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Stephanie Lammers
I love my daily planner! Ok, maybe love is a strong word, but it brings me a sense of enjoyment of having my to-do list made out for the day and then getting to experience the feeling of accomplishment when I check them off at the end of the day. I remember a few years ago, there was a day in particular that I will not ever forget. It started off as a great day. I was planning on surprising my husband at work with a plate of homemade muffins for him and his co-workers. My two oldest children were at our church’s vacation bible school and I thought it would be a nice surprise to meet him with our younger two.
I ventured out, with a ‘picture in my mind’ of what the day would look like. I would show up and bring a smile to my husband’s stressful day; my daughter was dolled up and looking cute for her Daddy and I was looking forward to enjoying the quiet and peaceful 20 minute drive to his workplace. Well, half-way there, my daughter said the words that no mom wants to hear in the van, “I feel sick, Mommy!” What?? You can’t be sick…I have plans. Before I could hand her the trashcan in time, she pukes all over herself, her car seat, and of course, the adorable outfit she was wearing. I decide to do a quick trip into Wal-Mart to purchase a new outfit for her. What mom wants to make a surprise visit and show up with smelly and dried puke all over them? I purchase the new outfit and I am out the door and on my way.
I change the plans a bit, call my husband and decide to meet him at the park for lunch. He was thrilled at the thought of seeing all of us and getting away from some of the work stress for a bit. During our 45 minute lunchtime, he receives three phone calls over some very pressing work issues. I can see the discouragement in his eyes. My mind thinks, “This is not going exactly like I had planned….”
I have a choice to make. Do I become frustrated and irritated that my ‘plans’ have been changed?? Do I snap at my daughter for her ‘inconveniencing’ me?? Do I think, “Hey, enough with the phone calls, I came to see you not to have you on the phone?!” No, instead I feel God nudging at my heart to pause and ask Him what He is trying to teaching me in this day.
A few lessons that the Lord was really impressing upon me were patience, joy, trust, humility and priority perspective. I am amazed how I think back of the times before I had kids and actually thought that I was a patient person. It’s easy to be patient when things are easy sailing! But, what about the times when we are inconvenienced and have to selflessly serve another when we aren’t feeling like it??
It is during times like this that the Lord is chipping away our selfishness and developing a servant’s compassionate heart. What about joy? Again, it’s so easy to be joyful when the family is healthy, finances are great or we’re lying on the beach during a family vacation. But, what happens to our joy when all of this isn’t there? Are we happy then? Happiness is based on our happenings, joy is discovered when we have our trust and confidence in the Lord during those trials. I’m learning to trust my heavenly Father even when I don’t see his hand. I know that I can trust His heart because He knows what is best for us. Proverbs 16:9 says, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” I may have my days planned the way I think they should go, but the Lord may take them off-course. I am thankful for a loving God that is more concerned about my character than my comfort.
Lastly, I continue to learn humility as I recognize my own inadequacies. I cannot do it all, be it all and juggle it all. I am going to mess up! But, I don’t have to feel embarrassed or like a failure, I remember that “apart from Him, I can do nothing.” John 15:5
Days like that day help keep things in perspective. I heard a quote one time that said, “In light of eternity, what does it really matter?” Isn’t this so true? As we go about our days, we need to look at the things that we stress and fuss over and ask ourselves that question….” In light of eternity, does this really matter?” This will help us laugh in those moments of cleaning up the puke and remember we are here for a much bigger purpose, to glorify Him and to be a light in this dark and searching world. What lessons might He be teaching you today?
God, thank you that you use these ordinary days to teach us lessons of character. Thank you that you love us so much that you look beyond our comfort, work in our hearts and make us more like you. Forgive me for all of the wasted times that I have gotten upset, discouraged and off-focus. I pray that your Holy Spirit would continue to empower me to live each day like it’s my last and be that salt and light that draws people to you. I love you, Lord!
Psalm 138:8, “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord endures forever - do not abandon the works of your hands.” Psalm 138:8 (NIV)
Psalm 25:4-5, “Show me your ways O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long.”
Love it Steph...thanks for the encouragement today! Needed it...
Just got to read your post Stephanie. Thank you so much for speaking into my life on a weekly basis. This was a much needed word in my life! Thank you!
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