Our Father

Luke 11:9-13
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

God lead me to these verses not too long ago and they truly softened my heart. There is nothing like visualizing Him as my true loving Father. I felt He was personally asking me these questions. If your child is hungry and asks for a fish, would you give him a snake instead? Or if your child would like an egg would you give him a scorpion? As corrupted as we are on this earth we still know what is best for our children and strive to provide and nurture them to the best of our abilities. Then why do we doubt our Father in heaven will surely give us more? I ask God this very question many days. Why am I so surprised at your works in my life? Why am I blown away by your answers and love.
He is our El Shaddai! The One who nourishes, supplies and satisfies. His desire is to bless us! Can you begin to grasp that with me! His desire is not only to bless us but provide for us abundantly. Where is your heart? Are you truly seeking His heart and His desires for your life? Are you allowing Him to be the provider and answer to all of your life questions? Or like myself, are you allowing yourself to be distracted, worried, or consumed with when, what and where?
The Holy Spirit is such an awesome gift and answer from God. He is a crucial piece in our journey. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God in us. When we allow the Holy Spirit into our hearts, He can actually control our lives. He will rise up and speak truth when our passions and desires want to do otherwise. We have to tap into and nourish the Holy spirit so He can be all the Lord created Him to be in us. Lets allow the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to rise up and take place in our everyday life. Romans 8:9-11
He wants to be our everything, and He can be. We have the choice to make Him number 1. When we are distracted with people, He is the answer! When we are worried, He is the answer! When we are searching for answers for now or the future, He is the answer! Let us pour our hearts out to our Father and allow Him to silence our minds with His love and knowledge. Let us lean on Him with all of our weight, all of our heart and all of our mind. Let us allow Him into every area of our life so He can do what He desires! We can then revel in His majesty!
With Love,
Maranda Huntley
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