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Stephanie Lammers
One afternoon my mother-in-law and I were talking about the joys and trials of parenting. I said, “You never told me how hard this parenting thing was going to be.” She smiled and said, “Oh, no…if I had, then I wouldn’t have this many grandchildren.”
I’ve heard Dr. Dobson say that parenting can be one of the most joyful and difficult things that you ever do. I’m finding that to be so true. There are countless moments where I would just love to push the pause button on life because it is such a beautiful season of our lives. Those moments where our children are developing that character that we are trying so hard to teach and instill. Those moments when one child is serving and helping his sibling with something without being asked, the times when the younger two are playing so well together while using their God given imaginations. But, there are of course, those moments when I’d love to push the fast-forward button and move beyond the moment…and move rather quickly.
You know what I’m talking about…those moments when the kids are arguing over who has a bigger piece of pie, or who took the last piece of string cheese, or the impulsive child knocks over his lemonade for the second time that day. Sticky floors…gotta love em’!
These are the moments that I’m finding that God is refining my character as a mom. How am I going to respond? Am I going to respond with mercy? Am I going to patiently instruct my son on how he can be more careful? Will I use the opportunity to teach kindness and forgiveness? Or am I going to raise my voice and respond in that ‘you’ve ticked me off’ voice?
I must say that there have times that I have responded in the gentle and patient way, ceasing the opportunity to teach and train, but have also had many times when my kids were quite aware that they were getting on my nerves! I am not proud to say that. A few months ago, I began to specifically pray the verse Psalm 139:23 “Search me, O God, and know my heart: test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Whew! Has He ever done this! He has allowed many testing opportunities to reveal some offensive ways in me. Sometimes it’s during those testing moments that impatience, anger or selfishness is revealed. And these are not meant to condemn us or beat ourselves up, but rather to confess them to our heavenly Father, asking Him to supply an extra dose of His grace and mercy.
And He does! He reminds me of the loving compassion that He has shown me countless times...times when He could have been greatly annoyed by my attitudes, behavior or actions. Instead, he showers me with forgiveness. I want to walk in my Father’s footsteps...I want to extend that same patient and merciful attitude he shows me, even when I don’t feel like it.
Mercy means: not getting what you deserve. Is there anyone that comes to your mind that needs some mercy extended to them today, even though they may not ‘deserve’ it? It may be a neighbor, co-worker, spouse or a child. This certainly doesn’t come natural to our flesh, and is yet another reason why it is so important to seek His face each and every day. As we ask him for His supernatural wisdom, guidance and strength, He sure provides. I want to be a woman that walks in my Father’s footsteps, are you willing to join me today?
Prov. 25:15- “Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can crush strong opposition.”
Romans 15:15- “May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other-each with the attitude of Christ Jesus toward the other.”
Great post Steph! Thanks for sharing it, I know it's challenging me today!
Thanks for sharing this article,.
Father and son relationship
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