a tapestry of good experiences, bad experiences, hurtful things, joyous things, professional jobs, ministry jobs, and everything else to prepare me for the work He is in the process of revealing to me. The same was true for Simon Peter. Yesterday he was fishing for fish; today he would be fishing for men.
Third, our obedience may inspire others to respond. What a radical blessing! As we respond in obedience, others will catch the vision and respond to God’s calling on their own loves. Think of it. It wasn’t just Peter’s life that changed that day. The lives of his fishing partners, James and John, were never the same either. And it started with Peter saying yes to Jesus.
One caution at this point. We need to be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking that our blessings for radical obediences will profit our accounts and fill our pockets. Yes, Peter got a boatload of fish as a result of his obedience, but notice what he did: “So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him” (Luke 5:11). They didn’t celebrate their banner fishing day. They didn’t consider the fish a just reward for all their hard work. They didn’t sell the fish and use the money to buy more boats and hang out a new shingle announcing their expanded fishing fleet. No, they were only thinking of the person who allowed it to happen-and they left it all behind and followed Him.
Where We Focus Our Vision
Now contrast Peter’s story with another incident we find recorded in Luke:
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots (Luke 23:34).
It’s hard to imagine anyone playing games in the shadow of the cross while the savior of the world looked on in excruciating pain. He was dying for their sins, and they were dying fro one good roll of the dice. They didn’t even hear His cry for God to forgive them. They missed His offer of eternal significance because they were too distracted by earthly rags. They had no vision beyond the moment. Max Lucado writes of this scene:
“It makes me think of us…I’m thinking that we are not so unlike those soldiers. We, too, play games at the foot of the cross. We compete for members. We scramble for members. We scramble for status. We deal out judgements and condemnations. Competition. Selfishness. Personal gain. It’s all there…so close to the timber yet so far from the blood.”
Are we like Peter? Or are we like these soldiers at the foot of the cross? Our life will follow where we choose to focus our vision. If we are serious about radical obedience, about having a vision that’s God inspired, then we mush keep our focus on Christ. When Christ speaks, we must listen. When He directs us to act, we must act. When He compels us to give, we must do so freely. When He reminds us to get past trivial matters, we must let our pride fall away. When He invites us to leave the world behind, we must follow Him.
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“How do you picture me right now?” “What do you think I’m doing as you sing your heart out to me?” This is what I heard Sunday morning as I sang praise and worship songs at the top of my lungs. I knew exactly what I pictured. I told the Lord that I pictured Him looking over us very peacefully and very quite. I have always pictured Him observing us while we praise and worship Him with a very pleasing but serious demeanor.
Before now, It’s not something I’ve ever put a lot of thought into. I love it when God provokes me to step out of this box I create and think a little deeper. I have just always closed my eyes to shut the world out and sang directly to Him. As I close my eyes I feel the connection directly to the Lords heart. Now every other time I have raised my voice to the Lord He has just sat back and soaked it up. But this Sunday was quite an exception!
On this day, He spoke so passionately to my heart that I wish I could speak directly to you! J He said “I am not an idle God. I want you to understand and visualize the truth. The truth is that I am dancing wildly as you pour your heart out. I am not only dancing but I am pouring my blessing out upon you. Will you receive it? Will you take my call in your life seriously? I am not still. I am on my toes and ready to take off in your life.”
I literally saw Him running in place like something was holding Him back. I didn’t quite understand. Then God spoke all through the message for the day. He told us how He had given each of us a gift. A very special gift designed only for you, from Him. His question was, “What will we do with it?” Will we be selfish and keep it all to ourselves? Will we pursue it and ask God directly what He wants yus to do with it and how? Will we try and ask someone else to open it and hope they will take it off of our hands? Will we damage it? Will we ignore it? Is it possible that we could even lose our gift?
Or will you walk with me today and start to unravel the precious gift He has given you? Will you put all distractions, questions, and timidity behind you and allow God to lead you to the gift, that He has kept safe for you all of these years? If we could only grasp more of His perspective in our daily lives, imagine what freedom we would have. I am in awe of His love. I don’t think it is possible to grasp the measure of His heart. Not only did He die on the cross to save us, He is still looking for us with an unopened gift, that has your name on it.
At the end of the message, I realized what was holding Him back. We are. He is running in place because we are too scared to truly live the meaning He has for our lives. He is just waiting to see an honest heart that is truly ready for Him to jump in and fill with direction. Believe me, there is so much more freedom than could ever be expressed through surrender. We cant afford to be timid and reserved when truly living for God.
In the 1 Corinithians 12:31 it says, “But eagerly desire the greater gifts.
And now I will show you the most excellent way.” The most excellent way! Wow, I can’t imagine all He has planned for us! The more we eagerly desire of Him, the more we seek His direction and wisdom in our lives, the more you fall in love and thirst for more.
Can you join me in a daily prayer, seeking His direction and guidance to take full advantage of every piece of the gift?
“Father, I pray we come together with arms wide open as you embrace us and allow us to take our gift. Thank you for your unbelievable love and patience with us. I pray as we begin to eagerly desire and seek your advice in everything we do, that you would answer our prayers boldly. I pray we begin to build our faith like the centurion and believe what we sing and speak. Break the chains we have on our hearts that cause us to be weak. I thank you for welcoming us in this lifelong adventure. I pray we will never cause you to stop dancing and that you may begin the lifelong sprint in our lives. In your amazing Name we pray, Amen!
I am thinking and praying for you and your special gift, Love Maranda Huntley
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True Identity Ministries
Listen in to this radio interview Justeina did with Live Powerfully Now Ministries today! Topic is weight loss, fitness, and healthy living! You won't want to miss it!
Visit this link: LPN Radio
Visit this link: LPN Radio
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True Identity Ministries
One of the most important ways that you and I will find ourselves being able to operate our lives full of balance, moderation, discipline, and self-control is by adopting a very simple principal and that is “putting first things first”. Proverbs 24:27 in the Amplified Bible tells us, “[Put first things first.] Prepare your work outside and get it ready for yourself in the field; and afterward build your house and establish a home.” What’s it talking about? Priorities. It is teaching us the principal of prioritizing our lives. What we have to understand, especially as women, is that we cannot have one thousand different priorities each day and expect to do them all and do them all well.
One of the greatest obstacles for those who want to live a healthier lifestyle will always be having enough time. Most people just don’t feel like they have enough time to do what it takes to be healthy. They don’t have the time to plan meals and shop for healthy foods. They don’t have the time to cook and prepare healthy meals at home. They don’t have the time to go to the gym and exercise. The can’t seem to get to bed at a decent hour. They simply don’t feel like they have the time. The problem with that is that each one of us has exactly the same number of hours, minutes, and seconds in each day. So how is it that others find time to live healthy and you can’t?
Please understand that I am very sensitive and aware to the fact that some of us have more challenges than others. You may be a single parent or have a special need in the family. There are exceptions that can cause finding the time to be a real challenge. But it doesn’t change the principal that applies to each of us and that is that we need to take a good hard look at our priorities. What are your priorities? Is living a healthy lifestyle a priority to you? Is honoring God with your body a priority to you? What about losing weight, is that a priority to you?
I am not at all suggesting that eating healthy and exercising should be your number one priority in life. That wouldn’t be what scripture suggests either. But it more than likely should fall higher on your priority list than it currently may. It is so easy for us to put the needs of our spouse, children, career, and community before our own. And we do have responsibility in these areas. But you have to remember that if you aren’t making your own health and rest a priority, you won’t be in any shape physically to be there for your other responsibilities and it will make them that much more demanding on you.
I often think about the moms I know. They are in a constant struggle with feeling exhausted, stressed out, overwhelmed and frankly burned out with the demands of their children, home, and job. A large part of that is due to the fact that they are eating poorly, not getting any exercise, not sleeping enough, not spending time alone with God and his word, and not prioritizing their day’s activities. Of course they are going to feel physically exhausted and worn out….who wouldn’t?
God has given each of us 24 hours every single day. He expects us to approach those hours with mindfulness, eagerness, and diligence to use every one of them for his glory. If you aren’t sure what God would have you prioritize in your day, Proverbs 16:3 (AMP) tells you that you should “roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed“. What’s it saying? It is saying you should ask God! Roll your day on him and ask him for wisdom. The proverb says that as you do that, God will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will and your plans shall not just be established, but they shall SUCCEED! Make living a healthier lifestyle a are so worth it!
Taken From Justeina's book Fitness By Faith More Info Here
One of the greatest obstacles for those who want to live a healthier lifestyle will always be having enough time. Most people just don’t feel like they have enough time to do what it takes to be healthy. They don’t have the time to plan meals and shop for healthy foods. They don’t have the time to cook and prepare healthy meals at home. They don’t have the time to go to the gym and exercise. The can’t seem to get to bed at a decent hour. They simply don’t feel like they have the time. The problem with that is that each one of us has exactly the same number of hours, minutes, and seconds in each day. So how is it that others find time to live healthy and you can’t?
Please understand that I am very sensitive and aware to the fact that some of us have more challenges than others. You may be a single parent or have a special need in the family. There are exceptions that can cause finding the time to be a real challenge. But it doesn’t change the principal that applies to each of us and that is that we need to take a good hard look at our priorities. What are your priorities? Is living a healthy lifestyle a priority to you? Is honoring God with your body a priority to you? What about losing weight, is that a priority to you?
I am not at all suggesting that eating healthy and exercising should be your number one priority in life. That wouldn’t be what scripture suggests either. But it more than likely should fall higher on your priority list than it currently may. It is so easy for us to put the needs of our spouse, children, career, and community before our own. And we do have responsibility in these areas. But you have to remember that if you aren’t making your own health and rest a priority, you won’t be in any shape physically to be there for your other responsibilities and it will make them that much more demanding on you.
I often think about the moms I know. They are in a constant struggle with feeling exhausted, stressed out, overwhelmed and frankly burned out with the demands of their children, home, and job. A large part of that is due to the fact that they are eating poorly, not getting any exercise, not sleeping enough, not spending time alone with God and his word, and not prioritizing their day’s activities. Of course they are going to feel physically exhausted and worn out….who wouldn’t?
God has given each of us 24 hours every single day. He expects us to approach those hours with mindfulness, eagerness, and diligence to use every one of them for his glory. If you aren’t sure what God would have you prioritize in your day, Proverbs 16:3 (AMP) tells you that you should “roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed“. What’s it saying? It is saying you should ask God! Roll your day on him and ask him for wisdom. The proverb says that as you do that, God will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will and your plans shall not just be established, but they shall SUCCEED! Make living a healthier lifestyle a are so worth it!
Taken From Justeina's book Fitness By Faith More Info Here
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Psalm 62.5-12 (Message)
What an awe-inspiring and humbling psalm this is from David. As soon as my eyes locked on the words in verse 1, my mind immediately began to dissect what David is saying. I wanted to understand the psalm because it was so powerful and indeed one giving great glory to God.
"God, the one and only..." You will not find one person on this earth, now or ever, who even comes close to comparing with Him. So why do we put people on pedestals or rely so much on others? When really think about it, we do so often fall into this trap. I find it interesting that David, having a great mentor in Samuel, a close friend in Jonathan, and many other wonderful people in his life I'm sure, highlights to the reader that God is the one and only. With people like that in your life, it could be easy to form an attachment to the relationship; but not David. We know these words were very important to him because he inserted them into the psalm twice!
"I'll wait as long as he says. Everything I hope for comes from him, so why not?" These words were huge for me. I would say in the last year the two big lessons for me have been trust and timing. What is so vital for us to get a hold of is God's perfect timing...for everything. And I do mean everything. When we do, we wont be disappointed or discouraged when that opportunity doesn't open up, or the money doesn't come in on time, or so may other scenarios that will pop up in life. We wont be dismayed because we know that at the perfect time, it will happen. Besides, I would rather wait for His time than botch up an opportunity on my time. Waiting on God means that we have constant dependence on Him.
"He's solid rock under my feet [salvation], breathing room for my soul [freedom], an impregnable castle [security]: I'm set for life." [denotes my thoughts]. When we serve God, everything we could hope for or need is ours. Hope (verse 6) and need (salvation, freedom, security) covers everything. You will lack nothing!
"So trust him completely, people; lay your lives on the line for him." Trust. I think that David is trying to warn us in this verse and the next few that we must be careful to trust men. Yes, trust God completely. In fact, lay your life on the line for Him. But be careful not to put your hope and trust in men. They will fail you. With or without intention, people will always fail you because they are human. This doesn't mean not hoping for the best in people, but rather not looking to them for what you need. Only God will always come through. "God is a safe place."
You want to give your life to something, give it to God. You want to bet your life on another, bet it on God. You want freedom and security, trust in God. Only in Him will you find the life worth living and the wholeness you desire.
"Strength comes straight from God. Love to you, Lord God."
What an awe-inspiring and humbling psalm this is from David. As soon as my eyes locked on the words in verse 1, my mind immediately began to dissect what David is saying. I wanted to understand the psalm because it was so powerful and indeed one giving great glory to God.
"God, the one and only..." You will not find one person on this earth, now or ever, who even comes close to comparing with Him. So why do we put people on pedestals or rely so much on others? When really think about it, we do so often fall into this trap. I find it interesting that David, having a great mentor in Samuel, a close friend in Jonathan, and many other wonderful people in his life I'm sure, highlights to the reader that God is the one and only. With people like that in your life, it could be easy to form an attachment to the relationship; but not David. We know these words were very important to him because he inserted them into the psalm twice!
"I'll wait as long as he says. Everything I hope for comes from him, so why not?" These words were huge for me. I would say in the last year the two big lessons for me have been trust and timing. What is so vital for us to get a hold of is God's perfect timing...for everything. And I do mean everything. When we do, we wont be disappointed or discouraged when that opportunity doesn't open up, or the money doesn't come in on time, or so may other scenarios that will pop up in life. We wont be dismayed because we know that at the perfect time, it will happen. Besides, I would rather wait for His time than botch up an opportunity on my time. Waiting on God means that we have constant dependence on Him.
"He's solid rock under my feet [salvation], breathing room for my soul [freedom], an impregnable castle [security]: I'm set for life." [denotes my thoughts]. When we serve God, everything we could hope for or need is ours. Hope (verse 6) and need (salvation, freedom, security) covers everything. You will lack nothing!
"So trust him completely, people; lay your lives on the line for him." Trust. I think that David is trying to warn us in this verse and the next few that we must be careful to trust men. Yes, trust God completely. In fact, lay your life on the line for Him. But be careful not to put your hope and trust in men. They will fail you. With or without intention, people will always fail you because they are human. This doesn't mean not hoping for the best in people, but rather not looking to them for what you need. Only God will always come through. "God is a safe place."
You want to give your life to something, give it to God. You want to bet your life on another, bet it on God. You want freedom and security, trust in God. Only in Him will you find the life worth living and the wholeness you desire.
"Strength comes straight from God. Love to you, Lord God."
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Stephanie Lammers
One early morning, I was having my quiet time with the Lord, and was singing a worship song when my two youngest children woke up and came to the family room to join me. They wanted to be part of the worship time, so they asked me to hold and twirl them around as we sang out to God. As I was holding them, twirling slowly and ‘dancing’ before the Lord, I watched their eyes fill with joy, comfort, and security as they felt so safe being held in my arms.
I envisioned the Lord holding me the same way and I was smiling, singing and being comforted in His loving, safe arms. My arms tired after some time of holding the kids and I put them down. They both reached their arms up and wanted to be held again, but my arms were so tired. The Lord whispered to me in that soft, gentle voice, “My arms never get tired.”
No matter what you and I are going through today, He can handle the load. We may be carrying the load of past sin, stress with our jobs, the difficulties of raising children, depression, or just the normal day to day life struggles, but we need to know that Jesus promises rest for our souls.
In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
In the application section of my Bible, it says after this verse, “Jesus frees people from burdens. The rest that Jesus promises is love, healing, and peace with God, not the end of all labor. A relationship with God changes meaningless, wearisome toil into spiritual productivity and purpose.”
As we come to the Lord, let’s allow Him to hold us and our heaviness in His strong and loving arms, as we will find rest for our souls.
Several months after this time with my kids, we were driving in the van and the song below came on the radio. I literally almost jumped with joy, as I listened to the words and let them soak into my soul. Be blessed as you listen!
Enjoy being Held by your Father!
John 10:28-29, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”
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True Identity Ministries
Live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as
brothers, be compassionate and humble.
-- 1 Peter 3:8
No matter where we live, work or play, we are to live in harmony. No matter our upbringing, ex family, current family, childhood friends and current friends, we are to be sympathetic. No matter what denomination or religious belief we have or do not have, we are to love as brothers and sisters. This takes compassion and what I’ve been taught the most -humility!
In the ESV in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 it says:
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.
For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.
The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”
I know God is wholeheartedly trying to get His “body” to understand the importance of their role on earth. We are not here to be judgmental. We are not here to place blame. We are all chosen and placed here on earth to serve one purpose, Him! We are to serve our Heavenly Father with the talent He has given us. No matter the denomination, no matter the past, no matter the future. We are to support His children at all times. If any person is hurting and in need, we should hurt like He hurts. If one has gone astray, we are to help guide them back to His Kingdom. Let’s make a commitment to serve, as He served.
“Father God, we pray you will feed our hearts, minds and mouths with your compassion. Break our hearts for what breaks yours. Give us direction and a peace of mind as we venture out into your Kingdom each day. Lord, draw us near to those in need. Allow us the privilege to pour your love out to those who are confused, led astray, bewildered and in pain. I pray we will be strong students and learn to be the body of believers that serve the world the way you taught us to do so. Thank you for such an awesome example you gave to us in Jesus Christ! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen!"
Maranda Huntley
brothers, be compassionate and humble.
-- 1 Peter 3:8
No matter where we live, work or play, we are to live in harmony. No matter our upbringing, ex family, current family, childhood friends and current friends, we are to be sympathetic. No matter what denomination or religious belief we have or do not have, we are to love as brothers and sisters. This takes compassion and what I’ve been taught the most -humility!
In the ESV in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 it says:
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.
For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.
The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”
I know God is wholeheartedly trying to get His “body” to understand the importance of their role on earth. We are not here to be judgmental. We are not here to place blame. We are all chosen and placed here on earth to serve one purpose, Him! We are to serve our Heavenly Father with the talent He has given us. No matter the denomination, no matter the past, no matter the future. We are to support His children at all times. If any person is hurting and in need, we should hurt like He hurts. If one has gone astray, we are to help guide them back to His Kingdom. Let’s make a commitment to serve, as He served.
“Father God, we pray you will feed our hearts, minds and mouths with your compassion. Break our hearts for what breaks yours. Give us direction and a peace of mind as we venture out into your Kingdom each day. Lord, draw us near to those in need. Allow us the privilege to pour your love out to those who are confused, led astray, bewildered and in pain. I pray we will be strong students and learn to be the body of believers that serve the world the way you taught us to do so. Thank you for such an awesome example you gave to us in Jesus Christ! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen!"
Maranda Huntley
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True Identity Ministries
Part One
Part Two
Discussion Questions
1. What do you find yourself fearing most often?
2. What do people fear most about rejection and embarrassment?
3. What do people fear most about failure?
4. How often do you dread the future? Do you fear loosing control? What fears you most about loosing control?
5. What do you think it means to "fear the Lord"? And how will it help minimize other fears in life?
I really am honored that you joined me for this 4 week study. It blessed my life and I pray it did yours as well. God has challenged many areas of our life in just four short weeks. I want to challenge you to not stop working on those areas, but continue to apply God's word to your life. You really can be an exceptional woman....I believe in you. I love you so! Until we meet again for our next online study, keep pressing on!
Part Two
Discussion Questions
1. What do you find yourself fearing most often?
2. What do people fear most about rejection and embarrassment?
3. What do people fear most about failure?
4. How often do you dread the future? Do you fear loosing control? What fears you most about loosing control?
5. What do you think it means to "fear the Lord"? And how will it help minimize other fears in life?
I really am honored that you joined me for this 4 week study. It blessed my life and I pray it did yours as well. God has challenged many areas of our life in just four short weeks. I want to challenge you to not stop working on those areas, but continue to apply God's word to your life. You really can be an exceptional woman....I believe in you. I love you so! Until we meet again for our next online study, keep pressing on!
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True Identity Ministries
Eat more Carbs? Doesn't that seem to go against any weight loss plan? It's actually a great weight loss tool in the right types and amounts. In contrast to simple carbohydrates, complex Carbohydrates are long chains of sugars that form starches. They yield nutrients that your body can put to good use. They are often high in fiber, vitamins and minerals which make them more filling and more satisfying. You can find complex carbohydrates in whole grain breads and cereals, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, beans, vegetables, and fruits. When fruits and milk are eaten in a natural form they are considered a complex carbohydrate. A piece of fruit eaten in its natural form offers fiber in addition to the fruit sugars and milk in its natural form offers protein in addition to the milk sugars.
When choosing a complex carbohydrate you will want to be sure it is a whole grain. Meaning that what you are getting is the “whole” piece of the grain and it hasn’t been refined. All grains start out as a “whole” grain. If they “refine” it during milling it means they have put the grain through a process that strips all but the endosperm portion of the grain, leaving a white, nutrient-poor, refined flour. You can find this refined flour in white bread, crackers, cookies and many other processed foods. The problem with refining the grain is that you strip it of all the fiber and nutrients contained in the whole grain. Sometimes you will find that they have “enriched” the flour by adding back iron, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and folic acid. There are still many nutrients missing and you don’t get the fiber which is one of the most important parts of eating carbohydrates.
Research shows that when you eat whole grains high in fiber you can reduce risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, prevent or improve diabetes, improve weight control, prevent and fight cancer, and improve digestive health. If I offered all of this to you in just one pill a day, I have a feeling you would take it! I can offer this to you, by you committing to eating the right amounts of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables everyday! Make sure you check the label for 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain. Stay away from labels that read “refined”, “white”, or “enriched”.
Besides not getting the right kind of carbohydrates, getting the right amount has been an issue in our society. Our culture has run into portion distortion. If you compare a portion size today to 20 years ago you would find it has at least doubled or tripled in size. We have made carbohydrates out to be the culprit for all of our weight gain, but in reality we just aren’t eating the right ones in the right amounts. Remember it’s about quantity and quality. Don’t forget that any excess of calories regardless if it’s from carbohydrates, fat, or protein will make you gain weight.
The dietary guidelines describe a serving of carbohydrates as 1 slice of 100% whole wheat bread, 1 cup of 100% whole grain cereal, ½ cup of whole grain hot cereal such as oats, ½ cup of rice, and ½ cup of pasta. Depending on your body’s calorie needs, you should aim for anywhere between 3-6 servings of grains per day. In addition to that you should aim for 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
The thing that makes whole grains a much better choice than white bread, white rice, or white pasta is that they have more fiber. Fiber is a term used to describe the part of a food your body cannot digest. It can be found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. These foods high in fiber are usually low in calories, low in fat, and high in vitamins and minerals. So what’s the big deal about fiber?
• Fiber is thought to reduce the risk of heart disease. Each year 1 in every 3 women will die of heart disease. Research shows that a diet rich in fiber, low in fat and high in physical activity can help reduce the incidence of heart disease.
• Fiber can play a role in lowering blood cholesterol.
• Fiber can play a role in lowering high blood pressure.
• Fiber helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time, and can play a role in weight loss and improving or preventing diabetes.
• Fiber aids in proper digestion by resulting in a softer and larger stool. Because of this fiber can also play a role in improving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and preventing colon cancer.
Women should get 25-30 grams of fiber per day, and men should get 35-40 grams per day. You should increase your fiber intake at a gradual pace until you get to the recommended amount per day. Work first on increasing your fruits and vegetables. Make it your goal to get 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups of vegetables everyday. Be creative in adding fruits and veggies to all your meals and snacks. Make sure to always choose 100% whole wheat or whole grain breads, pastas, cereals and brown rice. Add beans, nuts and seeds to your meals and snacks. Ground flax seed is also another great source of fiber, just sprinkle a tablespoon on your cereal or yogurt. A combination of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables could be just what the doctor ordered to turn your health around and help you loose that weight!
Justeina Brownlee
(Taken from her book Fitness By Faith)
Order her book or check out more about Fitness By Faith
When choosing a complex carbohydrate you will want to be sure it is a whole grain. Meaning that what you are getting is the “whole” piece of the grain and it hasn’t been refined. All grains start out as a “whole” grain. If they “refine” it during milling it means they have put the grain through a process that strips all but the endosperm portion of the grain, leaving a white, nutrient-poor, refined flour. You can find this refined flour in white bread, crackers, cookies and many other processed foods. The problem with refining the grain is that you strip it of all the fiber and nutrients contained in the whole grain. Sometimes you will find that they have “enriched” the flour by adding back iron, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and folic acid. There are still many nutrients missing and you don’t get the fiber which is one of the most important parts of eating carbohydrates.
Research shows that when you eat whole grains high in fiber you can reduce risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, prevent or improve diabetes, improve weight control, prevent and fight cancer, and improve digestive health. If I offered all of this to you in just one pill a day, I have a feeling you would take it! I can offer this to you, by you committing to eating the right amounts of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables everyday! Make sure you check the label for 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain. Stay away from labels that read “refined”, “white”, or “enriched”.
Besides not getting the right kind of carbohydrates, getting the right amount has been an issue in our society. Our culture has run into portion distortion. If you compare a portion size today to 20 years ago you would find it has at least doubled or tripled in size. We have made carbohydrates out to be the culprit for all of our weight gain, but in reality we just aren’t eating the right ones in the right amounts. Remember it’s about quantity and quality. Don’t forget that any excess of calories regardless if it’s from carbohydrates, fat, or protein will make you gain weight.
The dietary guidelines describe a serving of carbohydrates as 1 slice of 100% whole wheat bread, 1 cup of 100% whole grain cereal, ½ cup of whole grain hot cereal such as oats, ½ cup of rice, and ½ cup of pasta. Depending on your body’s calorie needs, you should aim for anywhere between 3-6 servings of grains per day. In addition to that you should aim for 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
The thing that makes whole grains a much better choice than white bread, white rice, or white pasta is that they have more fiber. Fiber is a term used to describe the part of a food your body cannot digest. It can be found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. These foods high in fiber are usually low in calories, low in fat, and high in vitamins and minerals. So what’s the big deal about fiber?
• Fiber is thought to reduce the risk of heart disease. Each year 1 in every 3 women will die of heart disease. Research shows that a diet rich in fiber, low in fat and high in physical activity can help reduce the incidence of heart disease.
• Fiber can play a role in lowering blood cholesterol.
• Fiber can play a role in lowering high blood pressure.
• Fiber helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time, and can play a role in weight loss and improving or preventing diabetes.
• Fiber aids in proper digestion by resulting in a softer and larger stool. Because of this fiber can also play a role in improving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and preventing colon cancer.
Women should get 25-30 grams of fiber per day, and men should get 35-40 grams per day. You should increase your fiber intake at a gradual pace until you get to the recommended amount per day. Work first on increasing your fruits and vegetables. Make it your goal to get 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups of vegetables everyday. Be creative in adding fruits and veggies to all your meals and snacks. Make sure to always choose 100% whole wheat or whole grain breads, pastas, cereals and brown rice. Add beans, nuts and seeds to your meals and snacks. Ground flax seed is also another great source of fiber, just sprinkle a tablespoon on your cereal or yogurt. A combination of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables could be just what the doctor ordered to turn your health around and help you loose that weight!
Justeina Brownlee
(Taken from her book Fitness By Faith)
Order her book or check out more about Fitness By Faith
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Ephesians 5.1-2,
"Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that."
I started bolding parts of these two verses that I particularly liked, but then I realized I had most of it bolded. Sort of takes away from the emphasis, huh? Haha! But the point is, it's good stuff!
Paul is encouraging us to look at God, to watch him, and to copy what He is doing. As children study and copy their parents, we must study and copy our Father. We can see the works and moves of God throughout the Bible, but we can also see Him working today. I know that I want to be where God is working. And God is working to build His Church. To expand His Kingdom.
More personally, God is working in the lives of every individual person, and He does it in love. Isn't that what the verse says above, that mostly what God does is LOVE.
What do you mostly do?
What drives you? Is it to love others? I know I can use a lot of work in that. But the great thing is, we don't have to love on our own. Paul says keep company with God and you'll learn a life of love. How wonderful is that?!
Spend time with God, allowing God to love you and you loving back, and God will pour His love into you so much that it overflows into other lives. His love is a love that overflows.
Verse 2 says that Christ didn't love cautiously, but extravagantly! Wow.
I'm going to be a bit vulnerable with you right now. Loving is hard for me. At least outwardly. I didn't grow up in the most loving environment, although my parents did their best considering what they knew in the world. And more than that, I'm an independent kind of girl. So couple the hurt and determination to never be hurt again, I put up some big walls around me.
It hasn't been until perhaps the last six months that God is working in me and through me in big ways. There was a time it was literally the most difficult thing for me to tell someone I love them, even my parents. Or to show affection, that was very difficult. But I'm learning that God loves extravagantly, and I want to be like that.
I wanted to love someone once I felt safe to do so; I wanted to hold back love until I knew that person wouldn't hurt me. But that's not possible, so I have had to learn (and am still learning) to love without expecting in return. I loved very cautiously so that I wouldn't get hurt, but love is taking that risk. If you're not risking it, how much love can really be there?
A pastor not long ago told me that ministry is a people business. That as people called into vocational ministry, it is our business to love. He then proceeded to tell me that if I wasn't willing to be vulnerable, I wouldn't succeed. If I wasn't willing to risk loving and being hurt, I wasn't going to make it. I think that principle applies for everybody though. Because really, we are all called into ministry; it just looks different for every person.
Paul says Christ loved not to get something from us, but to give of himself. I just want to chew on those words for a moment, don't you? To love someone in a way that if they never gave us anything back in return, we would still love them extravagantly.
Who is in your world that you can love? Someone you have perhaps been withholding your active love from. We must (and I say this to myself probably more than anyone else) learn to love like crazy those in our life, even if they never return it. That is love. The love God is calling us to show.
"Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that."
I started bolding parts of these two verses that I particularly liked, but then I realized I had most of it bolded. Sort of takes away from the emphasis, huh? Haha! But the point is, it's good stuff!
Paul is encouraging us to look at God, to watch him, and to copy what He is doing. As children study and copy their parents, we must study and copy our Father. We can see the works and moves of God throughout the Bible, but we can also see Him working today. I know that I want to be where God is working. And God is working to build His Church. To expand His Kingdom.
More personally, God is working in the lives of every individual person, and He does it in love. Isn't that what the verse says above, that mostly what God does is LOVE.
What do you mostly do?
What drives you? Is it to love others? I know I can use a lot of work in that. But the great thing is, we don't have to love on our own. Paul says keep company with God and you'll learn a life of love. How wonderful is that?!
Spend time with God, allowing God to love you and you loving back, and God will pour His love into you so much that it overflows into other lives. His love is a love that overflows.
Verse 2 says that Christ didn't love cautiously, but extravagantly! Wow.
I'm going to be a bit vulnerable with you right now. Loving is hard for me. At least outwardly. I didn't grow up in the most loving environment, although my parents did their best considering what they knew in the world. And more than that, I'm an independent kind of girl. So couple the hurt and determination to never be hurt again, I put up some big walls around me.
It hasn't been until perhaps the last six months that God is working in me and through me in big ways. There was a time it was literally the most difficult thing for me to tell someone I love them, even my parents. Or to show affection, that was very difficult. But I'm learning that God loves extravagantly, and I want to be like that.
I wanted to love someone once I felt safe to do so; I wanted to hold back love until I knew that person wouldn't hurt me. But that's not possible, so I have had to learn (and am still learning) to love without expecting in return. I loved very cautiously so that I wouldn't get hurt, but love is taking that risk. If you're not risking it, how much love can really be there?
A pastor not long ago told me that ministry is a people business. That as people called into vocational ministry, it is our business to love. He then proceeded to tell me that if I wasn't willing to be vulnerable, I wouldn't succeed. If I wasn't willing to risk loving and being hurt, I wasn't going to make it. I think that principle applies for everybody though. Because really, we are all called into ministry; it just looks different for every person.
Paul says Christ loved not to get something from us, but to give of himself. I just want to chew on those words for a moment, don't you? To love someone in a way that if they never gave us anything back in return, we would still love them extravagantly.
Who is in your world that you can love? Someone you have perhaps been withholding your active love from. We must (and I say this to myself probably more than anyone else) learn to love like crazy those in our life, even if they never return it. That is love. The love God is calling us to show.
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Stephanie Lammers
The other night my husband and I were taking a walk around the neighborhood and talking/ dreaming about where we want to go to celebrate our 15th and 20th wedding anniversary. The crazy thing is I feel like it was just yesterday that we were talking about it while celebrating our 1st anniversary. We are now 1 year away from our 15th…how time flies! This was another reminder to me how important it is to be investing into my marriage.
It can be so easy to let things in our marriage fall to the wayside when we are juggling jobs, mortgages, raising kids, ministry and all of the other hundreds of things we do. We get drawn into the mundane of life, often neglecting the very one we love and cherish the most. We get accustomed to having each other around, and sometimes we make little or no serious effort to cement the relationship we worked so hard to bring about, and we start to take a lot of things for granted.
Can you relate? Are you taking time to invest into the marriage that God has given you? Let’s take a look at some practical ideas for investing into our marriages:
When I’ve talked about this with many marriages, one of the most common things that couples shared that attracted them to their spouse, was sense of humor. Simply having fun together. I think it is easy to lose the art of having some serious fun together. With the pressures of jobs and parenting, etc…we don’t take the time to just have fun. It is so important to go away, if it’s for a few hours, or a weekend get a way and laugh and have fun! Do some things like go- carting, mountain climbing, catch a ball game together, putt- putt golfing, anything that will just bring some laughs.
I recently spoke with a woman who has been married for 43 years, and they have a very Godly and admirable marriage. I was asking her some questions and one of the things that she mentioned sounds so simple, yet it is so important. She said, “Everyone has good qualities. We really need to make a point to focus on those things. It’s too easy to take your spouse for granted and start focusing on the negative stuff.” So, I encourage you to begin today to make a list of all of the things you love and appreciate about your husband…and then take it one step further…tell him some of those things!
Staying connected to our spouses takes hard work! I like the way the English standard version translates Matthew 19:5-6, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh…so they are not longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man separate.”
We must hold on tightly to our marriages or we will inevitably begin to separate. Picture your husband and yourself on a merry-go-round that feels like it is spinning out of control. (This isn’t hard to imagine, is it? Most of us feel this way often, don’t we?) In order to stay together without falling off, you must do two things: hold on tightly to one another as one and stay close to the center. Let’s look at the parallel! If we relax even for a minute, we will find ourselves separating from one another and in danger of becoming another divorce statistic. Our marriages don’t stand a chance in this fast-paced world unless we purposely hold fast to one another and make Jesus the center of our marriages!
We must center everything we do around God’s will for our families. If we are doing so much, that we are not even taking the time to pray together and communicate, our marriages will ultimately suffer. Make some effort today to begin afresh in this area if you have found yourselves struggling in this area.
One last way to invest in your marriage, is to humble yourself. What? You may be wondering what in the world humility has to do with investing...but it has a lot to do with it! Take a look at these verses from God’s word:
Ephesians 4:2 Paul instructs us, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
1 Peter 3:3-6, explains that for a woman to be truly beautiful she must have the ‘unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.” This does not mean she is to be quiet all the time but rather exude a spirit of loveliness that her husband wants to be around.
Humility is simply dying to yourself and putting others first even when we don’t feel like it. And spiritually, it is radical obedience to God. We must ask God how we can prioritize Him and our husbands before our own selfish desires. When we do this, we will inevitably be more fruitful in our marriages!
God, thank you for the blessing of a husband and the many wonderful things about him. We ask you today to come alongside us and give us creative ideas on how we can invest in the marriages you have given us. It’s so easy to get side tracked and we need your help!
It can be so easy to let things in our marriage fall to the wayside when we are juggling jobs, mortgages, raising kids, ministry and all of the other hundreds of things we do. We get drawn into the mundane of life, often neglecting the very one we love and cherish the most. We get accustomed to having each other around, and sometimes we make little or no serious effort to cement the relationship we worked so hard to bring about, and we start to take a lot of things for granted.
Can you relate? Are you taking time to invest into the marriage that God has given you? Let’s take a look at some practical ideas for investing into our marriages:
When I’ve talked about this with many marriages, one of the most common things that couples shared that attracted them to their spouse, was sense of humor. Simply having fun together. I think it is easy to lose the art of having some serious fun together. With the pressures of jobs and parenting, etc…we don’t take the time to just have fun. It is so important to go away, if it’s for a few hours, or a weekend get a way and laugh and have fun! Do some things like go- carting, mountain climbing, catch a ball game together, putt- putt golfing, anything that will just bring some laughs.
I recently spoke with a woman who has been married for 43 years, and they have a very Godly and admirable marriage. I was asking her some questions and one of the things that she mentioned sounds so simple, yet it is so important. She said, “Everyone has good qualities. We really need to make a point to focus on those things. It’s too easy to take your spouse for granted and start focusing on the negative stuff.” So, I encourage you to begin today to make a list of all of the things you love and appreciate about your husband…and then take it one step further…tell him some of those things!
Staying connected to our spouses takes hard work! I like the way the English standard version translates Matthew 19:5-6, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh…so they are not longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man separate.”
We must hold on tightly to our marriages or we will inevitably begin to separate. Picture your husband and yourself on a merry-go-round that feels like it is spinning out of control. (This isn’t hard to imagine, is it? Most of us feel this way often, don’t we?) In order to stay together without falling off, you must do two things: hold on tightly to one another as one and stay close to the center. Let’s look at the parallel! If we relax even for a minute, we will find ourselves separating from one another and in danger of becoming another divorce statistic. Our marriages don’t stand a chance in this fast-paced world unless we purposely hold fast to one another and make Jesus the center of our marriages!
We must center everything we do around God’s will for our families. If we are doing so much, that we are not even taking the time to pray together and communicate, our marriages will ultimately suffer. Make some effort today to begin afresh in this area if you have found yourselves struggling in this area.
One last way to invest in your marriage, is to humble yourself. What? You may be wondering what in the world humility has to do with investing...but it has a lot to do with it! Take a look at these verses from God’s word:
Ephesians 4:2 Paul instructs us, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
1 Peter 3:3-6, explains that for a woman to be truly beautiful she must have the ‘unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.” This does not mean she is to be quiet all the time but rather exude a spirit of loveliness that her husband wants to be around.
Humility is simply dying to yourself and putting others first even when we don’t feel like it. And spiritually, it is radical obedience to God. We must ask God how we can prioritize Him and our husbands before our own selfish desires. When we do this, we will inevitably be more fruitful in our marriages!
God, thank you for the blessing of a husband and the many wonderful things about him. We ask you today to come alongside us and give us creative ideas on how we can invest in the marriages you have given us. It’s so easy to get side tracked and we need your help!
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True Identity Ministries
Hebrew 11:13
“All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth.”
This scripture is describing ordinary people who were radically changed. They lived life by their faith and had an unfailing love in Christ. So my question for the day is, will we have enough faith and hope in the Lord knowing we may not see what He has promised while living here on earth? Will we have enough faith to continue to believe when we don’t see His promise in a year, ten years, twenty years or even in this lifetime? I have come to realize how easy it is to believe if you are seeing the fruit of your labor. Lately I believe the Lord has been asking me to check my heart on this condition. The true test and call on our lives is to continue to have abundant faith and follow after our heavenly Father regardless if we are seeing immediate results.
As we walk with Jesus we can expect many trials. 1 Peter 1:6-7 says, “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” As we suffer for a little while, I believe this is the time when “all eyes” will be on you. People want to know how you react to these times. Many people are searching for this comfort of faith and security as you walk through this fire. They will be drawn to the Savior by your reaction. Stop and think about that the next time you are hit with bad news or a tense situation. This could be the moment that changes a life.
God has also taught me to expect the attack of satan in my life. He knows he is losing the grip in our lives, he’s losing alternatives to work his distraction and destruction in our day to day life. Maybe you feel the pressure and attack of satan on a continual basis. I’m sure you are like me and think he is going to defeat you if one more blow comes your way. I want you to understand that he will use every last person or strong hold to try and wipe you out. He is angry that he has lost his death grip on you. He will also work on attacking another family member. It may be your husband or wife, it may be your best friend or coworker, it may even be your children. He wants to distract you and cause you to give up. Let me share with you Godfriends, something I heard that turned my thinking around. If satan is not bothering you, then you’re not bothering satan. Lets begin to look at these distractions he is throwing in our path as an opportunity to bring glory to God.
Continue to yearn for more of God’s love and understanding when times are tough! Continue to dive into His Word of comfort when you have no idea why things are going like they are. Continue to pray along with me that the body of believers will unite as a whole and run the race that leads to eternal salvation.
“Father God, I thank you for speaking directly into my life this morning. I praise you for allowing me to share this encouragement with others. Continue to pour this wisdom and more importantly truth, into our lives. Father we want to be bold and diligent in the lifelong commitment we have made to You. Today we stand up tall and strong acknowledging your wings of protection surrounding us. We repent for all the times we have been weak and let the pressure of satan allow us to feel defeated. We choose to fight this battle as we stand together, united, believing in you, your promises, your direction and guidance in our journey to everlasting love. We will continue to believe and hope in the day of answered prayer, whether they be on earth or in Heaven. You are more than enough! In your precious Name, Amen!"
Love, Maranda Huntley
Reflection Questions
Do you have unanswered prayers, list a few?
Can you begin to equip yourself in God’s Word and love that even if they are unanswered you will continue to hope in the Lord?
How can you prepare yourself and your reaction to the next trial in your life?
“All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth.”
This scripture is describing ordinary people who were radically changed. They lived life by their faith and had an unfailing love in Christ. So my question for the day is, will we have enough faith and hope in the Lord knowing we may not see what He has promised while living here on earth? Will we have enough faith to continue to believe when we don’t see His promise in a year, ten years, twenty years or even in this lifetime? I have come to realize how easy it is to believe if you are seeing the fruit of your labor. Lately I believe the Lord has been asking me to check my heart on this condition. The true test and call on our lives is to continue to have abundant faith and follow after our heavenly Father regardless if we are seeing immediate results.
As we walk with Jesus we can expect many trials. 1 Peter 1:6-7 says, “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” As we suffer for a little while, I believe this is the time when “all eyes” will be on you. People want to know how you react to these times. Many people are searching for this comfort of faith and security as you walk through this fire. They will be drawn to the Savior by your reaction. Stop and think about that the next time you are hit with bad news or a tense situation. This could be the moment that changes a life.
God has also taught me to expect the attack of satan in my life. He knows he is losing the grip in our lives, he’s losing alternatives to work his distraction and destruction in our day to day life. Maybe you feel the pressure and attack of satan on a continual basis. I’m sure you are like me and think he is going to defeat you if one more blow comes your way. I want you to understand that he will use every last person or strong hold to try and wipe you out. He is angry that he has lost his death grip on you. He will also work on attacking another family member. It may be your husband or wife, it may be your best friend or coworker, it may even be your children. He wants to distract you and cause you to give up. Let me share with you Godfriends, something I heard that turned my thinking around. If satan is not bothering you, then you’re not bothering satan. Lets begin to look at these distractions he is throwing in our path as an opportunity to bring glory to God.
Continue to yearn for more of God’s love and understanding when times are tough! Continue to dive into His Word of comfort when you have no idea why things are going like they are. Continue to pray along with me that the body of believers will unite as a whole and run the race that leads to eternal salvation.
“Father God, I thank you for speaking directly into my life this morning. I praise you for allowing me to share this encouragement with others. Continue to pour this wisdom and more importantly truth, into our lives. Father we want to be bold and diligent in the lifelong commitment we have made to You. Today we stand up tall and strong acknowledging your wings of protection surrounding us. We repent for all the times we have been weak and let the pressure of satan allow us to feel defeated. We choose to fight this battle as we stand together, united, believing in you, your promises, your direction and guidance in our journey to everlasting love. We will continue to believe and hope in the day of answered prayer, whether they be on earth or in Heaven. You are more than enough! In your precious Name, Amen!"
Love, Maranda Huntley
Reflection Questions
Do you have unanswered prayers, list a few?
Can you begin to equip yourself in God’s Word and love that even if they are unanswered you will continue to hope in the Lord?
How can you prepare yourself and your reaction to the next trial in your life?
Posted by
True Identity Ministries
Part One:
Part Two:
Closing and This Week's Winners!
Discussion Questions
1. Give some examples of poisonous words. Give some examples of fruitful words.
2. How would you define gossip in your own words. When would sharing information with others be acceptable according to scripture?
3. After listening to the definition of "quarrelsome", do you find that you often engage in a war of words? With who most often? How can we stop "nagging".
4. Give examples of thoughless words or remarks. Have any thoughtless remarks been made over your own life before that have caused you pain? How can we find healing from those words?
5. What have learned most about words through this lesson?
Post your comments! Use your gift of words and post a comment. You can post below or hit the link to post on our new Exceptional Woman Facebook Page!
Girls we only have one more week of homework together! Work hard this week!
Part Two:
Closing and This Week's Winners!
Discussion Questions
1. Give some examples of poisonous words. Give some examples of fruitful words.
2. How would you define gossip in your own words. When would sharing information with others be acceptable according to scripture?
3. After listening to the definition of "quarrelsome", do you find that you often engage in a war of words? With who most often? How can we stop "nagging".
4. Give examples of thoughless words or remarks. Have any thoughtless remarks been made over your own life before that have caused you pain? How can we find healing from those words?
5. What have learned most about words through this lesson?
Post your comments! Use your gift of words and post a comment. You can post below or hit the link to post on our new Exceptional Woman Facebook Page!
Girls we only have one more week of homework together! Work hard this week!
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True Identity Ministries
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.”
Romans 12:1 NIV
When you read through Romans 12:1 you will find that we are told to present or offer our bodies as living sacrifices. The Greek transliteration for the word present is Paristemi and it means to set at hand, to provide, to place at one’s disposal, to offer, to be present, to stand ready. The Greek transliteration for the word living is Zao and it means to live, to breath, be among the living (not lifeless and dead), to be in full vigor, be fresh, strong, efficacious, active, powerful, and efficient. This passage is telling us that we are to place our selves at God’s disposal, standing ready as a fresh, strong, active, and powerful sacrifice. We are to be in full vigor! That is in full: vitality, strength, energy, robustness, power, potency, exuberance, dynamism, heartiness, and drive.
Seeing this definition has given me a whole new perspective on what God is looking for in a living sacrifice. Take another look; do these words describe the body that you offer God each day? Paul said to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, not a lifeless and dead one. The opposite of someone in full vigor is someone that is lethargic, feeble, and weak. To tell you the truth, I can think of many times that I have had to offer myself as a lethargic, feeble and weak sacrifice because of my own failure and neglect to take care of my body. Not eating the right foods, not getting enough sleep, not exercising. Our hearts and minds need to be stirred to see that as far as it is up to us we need to take care of our bodies and stand ready to offer them to God full of strength, energy, power, and vitality to carry out his purpose. Paul teaches us this very same concept in Romans 6:13. He says, “Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.”
Again allow me to highlight some of the words for you from the original language. When he says to “offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness”, we find that we are to Paristemi (to place at God’s disposal) our bodies as Hoplon (a tool or weapon) of Dikaiosune (a condition acceptable to God; integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking, feeling, and acting). Sounds a lot like what Paul was saying in Romans 12:1 doesn’t it?
He is saying to hand over your body as a weapon or tool that God can use for his glory. I desperately want to be a powerful weapon for God’s kingdom. Although it isn’t only about your physical state, some of your effectiveness in the kingdom of God can be dependent on you being full of strength, energy, and vigor. If you have experienced a physical handicap or ailment please be aware that God still wants you to be full of strength, energy, and vigor as far as it depends on you. I am not talking about those things that you have no control over. I am talking about those areas that you know are directly related to the effort and priority you put into taking care of your physical body and health.
All of us need to do what we are physically capable of doing and God will honor it and use it! He just needs our willingness. Working in a gym I see many people come in that are restricted to a wheel chair. They come in and do what they can do to stay healthy. Remember God is looking at our hearts. We can ask God to breathe a fresh breath of exuberance and drive into our hearts that would give us a desire to strive at offering him our body full of vigor, energy, and strength. A body that is holy and pleasing to him as our spiritual act of worship. To offer him a living sacrifice.
Romans 12:1 NIV
When you read through Romans 12:1 you will find that we are told to present or offer our bodies as living sacrifices. The Greek transliteration for the word present is Paristemi and it means to set at hand, to provide, to place at one’s disposal, to offer, to be present, to stand ready. The Greek transliteration for the word living is Zao and it means to live, to breath, be among the living (not lifeless and dead), to be in full vigor, be fresh, strong, efficacious, active, powerful, and efficient. This passage is telling us that we are to place our selves at God’s disposal, standing ready as a fresh, strong, active, and powerful sacrifice. We are to be in full vigor! That is in full: vitality, strength, energy, robustness, power, potency, exuberance, dynamism, heartiness, and drive.
Seeing this definition has given me a whole new perspective on what God is looking for in a living sacrifice. Take another look; do these words describe the body that you offer God each day? Paul said to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, not a lifeless and dead one. The opposite of someone in full vigor is someone that is lethargic, feeble, and weak. To tell you the truth, I can think of many times that I have had to offer myself as a lethargic, feeble and weak sacrifice because of my own failure and neglect to take care of my body. Not eating the right foods, not getting enough sleep, not exercising. Our hearts and minds need to be stirred to see that as far as it is up to us we need to take care of our bodies and stand ready to offer them to God full of strength, energy, power, and vitality to carry out his purpose. Paul teaches us this very same concept in Romans 6:13. He says, “Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.”
Again allow me to highlight some of the words for you from the original language. When he says to “offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness”, we find that we are to Paristemi (to place at God’s disposal) our bodies as Hoplon (a tool or weapon) of Dikaiosune (a condition acceptable to God; integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking, feeling, and acting). Sounds a lot like what Paul was saying in Romans 12:1 doesn’t it?
He is saying to hand over your body as a weapon or tool that God can use for his glory. I desperately want to be a powerful weapon for God’s kingdom. Although it isn’t only about your physical state, some of your effectiveness in the kingdom of God can be dependent on you being full of strength, energy, and vigor. If you have experienced a physical handicap or ailment please be aware that God still wants you to be full of strength, energy, and vigor as far as it depends on you. I am not talking about those things that you have no control over. I am talking about those areas that you know are directly related to the effort and priority you put into taking care of your physical body and health.
All of us need to do what we are physically capable of doing and God will honor it and use it! He just needs our willingness. Working in a gym I see many people come in that are restricted to a wheel chair. They come in and do what they can do to stay healthy. Remember God is looking at our hearts. We can ask God to breathe a fresh breath of exuberance and drive into our hearts that would give us a desire to strive at offering him our body full of vigor, energy, and strength. A body that is holy and pleasing to him as our spiritual act of worship. To offer him a living sacrifice.
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God has laid something on my heart and I'm really excited about where it will lead. I was reading Colossians 3 and had an attraction to v.12-14,
"Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." (ESV)
The NIV says to "clothe yourselves." There is this idea, this picture of getting dressed. Everyday when you change clothes, you choose what to wear and proceed to put it on. It's a decision and an action.
The same implication is being attached to these characteristics described in the verses. I believe Paul is saying that we must make the decision to put on the Christian virtues. But first He calls us to take off the old (v. 5-10). To take off the old clothes, fitting of the old life, and to put on the new clothes, fitting of your new life in Christ! A new self created after the likeness of God (Ephesians 4.24)!
Back to the new. Here is where the action takes place. To be honest, I struggle with many of these characteristics. Therefore, I want to exercise putting on each of these garments. I will start with compassion. I have wrote out what compassion means, along with a verse, that I will keep with me to reference often.
COMPASSION: A feeling of deep sympathy for another, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. It's Action.
"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepard. So he began teaching them many things." Mark 6.34
He saw. He acted. That's compassion
I will then earnestly seek out opportunities to show compassion. I want to learn what it looks like and how I can make that a part of me. So much so that it would eventually be natural.
Today I choose to put on compassion. I will pray and allow God to transform me from the inside out. When I sense I have come to grasp what compassion really means and looks like, when I have practiced it and feel it has taken hold of me, then I will move on to kindness. And from kindness to humility. And so on.
My prayer is that as God works, you would be inspired to clothe yourselves in the new self Paul describes in Colossians 3. It's necessary. In fact, in Matthew 22 (v.11-14), Jesus tells a parable about a man not allowed into the wedding celebration because he didn't have a wedding garment on. The man was then cast into outer darkness. Friends, it is very important that we walk in the new garments created for us in the likeness of God. Without them, we will not be allowed to enter Heaven.
Please allow a passage like that to encourage you to live in all that God has created for you! If anything, it should inspire you to wake up each morning, and to clothe yourself in the virtues mentioned in the beginning.
I would really enjoy hearing your thoughts on this. And I would really like to hear what God may be doing in your life as you decide to put on the new self!
"Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." (ESV)
The NIV says to "clothe yourselves." There is this idea, this picture of getting dressed. Everyday when you change clothes, you choose what to wear and proceed to put it on. It's a decision and an action.
The same implication is being attached to these characteristics described in the verses. I believe Paul is saying that we must make the decision to put on the Christian virtues. But first He calls us to take off the old (v. 5-10). To take off the old clothes, fitting of the old life, and to put on the new clothes, fitting of your new life in Christ! A new self created after the likeness of God (Ephesians 4.24)!
Back to the new. Here is where the action takes place. To be honest, I struggle with many of these characteristics. Therefore, I want to exercise putting on each of these garments. I will start with compassion. I have wrote out what compassion means, along with a verse, that I will keep with me to reference often.
COMPASSION: A feeling of deep sympathy for another, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. It's Action.
"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepard. So he began teaching them many things." Mark 6.34
He saw. He acted. That's compassion
I will then earnestly seek out opportunities to show compassion. I want to learn what it looks like and how I can make that a part of me. So much so that it would eventually be natural.
Today I choose to put on compassion. I will pray and allow God to transform me from the inside out. When I sense I have come to grasp what compassion really means and looks like, when I have practiced it and feel it has taken hold of me, then I will move on to kindness. And from kindness to humility. And so on.
My prayer is that as God works, you would be inspired to clothe yourselves in the new self Paul describes in Colossians 3. It's necessary. In fact, in Matthew 22 (v.11-14), Jesus tells a parable about a man not allowed into the wedding celebration because he didn't have a wedding garment on. The man was then cast into outer darkness. Friends, it is very important that we walk in the new garments created for us in the likeness of God. Without them, we will not be allowed to enter Heaven.
Please allow a passage like that to encourage you to live in all that God has created for you! If anything, it should inspire you to wake up each morning, and to clothe yourself in the virtues mentioned in the beginning.
I would really enjoy hearing your thoughts on this. And I would really like to hear what God may be doing in your life as you decide to put on the new self!
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On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
Matthew 9:12-14
Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
As you breathe in the peace of the Holy Spirit today I’ve prayed this will encourage and shine a new light in your daily life as it did mine. Several years ago I realized what a slave I had become to a negative mind set about a particular person in my life. This attitude I had adopted did not just become a part of me over night, as most things don’t. It had begun to build up day by day until I was literally in bondage to a bad attitude. It got where I would be completely irritated and could not concentrate if this specific person was in the same room as I was. In my mind I felt that they were not only taking up my time, but they were growing needier as the days passed by. As time went on I found myself cutting conversations short and doing everything I could to avoid this person. I cannot describe the inner battle that was taking place at this time. I can still feel the exhausting pressure over something that was actually meant to be a blessing for me.
I praise God for the times He has moved so boldly in my life, allowing me to hear so clearly the message He has for me. This was one of those times. My Physician gave me just the right prescription to save a sinner like me! I remember that God clearly spoke to my heart and He said “Just remember whatever you are speaking or thinking about this person cuts straight to my own heart. I created them with all of their different qualities for a purpose. Just as I have created them, I have also created you. I have blessed you to be my own. Now go and don’t let yourself be fooled into thinking this is a sacrifice. You grant the mercy I have shown to you. Understand I am blessing you by allowing you to be a part of another child of mine’s journey to freedom.”
Every opportunity we have to be obedient to God and shine His light is miniscule compared to the salvation He granted us on the cross. When you are following Christ and seeking His Word, you will grow to seek His righteousness. It will be hard to quench your thirst for more of His wisdom.
Let’s make a choice to take on a different perspective today. Let’s not allow ourselves to believe we are anymore special of a child to God than the homeless man on the street, the fast food worker, the beautiful people in Hollywood, the bank President or the person on the news wanted for murder. He created us in His image to seek, find and serve Him. He doesn’t want us to turn our cheek or avoid the needy people in our lives. He wants the exact opposite. The Christian He is leading us to be is strong, filled with encouragement and looking for the needy. If a smile gives that person passing by a little hope, then smile ear to ear. Allow God’s spirit and his light in you to permeate, rub off and linger every where He desires you to go. This fountain that lives in us doesn’t just decide to pour out when it feels like it, but chooses to overflow on a consistent basis.
We are all sinners who have the unfathomable gift of eternal life with our Father in Heaven. Together let’s begin to see each and every person in our life as a fellow child of God. Let’s begin to remember He hears our every word and sees our every thought. Nothing is hidden from Him. So we will choose to speak about His children the way He would desire. Let’s turn from our destructive ways of thinking and begin to put one foot in front of the other down the physicians healing path.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray today that we can begin to see your children through your eyes. Make our hearts so sensitive to each and every need of your children. Give us a burning desire to reach out and encourage everyone we come in contact with each and every day. I pray the more we give the more you fill us with wisdom, understanding and your overwhelming love. Continue to show us exactly who you created us to be. We seek you on this day with an open and intentional heart. In your awesome Name, Amen!!