
Could you use a little more patience in your life? Me too!! I am often mesmerized by how patient God is. He has been patiently waiting on many of us “to get it” long before we even thought about Him. I am a teacher so I have the summers off which is an amazing blessing. On the other hand, boy oh boy am I tested! I don’t always have the patience required to endure a full day with a nine year old, four year old and busy, busy two year old.

I tell God throughout the day when I feel the impatient attitude overwhelm me. I struggle with the fact I keep coming up against this weakness. Isn’t it quite funny I would ask for the blessing of patience, right now! When we are saved or reborn into Christ’s Kingdom we are washed with his blood. We instantly receive a new soul, new desires and a new vision but we cannot expect to be perfect.

My weakness is patience and I am growing to understand God’s work in my life towards this goal. Just because we come up short does not mean we have failed. This struggle in my life will continue to improve as long as I am looking for the answers and strength from the Lord. I want to continue to pick myself back up, compose myself through the Holy Spirit and try again. As I gain knowledge and understanding through prayer I must make the changes necessary to attain more patience. Just like a child learning to speak, it takes time and consistency to get it just right.

It is so important to keep a positive outlook on our daily struggles, even when we fail because satan is waiting to stir the pot. Satan doesn’t always knock you down with one big blow in your life. Many times he will try and chisel your joy away little by little. In my situation lately it has been an attitude, it could be a choice, it could be unkind words, maybe gossip or even being super sensitive and allowing your feelings to get hurt. Again, we must be diligent in His love and wisdom that we may recognize satan’s works. One of my very good friends gave me a quote last week that said, “if satan is not bothering you, then you’re probably not bothering satan.” When I heard those words, my heart literally skipped a beat. I was immediately filled with joy. How crazy is it that when I feel the attack of satan I can be proud and challenged to continue in pursuit of my Father’s will because I am causing satan distress.

There will always be struggles in our lives but we can face them head on with a heart for God and a positive attitude and in the end, we can rejoice with the angels in victory!!!!

Please join me and pray Colossians 1 9-12 over each and every person you know and come in contact with this week.
“9For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.”
Maranda Huntley
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