Standing In the Gap

I have been a Christian for almost nine years now. For the longest time, I was hesitant to ask people to pray for me. Not because I thought it wasn’t important, but because I would feel like I was burdening people by asking them to pray for me. I didn’t want to add the weight of my problems to someone else, and it seemed mentioning requests to a few close friends was good enough.

Now things are different. More and more I’m asking people to pray for me because I want as much prayer as I can get! I know that with more people praying for me, the far better off I am.

Intercessory prayer is when a person intercedes on another's behalf and pleads their cause. Essentially, they are standing in the gap between God and that person. This intercession is a calling placed on all Christians. Not everyone is called to pastor, write, sing, or lead bible studies, but everyone is called to a ministry of praying for others.

One Bible scholar defined standing in the gap as the call “to expose oneself for the protection of something.” That isn’t always the easy thing to do, but it's certainly the necessary thing to do.

Ezekiel 22 shows what happens when there is no one to stand in the gap between God and others. Verse 30 says, “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.” (NIV)

Israel was in a bad place. Murder, idolatry, mistreatment of others and adultery are just a few of the sins listed in the chapter. It was here in Ezekiel 22 that God’s anger began to burn against the sins of the people, and he looked for one righteous man to plead the cause of the wayward nation. But he found none. Therefore, the wrath of God was poured out upon the nation. It was destroyed, along with the temple, and the people went into captivity.

What if there had been one, just one person, who would have stood in the gap between God and Israel? It had happened before. Psalm 106.23 illustrates a moment that it did, “So he declared he would destroy them. But Moses, his chosen one, stepped between the Lord and the people. He begged him to turn from his anger and not destroy them.” (NLT)

You could read further of Moses intercession in Numbers 14. Moses was one man who stood in the gap between God and others, and a nation was spared judgment. Just think of what could happen if one person stood in the gap for another. If you stood in the gap for another. Imagine what would happen if you became an advocate for others. Perhaps you can’t sing, or you’re not gifted with preaching, but prayer is more effective than anything, so if you would pray for another, imagine what could happen?!

Charles Spurgeon said when referring to Moses, “Like a bold warrior who defends the wall when there is an opening for the adversary and destruction is rushing in upon the city, Moses stopped the way of avenging justice with his prayers.”

To intercede in prayer is to be like a bold warrior. If the battle is won in prayer (and it indeed is), than there must be warriors who will be willing to stand in the gap and fight. Moses isn’t the only one either. A few weeks ago we looked at Romans 8. Verse 34 in the ESV reads, “Christ Jesus…who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” Every moment, of every day, Jesus is standing in the gap between God and you. Fighting on your behalf.

There is something very powerful when one person will pray for another. Even more powerful, when many will intercede and advocate on behalf of another. My prayer is that God’s people would turn to these examples given, to Jesus Christ, and incorporate intercessory prayer for others into their daily lives.
Give me a man of God, one man
Whose faith is master of his mind
And I will right ten thousand wrongs
And bless the name of all mankind.
Give me a man of God, one man,
Whose tongue is touched with heavens fire
And I will flame the darkest hearts
With high resolve and pure desire.
Give me a man of God, one man,
One mighty prophet of the Lord,
And I will give you peace on earth
Bought with prayer and not a sword.
Give me a man of God, one man,
True to the vision that he sees
And I will build your broken shrines
And bring the nations to their knees.
One man.

Who has God placed in your world for you to be an advocate for? Your family? Certainly. A neighbor, a friend, a casual acquaitance from the soccer games? There are people all around you that God has placed there for you to be a warrior for. So fight for them.

Stand in the gap between God and that person!

Traps of Doubt: Part 1

I was completely blown away when I was reading through my personal journal and recognizing how doubtful I was with some things, but especially in the area of homeschooling. Why was I struggling so much with doubts? I felt led by God to home school my children...I felt called...and I even felt a passion for it...but, why did I still have so many doubts? How could I school all four of my children adequately? Would I be able to give them what they needed and more? Would I be patient enough? Could I handle the woman’s role in managing the home, being part of ministry, and home schooling?

As I began to talk with the Lord about all of this and search out the Word of God, I began to see more clearly that satan raises different doubts within us day in and day out. The problem is when he traps us and leaves us there; then we are not free to be what God fully intended us to be. This doubting thing all began in the garden.

Genesis 3:1-“The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”

Does any of this sound really familiar? “Did God really tell you not to eat of that tree?” “Did God really call you to ministry?” “You are so impatient- did God really tell you to stay at home with your children?” “’re sure struggling..did God really tell you to take that job?” The list goes on and on.

Let’s take a look at the first trap that he often uses! He get’s us to:

1. Turn our eyes on ourselves.

Doubt takes us to a place where we are focused on ourselves. Let’s look at a man who fell into this trap. Luke 1:18 says, “Zechariah asked the angel, How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” Here is a man who has been faithfully praying for him and his wife to have a child, and finally God sends an angel to tell him that they are going to have a child and what does Zechariah do? He expresses doubts about his own ability to father the child. His age spoke more loudly than God’s promise!!

Zechariah took his eyes off of God and turned his eyes upon himself. Whenever we look back to ourselves, doubt and fears will creep in because we are not capable in our human flesh. And from Zechariah’s human perspective, his doubts were understandable-but with God, anything is possible. Although Zechariah and Elizabeth were past the age of childbearing, God gave them a child.

We are often captured into this trap of doubt so easily when we begin the “I can’t”, “I’m not”, “I don’t know if”, when all of those statements are turned inward at ourselves and our inadequacies, all the while we should be turning the comments into, “God is” “God has called me, therefore I am equipped!” If God is calling you to something you feel is beyond you, you are in good company. God has a history of calling people to things that are beyond themselves. Pastor Rick Warren put it this way:

“Abraham was old, Jacob was insecure, Leah was unattractive, Joseph was abused, Moses stuttered, Gideon was poor, Samson was codependent, Rahab was immoral, David had an affair and all kinds of family problems, Elijah was suicidal, Jeremiah was depressed, Jonah was reluctant, Naomi was a widow, John the Baptist was eccentric to say the least, Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered, Martha worried a lot, the Samaritan woman had several failed marriages, Zachaeus was unpopular, Thomas had doubts, Paul had poor health, and Timothy was timid. That’s quite a group of misfits, but God used each of them in his service. He will use you too.”

It is so easy to doubt or misunderstand what God wants to do in our lives. Even God’s people sometimes make the mistake of trusting their own intellect or experience rather than God. When tempted to think that one of God’s promises is impossible, remember his work throughout history. God’s power is not confirmed by narrow perspective or bound by human limitations, so don’t look at your inabilities and dwell in insecurities. Look at the Almighty God. See this call as the opportunity to watch Him work in you and through you. If you answer yes to the question, “Is this beyond me?” Chances are God is speaking!

Trust Him completely!

Study questions:

Matthew 17:14-23; How can we use doubts to help remind us that our faith must continue to grow?

James 1:2-8; Are there any specific areas where you have been lacking trust? Where did it stem from? An unhealthy relationship? A seemingly unanswered prayer request? Pray and ask God to reveal what’s in your heart.

Exodus 14:1-31; How can we focus on God’s faithfulness in the past, so we can easily and quickly move past the doubts and lies?

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Living Water

As I was mowing yesterday I believe the Lord gave me a really neat vision I want to share with you. When we moved about a year and a half ago we never realized all of the work we would have to put into our home to repair all that had not been taken care of. One of the major areas that needed reconstruction was our pool. It actually looked descent when you looked at the outside but it did have a few places where the liner was falling down. The water was crystal clear, the pump worked, the jets worked and every filter but one worked.

We called a pool company and told them we knew absolutely nothing about pools but that we knew we would need a liner. They said they would come over, give us a bid and we could go from there. When the bid came back it seemed fair and so we picked out a beautiful liner and waited three weeks for the companies arrival.

We decided that since we were getting the pool fixed in several weeks we would not continue to put anymore chemicals or clean the pool. So over the next few weeks the pool began to build up algae, bacteria, bugs, frogs and a terrible smell. Needless to say we counted down the days until the repairs would take place.

We were so excited when two gentlemen showed up to install the liner in our pool. They began by pumping off all the water from the pool. I could not believe the amount of water that came gushing from the pump into our driveway and down the street. When it got near the bottom they had to throw out all the items and debris that had flown into the pool or got trapped inside while we waited for them. I’m so thankful that is not my job, it was disgusting!

When the water was completely drained they began to tell us that if there was not a certain type of material under the liner they would have to re pour a floor and insulate the walls. Of course when they pulled down the liner it was in fact just sand and rock. They then told us they would have to charge over double the amount of the original bid. I then became stressed for many reasons. Number one, they never told us that this could be a possibility. We never budgeted for this nor was it rational with three children and other numerous repairs to our home to sink this amount of money into a pool. Number two, since they drained it and opened it up it looked ten times worse than before. We would have to look at this daily and it wasn’t a pretty sight. Number three, what now? What will happen now the water is gone and the liner is stripped out?

I told them how I felt about the situation and that we would not be able to afford the amount they needed to repair the pool. They then took all of their materials, including the new liner and went home. My husband and I stood around the empty and ugly hole in the ground discussing what to do and then walked away in disappointment.

Several weeks later we got a huge bill for the liner. It was almost the exact amount of the original bid. I called the company and discussed our options. I expressed my feelings over the fact we felt misinformed. He acknowledged that there was some miscommunication and that we could work out a deal on the liner. I’m thinking what good is a liner going to do sitting in our shop floor. I did not want the company to be out the cost so I felt it was the right thing to do regardless of the situation we were in. We ended up making payments on the liner and drove to pick it up several months later.

In the meantime we still had this hole in our backyard. We had several thunderstorms and heavy rainfall over the next year. What happened to the empty pool was excruciating. It began to fill up and collect all the bacteria and algae once again. The more rain that came the more the walls fell in. The mosquitoes and knats began to swarm in clusters where you couldn’t even go near to observe all that was going on deep inside. Then the most terrible problem of all happened. The pool is about level with our home and shop so when the pool began to fill with rain, it would then flood under the house and almost to the top of the floor joists and flood the shop as well. The sump pump under the house burnt up from all of the rain it was continuously pumping out so we had to rush and buy another pump immediately. We were literally just trying to stay afloat until we could figure out a solution.

After almost a year had passed by, much prayer and worry, I called the company once more and discussed all that had happened after they had drained and stripped the liner from our pool. Without hesitation the owner of the company said he would send me another bid and they would take care of the problem as soon as possible. I was shocked when I received the fax, the bid was almost exactly the price of the bid they originally quoted us for just installing the liner. We signed on the dotted lines and sent the bid back right away. They said they would arrive at our house in three to four weeks. Of course it rained on and off and it took about nine weeks but they are repairing the pool as I write this. Hallelujah!

Just like this pool, we can look like we have it all together from the outside. We may have a couple of rough edges but for the most part our attire, our makeup, our talk, our material possessions and our children look to be all put together. We try our best to keep this stature no matter the cost. We think what others think of us is so important, no matter the pain inside. When we start looking at what will fix those deep places that we know are lying underneath is when we become toxic. We secretly search in the dark where no one will see our frantic state of loneliness. When we grab one fix we wait for the next fix as we begin to build up bacteria and algae. We become tainted in search for more fixes because one does not last but for a moment. I feel lead to add that there is no one person on earth, man or female that could possibly fix or provide for all you need. Stop looking and God will provide!

Life happens and the rain begins to pour, we get rusty, we loose hope and our emotions and anger begin to flood over. Your family and friends may receive the backlash of your agony or you may continue to self inflict all of the pain but the pattern continues. All the while, your liner for your new heart is laying right in front of you. You may have to start by reading the blue prints (the bible) and figure out what it is all about and how to install it but it fits just perfectly. You may have to make some adjustments in your life and cut some off but He knows what you need and how it should fit. Just ask Him!

How sweet is it to know that there is a repair man for your life? You don’t have to wait and continue to build up more ugliness in your heart. Even though you feel like true exposure to this hole in your life is too much to recognize and too filthy. He already knows and is elated you are to the point of surrender. He is omnipotent, He doesn’t have to wait on the rain to stop to start your repair, you don’t have to wait while He is on another job. He will not charge you a price you cannot pay. His ears, heart and life is open to you. Just you! Right now in the very place you set. His love, mercy, grace and understanding are all available to you and only you. He knows the dark places you’ve walked, He sees the hurts you’ve inflicted, He sees all the times people have harmed or let you down. He knows you inside and out and there is not a place you could hide that He could not see you. I hear Him say “Oh precious child of mine, if you would only open your heart and acknowledge me, I have been waiting for you.”

As God begins to pump all the baggage off of your life and heart, it begins to gush and overflow again. He’s scrapping the walls of your heart, getting rid of all the toxic waste that has grown. This time it is overflowing to the one and only that can do something about it. As I said last week He can start to mend you back and build you up to be the confident person that He originally created you to be. As the gushing waters come out of you He is like a fisherman. He knows what is suppose to be part of you and what isn’t. He casts out His rod and catches the parts of your heart that were lost, hurt and damaged and holds them close to His heart while He retrieves every last bit of love. When you are completely drained and the desires of your heart are totally open He begins His treatment (Jeremiah 15:19).

Keep this in mind when you begin to stand again after His initial treatment. He doesn’t remember your sin any longer (Psalms 32:1,2-Isaiah 43:25). Don’t look at this as anything other than a time of equipping you for your future. Accept your forgiveness! You know what has taken place in your life and you are now redeemed and restored to share the good news and not turn back. I ask that you take a time out of any type of relationship for a time being. Fix your eyes upon your Savior and let Him in to every place there is. Allow Him to be your best friend, your mother, your father, your husband, your companion and see the results! They are endless! Let Him take up your heart and soul and abide in it (John 15:4). Then jump in that beautifully reconstructed pool of living water!
Much Love, God Bless!!!

Category: 1 comments

What's Your Much? Video Devotion

FREE! The Exceptional Woman Online Bible Study

Hey girlfriends!

We are so excited about a new adventure we are about to take and we want nothing more than for you to come along with us. We will be starting an online bible study. This session's study is called The Exceptional Woman. It's a 10 week study Justeina will be releasing next year...but she wants you to have a sneak peek!

Here's how it will work:

Beginning August 17th - Join True Identity Ministries every week via TIM blog for a sneak peek into Justeina’s new 10 week study: The Exceptional Woman. It is planned to be released in print next year, but you can check out the first 4 weeks now! Videos will upload every Tuesday, but once they're posted, you can view and post at anytime. The Exceptional Woman bible study will challenge all of us to living an exceptional life.

The What’s and How’s of The Exceptional Woman Online study.


You and a group of friends. (Yes, you can do it on your own, but we hope you'll bring some friends along for the ride!)


An informal, web-based video blog bible study.


Wherever you like, but preferably somewhere with Internet access (and a good cup of coffee…and maybe a comfy chair….hmmm maybe an ocean view…well just anywhere will do).


Starting Tuesday August 17th and running through September 13th. Again, you can meet with your group, view, and post comments anytime day or night. New videos will post each Tuesday.


To learn more about God’s sweet Word alongside others around the country and world. You'll be challenged to take a look at life through God’s word with application questions that will change how you think and act. What we can promise you is that no matter what season of life you are in, what your age is, or your background (bible study experience or none at all) or what circumstances you may be facing…God will speak to you through this study!


Here is how it will (hopefully will) work. Let’s be honest here. This is our first video blog bible study. We’re relying on God to show us the way and praying you’ll join us in making this a new and exciting way to study scripture together even from miles apart.

Before we start . . .

1. Download your PDF copy of The Exceptional Woman (it’s free… donations ARE welcome and appreciated!) download will be posted by August 9th and be ready to start week one homework by August 17th.

2. Form a study group with friends or neighbors. You can join on your own as we’ll have online community, but nothing replaces face-to-face time with people for relationship and accountability, we highly encourage you starting a group. Be sure to visit the TIM website for flyer downloads to help you start a group.

3. Pick a time and location to meet—your house, the local coffee shop, whatever works for your group.

4. Sign up starting July 25th at or our TIM blog at (You’ll be asked for your first name, where you’re from, and your email. If you’re studying with a group, we’d like to know how many of you there are! And pictures, we would love to see pictures so everyone can get to know each other a little better.)

5. Spread the word. We’re going to need your help in getting the word out!

Once We Get Started…August 17th

1. Get together once a week to discuss your lesson.

2. Watch the video. Every Tuesday from August 17th through September 13th, The TIM team will facilitate the summer study via short videos of about 10 to 20-minutes each. They will share from their heart, give you discussion questions or activities that will enrich your group time together, and wrap up the week’s lesson. If possible, watch these videos at the beginning of your group time, if not catch them during the week before you meet. Remember, you can meet, watch the videos, and post anytime day or night. It doesn't have to be Tuesdays! Videos will be posted right here on the blog and at our website!

3. Post your progress! Finally, and most importantly, TIM will need to hear from YOU and you’ll need to hear from each other! Your way of checking in with Justeina and the team is after your group time. Every week leave a comment to tell them how God is working in your group though the study of His Word! We love it if you’d post your comments as a group before you wrap up your time together. It keeps us encouraged as well if we know you are out there and that God is ministering to your heart!

We so bad want you to join's going to be a life changing that you have our personal promise!


There's still time!

Hey girls!

We just wanted you to know that if you live in the South Dakota area there's still time for you to make plans to join us tomorrow! Her True Identity Women's Conference will be coming to Huron, SD in the Huron Event Center Saturday July 24th from 8:30 am to 3:30pm. It's going to be an amazing time together. I have such a rich word on my heart for those that will be there. It's just overflowing!

Which I know has to be the Lord because truthfully my life has been anything BUT overflowing this week. I would definately describe it more as draining! I have made multiple visits to the ER and the clinic with a sick child. I myself have been fighting sickness. My vehicle decided to fail me. My house is a complete wreck. The ministry has had a million demands of me....."AHHHHH!" has been my response. Just wondering, anyone else relating to my week? The good news is "but God". But there was still my sweet Jesus in control even when everything else seemed out of control (and frankly it was). God is still more than able to help us plow through every circumstance and distraction. His word can still flow out of us even when everything else about us feels drained. I am so thankful for that. So I want to encourage you to join us this weekend. I am sure you have a million reasons why you "need" to stay away, but if you have had a week close to mine that gives you every reason why you "need" to be there! I promise God is going to meet us and pour into our drained selves....we are going to leave overflowing!

If you can't be there...don't worry, God is able to pour into you where ever you may be. Just ask him!

Follow this link for info on this weekend's conference:

Category: 0 comments

One Touch!

Oh how I love to read Mark 5:24-31:
" A large crowd followed and pressed around him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, "if I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?" "You see the people crowding against you," his disciples answered, "and yet you can ask, "Who touched me?" But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

This woman's faith is the key to "the path of life." She suffered for twelve years with her illness. That is longer than I can fathom. Have you ever had a stronghold in your life that felt exactly like an illness? That's how I would describe the sin, guilt and shame I held in my life for years. Everyday I tried to walk with this in my heart, I got a little more sick, a little more weary and a little more lifeless. When we try to walk around with this weight in our lives, it will consume your body, head to toe. She had spent all she had and relied on these doctors for an answer, for healing and for restoration of her life. But instead of getting better she got worse. Ever been there? When I relied on myself and others to restore my spirit or encourage my way of life, it lasted but a moment and each day my burdens got a little more heavy.

Thankfully there is a consistent Spirit hovering over the earth, that is an encouragement and light to our lives whether we are saved or not. I believe this is a huge blessing and gift to the unbelievers. He lives in His people, He speaks through their mouth, He brightens their eyes, He walks with them and draws others near. When she heard of Jesus she thought "if I can just touch His clothes, I will be healed." She knew with all she had and every bit of her heart, if she could just reach Him, she WOULD BE HEALED! How did you feel when you heard about Jesus? I couldn't run fast enough to His arms. Or how do you feel when you read these verses? Is it enlightening or what? How do you feel knowing He is the one and only healer and restorer of life! He cares about you and there is nothing you have done or could do that would ever make Him think differently of you! You couldn't be anymore special to your Father than you are right now. He is so enthralled over you and your heart. He wants you to let go of the hurts, the guilt, the shame and the past. He wants to put those broken pieces of your heart back together precisely through the work of His hands. He knows exactly how He created you and what He intended to be part of your heart. He will throw the pieces of sin as far as the east is from the west. They were nailed to the cross and you will bear them no more!

How precious this woman is to me. I can't imagine how far she had to travel to reach Jesus. I cant imagine the looks of disgust she received when she struggled to reach Him. I am so thankful that Jesus is available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week! No matter where you are, no matter how loudly you speak, He hears and He receives your heart. This part is very important, read carefully-He then answers! When He answers, we must walk it out. For me it was not the easiest thing to do in the beginning. You may feel the same way. You may have people at your back, you may have unbelievers surrounding you, you may think you can't walk away from a relationship or past. Don't believe the lies satan will consistently tell you. He will try even harder when He sees you seeking Gods answers. I pray you will hold strong to the truth and that is His word. Each day you walk in the truth it will become more comfortable and you will see the chains begin to snap one by one by God's healing power! Lets make sure we are sensitive to His voice and His call in our life. My very good friend asked me the other day "why can't God just do this one thing for me? I know He can, I've read and received many miracles before, why cant He just do this one thing?" I felt the Holy Spirit say immediately, "then it is done!" If you know He can do it, and it is a healthy move in your life, "then it is done!" Our faith has to match our walk and our talk. That was the answer this woman received. She believed and with one touch, it was done! Hallelujah!

Can you just visualize Jesus after she touched Him? I see Him holding His hand to His heart because He was so moved by this woman's faith. He felt it leave His body. He then searches until He finds who it was that just entered His Kingdom. That is how much our confession means to Jesus. I visualize Him doing the exact same thing when we realize He is the one and only who can save our lives and restore us to His standards. I pray if that day has not came in your life when you realize I cant live another day like this, that it will come right now. It doesn't have to be a past of terrible sin that puts you on your knees. It could be the same feeling if you are just choosing to live a comfortable Christian lifestyle. When we have had enough of ourselves and our way, He can speak so clearly into our future. I challenge you as well as myself to die to yourself daily. I feel the morning is the best opportunity to speak loudly unto God and against the devil. "I choose to die to myself and pick up my cross. Your will be done in my life Jesus, whether easy or hard, joyful or tears, baby steps or leaps and bounds. I receive and give it all that I have in thanksgiving." God bless you and happy journey!
Category: 1 comments

Dealing With Rejection... Audio Clip

Well if you read yesterday's post you already know I am dealing with a sick child so I didn't get to make you a video devotion....instead today you get an audio devo! It's a clip from my message Identity Theft. Be blessed!


Have you ever had one of those days?

So have you ever had one of those days...when everything that could go wrong does and nothing happens at a "convenient" time. I just had one of those. In fact it's been two weeks of "one of those days". I just got back from the ER with my son. He had been running a temperature of 104 (that's a scary number for a 1st time mom). He has had ear infections, respiratory infections, teething, plus just the regular "baby fits". Poor little guy just hasn't felt great and poor mom has been pushed to the limits. And sometimes dads; bless their hearts, just "don't get it". With all that said, I didn't get to write you sweet girls a devotion today. So I hope you don't mind if I post an article I have shared before...but it's been a few years! Enjoy and please pray for my little man...and his mamma.

I have to share a story with you that happened just the other day. I had been having a very long day with a very fussy baby, not to mention the fact that it had been about 10 weeks of no sleep due to the addition of this precious new baby to our family. My son had been crying all day long for the third day in a row. So that night I asked my husband to be the one to bathe him (it’s when he screams the loudest). Generously my husband said yes and off he went with my little Jase. A few minutes later he returns holding Jase completely naked in his arms and he blurts out, “Honey I think he got your butt!”

Now to some that may seem funny. But that’s probably because you haven’t seen a baby’s bottom lately. They are chubby and full of cute dimples. On a baby we call them dimples that‘s why they are cute, but on a grown woman we refer to it as cellulite…not so cute. As soon as my husband had finished blurting out the comment I burst into tears. My poor husband’s grin quickly turned into a panicked frown. He kept repeating “I didn’t mean it…I didn’t mean it!” I explained to him through the gasping and weeping that I already knew my butt didn’t look so good and that I wasn’t back in shape yet. Of course within minutes I was laughing at how ridiculous my response was to my husband’s innocent comment. So what does this have to do with 1 Corinthians 7:25-40. Really not too much… except I think this might be what Paul meant by if you are single you should stay single! Of course I’m only kidding and I have an amazing and wonderful husband.

This passage in 1 Corinthians 7 did remind me of the changing seasons we go through. It seems like as soon as we get into a routine of spending time with God , serving God, and living life for Him….Life changes and forces our walk with God to change too. Listen to verses 32-35 from the Message version:

“I want you to live as free of complications as possible. When you're unmarried, you're free to concentrate on simply pleasing the Master. Marriage involves you in all the nuts and bolts of domestic life and in wanting to please your spouse, leading to so many more demands on your attention. The time and energy that married people spend on caring for and nurturing each other, the unmarried can spend in becoming whole and holy instruments of God. I'm trying to be helpful and make it as easy as possible for you, not make things harder. All I want is for you to be able to develop a way of life in which you can spend plenty of time together with the Master without a lot of distractions.”

Paul knew that as our lives change so will the direction of our time and energy. I must admit to you that the amount of uninterrupted time I was able to spend with God drastically changed when I got married. And recently with my new baby boy here, it has changed even more. I have really struggled lately with feelings of discouragement and shame over not being able to study, pray, and serve as I did when I was single with no children. But those feelings aren’t from God. He is the one that gave me my wonderful husband and child, so God knew all along that my devotion time would have to look different. And the good news is he isn’t upset with me about it at all. Isn’t that a freeing thought?

Although God knows that each one of us have circumstances that make our devotion time look different from one another…he also knows that it is vital that we do have a devotion time. Jesus says about the word of God that it is more important than the bread we eat, so that means that it is important that you and I do find ways to spend time with God. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7 that all he wanted was for you to be able to develop a way of life in which you can spend plenty of time together with the Master without a lot of distractions. That’s God’s heart for each of us regardless of what season of life we are in. It has challenged me to become more creative in finding ways to be together with Jesus by cutting out all the things that are unnecessary. I challenge you to do the same. Paul puts it this way…

“I do want to point out, friends, that time is of the essence. There is no time to waste, so don't complicate your lives unnecessarily. Keep it simple —in marriage, grief, joy, whatever. Even in ordinary things—your daily routines of shopping, and so on. Deal as sparingly as possible with the things the world thrusts on you. This world as you see it is on its way out.”

Let’s continue to encourage one another to keep life simple so that we don’t miss the precious times we could be spending with God.

Lessons from Ephesus

Right now we are going through the book of Ephesians at my church...and it has been amazing to study Paul's letter to the Church in Ephesus. But as much as I am learning from his letter, I can't help but think about the church itself.

We see Ephesus come on the scene in Acts 18 as Apollos enters the city and begins preaching in the synagogue. Soon Paul enters the city and people start receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The city of Ephesus was known as a center for magic and as the Gospel began to spread, many magicians were converted and their books burned.

Eventually so many people were converting to Christianity that the silversmith's in the pagan temples began to take notice that their businesses were suffering because people were no longer coming into the pagan temples to worship.

We can see in Acts 19 the impact the Gospel is having on Ephesus. So much of an impact that the socioeconomic climate of the city is changing. Now that's the way to come on the scene!

In the book of Epehsians, Paul is encouraging the church there in doctrine and unity. He is laying a firm foundation in theology in order for spiritual stability. He is seeing the fledgling church and is calling them to the nature and truth of God in teaching.

The last we see of the Church in Ephesus is in Revelations 2.17. Beginning in v. 4,
"But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent."

Obviously we can see that in Ephesus, the church has fallen away from a intimate love with God. They have the practices down and they are doing the deeds, but they have abandoned their first love.

I look at the journey of the Church in Ephesus and I am challenged. Here was a city that was so impacted by the Gospel that the pagan businesses, which flourished because of the demand there, were seeing significant loss. Here was a city where the whole climate of the city was changing because of the Gospel. But the last time we see Ephesus, God is calling them to repentance. The church that started out with a boom is having it's lampstand removed. I am saddened by this picture of having the lampstand removed.

My prayer is that we would all keep our love for God first. Through the years if we are not careful, we can see a gradual progression away from a intimate relationship with Him. We must be careful not to do so. There are seasons that are more difficult than others and we may have to work a bit harder at the relationship; that's only natural. But let us not have our lampstand removed because we have abandoned a passionate love relationship with God.

Is that a Lie?

Recently God has been doing a real work in my heart about recognizing some lies that I have so often fallen prey to. Those lies come straight from the enemy, the father of lies- John 8:44, “He (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the Father of Lies.” As a mom, I have often instructed my kids, “Always tell the truth, don’t ever lie.” But, the more I’ve been thinking about it lately, I might want to add, “and don’t believe lies.” Because what you believe directly affects how you live, the decisions you make, and your outlook on life.

Women are prone to believing lies, perhaps because we are just naturally trustworthy, or maybe lies can look more convincing than the truth or maybe we are just made up more emotional and vulnerable. Regardless, the point is that as fallen women, we are particularly prone to fall prey to Satan’s deception. Remember that he did not first approach the man; he deliberately approached and deceived the woman. It was the woman who led her husband into sin and together they led the whole human race into sin. I believe there is something significant about that progression and that, to this day, there is a unique sense in which Satan targets women for deception. We know this for a fact. All we have to do is take a look at Eve, the first woman who walked the earth. She fell for the lie.
Genesis 3:1-13, “ Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" (1st deception) 2 The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' "You will not surely die," (First lie!) the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (another lie!!)
6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid."11 And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"12 The man said, "The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."13 Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?"
The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."

So, the enemy may not try to deceive us into eating off an apple tree; but he sure knows how to trap us with some other lies. Do any of these sound familiar to you?

Everyone else’s kids are better than yours.
Everyone else is so much more organized and ‘together’ than you.
Everyone has a much better marriage than you have.
Everyone is more disciplined than you and more spiritual.
Everyone else is more capable than you.
Everyone else is much more gifted and talented than you, so why even try?!
You are the only one who is falling apart and feels the way you feel.
God is not really that good, or else He wouldn’t have allowed this to happen.

This list could go on and on. Nancy Leigh DeMoss says in her book, Lies Women Believe and the Truth that sets them Free, is that “we first listen to a lie, then we dwell on the lie, the we begin to believe the lie, and then we act on the lie.” Listening to things that the enemy whispers to us that are not true is the first step toward ultimate bondage and death. This is why I feel it is so vital for us to take the first step of being watchful and recognizing a lie before it goes to the next step.

What do you think might be some lies that you struggle with? Has the enemy robbed your joy because of it? Is it causing you to live in some sort of bondage or frustration? Satan would love nothing better than to dissuade you from experiencing God’s best by feeding you LIES.

It is my encouragement and challenge for you (and I) to pray and ask the Holy Spirit this week to help us be more aware of the lies that so easily begin to flood our minds. As we take this first step towards recognizing them more quickly, we can combat them with the truth of God’s word. John 8:31-32, “Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Next week in my blog posting, I will begin a 4 week Bible study that the Lord has impressed upon me to share with you all; called, “The traps of Doubt”. As we begin to dig and search through God’s word, He is going to begin to show us areas in our lives that we have allowed the enemy to trap us in the doubts and lies that rob us from being all that God has intended us to be. And that is…women who walk in joyful freedom. I hope you join me.


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Could you use a little more patience in your life? Me too!! I am often mesmerized by how patient God is. He has been patiently waiting on many of us “to get it” long before we even thought about Him. I am a teacher so I have the summers off which is an amazing blessing. On the other hand, boy oh boy am I tested! I don’t always have the patience required to endure a full day with a nine year old, four year old and busy, busy two year old.

I tell God throughout the day when I feel the impatient attitude overwhelm me. I struggle with the fact I keep coming up against this weakness. Isn’t it quite funny I would ask for the blessing of patience, right now! When we are saved or reborn into Christ’s Kingdom we are washed with his blood. We instantly receive a new soul, new desires and a new vision but we cannot expect to be perfect.

My weakness is patience and I am growing to understand God’s work in my life towards this goal. Just because we come up short does not mean we have failed. This struggle in my life will continue to improve as long as I am looking for the answers and strength from the Lord. I want to continue to pick myself back up, compose myself through the Holy Spirit and try again. As I gain knowledge and understanding through prayer I must make the changes necessary to attain more patience. Just like a child learning to speak, it takes time and consistency to get it just right.

It is so important to keep a positive outlook on our daily struggles, even when we fail because satan is waiting to stir the pot. Satan doesn’t always knock you down with one big blow in your life. Many times he will try and chisel your joy away little by little. In my situation lately it has been an attitude, it could be a choice, it could be unkind words, maybe gossip or even being super sensitive and allowing your feelings to get hurt. Again, we must be diligent in His love and wisdom that we may recognize satan’s works. One of my very good friends gave me a quote last week that said, “if satan is not bothering you, then you’re probably not bothering satan.” When I heard those words, my heart literally skipped a beat. I was immediately filled with joy. How crazy is it that when I feel the attack of satan I can be proud and challenged to continue in pursuit of my Father’s will because I am causing satan distress.

There will always be struggles in our lives but we can face them head on with a heart for God and a positive attitude and in the end, we can rejoice with the angels in victory!!!!

Please join me and pray Colossians 1 9-12 over each and every person you know and come in contact with this week.
“9For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.”
Maranda Huntley
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Do you feel loved?

Who are you doing life with?

Hebrews 10:24-25 AMP
"Let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities, Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together as believers, as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching."

I am beginning to realize more and more how important it is to be surrounded by an intimate group of God fearing, God loving people. Let’s face it…life can be hard sometimes. We need others around us cheering us on to the finish line and correcting us when we stray off path. In fact Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us to not forsake meeting together with other believers but to admonish: warn, urge, and encourage one another. It also says to consider how we can stir one another up. This verse is the one verse God gave me as we started True Identity Ministries over 2 ½ years ago. I knew God was calling this ministry to get creative in stirring up the women we minister to. Encouraging them in their gifts and urging them to step out and serve where God calls them. And many times warning and challenging them to get their lives lined up in obedience to God’s word. We have taken that call on our ministry from God very serious. It’s why we do events, blogs, devotionals, and write books.

Although our ministry can be an important resource for you in your walk with God; it can’t be the only one. The fact is that you need to be plugging yourself in with people that serve God right alongside of you. People that can spot the gifts and talents in you and become an encouragement to you. People that can warn you and hold you accountable when you begin to stray from God’s will for your life. If you are going to reap the full benefit of connecting with other believers in life, you are going to have to be willing to make your life more “see through”. To be willing to get real with some of the things you are dealing with. You are going to have to take off the mask.

I am not saying that you just open yourself up to just anyone. You need to pray and ask God to surround you with mature Christians full of experience and wisdom that love Him. You need to plug yourself into a bible believing, bible teaching church; one that has leadership that encourages you to seek God for yourself. Ask God to plug you into a small group of people that you can trust to encourage you and hold you accountable to his will in your life.

Question: Who ARE you doing life with? What I see all too often is new Christians (and old ones for that matter) that share their most intimate parts of their life with friends that aren’t even serving or loving God. Or if they are, they are completely content staying at the level they are currently at and not interested in growing further in their pursuit of God. I see Christian women that are confiding in their unbelieving family and coworkers for advice. Many times the advice doesn’t line up with God’s plan or will and it just leaves that sweet Christian even more confused. I am challenging you to take a hard look at the people you continue to surround yourself with. Are they driving you towards God? Or away from him?

If you and I are going to be able to run towards God with perseverance we are going to have to be surrounded by people running just as fast towards him. There is something very powerful when people get equally yoked up. You just might have to do some rearranging in your life. I am not saying you just drop all your old friends like a bad habit. I am saying that God may want to do some weeding. Removing the weeds in your life and planting healthy seeds in their place. I can promise you that as you get connected with others loving and serving Jesus, it will be a fresh breath helping to revive your walk with God. We love you and want to see you know and love your God even more. He really is worth it.

Hebrews 12:1-3 Message Bible
Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!

We love you so,

A Fun Day with Becky and Justeina

Hello TIM Girlfriends and guyfriends!

Well we don't normally post on Saturdays but thought you would like to follow along with Becky and Justeina today on their surprise girl day together compliments of Justeina's husband Kyle. Justeina's anniversary gift was a day out with a friend to a list of surprises. Enjoy Becky as she takes you along for the ride. We just wanted to show you that we aren't all work...we actually do alot of playing too!

First Stop:
The new coffee shop in town Choco Latte

Next stop:
JC Penny's shopping spree....i know i know....but that's all we got in Brookings, South Dakota what can we say?!

Well we failed miserably at the shopping thing so we need a massage to help with the stop KRAVE massage!

Becky didn't want the massage to end i guess....

Ya I know you can't hear what she said but really....does it matter? It's probably better you couldn't hear her anyway. Next stop back to JC Penny determined to buy an outfit. And then off to lunch to end our day at Qdoba.

Becky is dying to show you her new outfit before we say goodbye.

Well hope you had as much fun as Becky and Justeina did! We at TIM sure do love you all. See you very soon we hope! And leave Becky a comment to tell her how cute her outfit looks.
Category: 2 comments

God's Love

"So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:

They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We're sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us."
Romans 8.31-39

The ESV translation reads that nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of Christ.”

Did you see that? Nothing. Not even the worst sins, can separate us from the love of Christ. That means that nothing you have ever done or could ever do will stop Christ from loving you. You can’t get away from it, even if you wanted to or how far you ran. It’s impossible.

You want to know something? I’ve tried. I’ve believed it wasn’t true. I would hear the words, “God loves you,” and push them to the side. I believed that those words were only for those who were good. Those who were in a sense, “perfect.” But nobody is perfect. And those words are for me. For me AND for you.

You know what?

God loves you. And there is never one thing you could do for that to be untrue. So embrace it. It may not be easy and you may find it hard to believe that you could be loved, but it’s true. You simply have to step into it.
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Following in my Father's Footsteps

One afternoon my mother-in-law and I were talking about the joys and trials of parenting. I said, “You never told me how hard this parenting thing was going to be.” She smiled and said, “Oh, no…if I had, then I wouldn’t have this many grandchildren.”

I’ve heard Dr. Dobson say that parenting can be one of the most joyful and difficult things that you ever do. I’m finding that to be so true. There are countless moments where I would just love to push the pause button on life because it is such a beautiful season of our lives. Those moments where our children are developing that character that we are trying so hard to teach and instill. Those moments when one child is serving and helping his sibling with something without being asked, the times when the younger two are playing so well together while using their God given imaginations. But, there are of course, those moments when I’d love to push the fast-forward button and move beyond the moment…and move rather quickly.
You know what I’m talking about…those moments when the kids are arguing over who has a bigger piece of pie, or who took the last piece of string cheese, or the impulsive child knocks over his lemonade for the second time that day. Sticky floors…gotta love em’!

These are the moments that I’m finding that God is refining my character as a mom. How am I going to respond? Am I going to respond with mercy? Am I going to patiently instruct my son on how he can be more careful? Will I use the opportunity to teach kindness and forgiveness? Or am I going to raise my voice and respond in that ‘you’ve ticked me off’ voice?

I must say that there have times that I have responded in the gentle and patient way, ceasing the opportunity to teach and train, but have also had many times when my kids were quite aware that they were getting on my nerves! I am not proud to say that. A few months ago, I began to specifically pray the verse Psalm 139:23 “Search me, O God, and know my heart: test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Whew! Has He ever done this! He has allowed many testing opportunities to reveal some offensive ways in me. Sometimes it’s during those testing moments that impatience, anger or selfishness is revealed. And these are not meant to condemn us or beat ourselves up, but rather to confess them to our heavenly Father, asking Him to supply an extra dose of His grace and mercy.

And He does! He reminds me of the loving compassion that He has shown me countless times...times when He could have been greatly annoyed by my attitudes, behavior or actions. Instead, he showers me with forgiveness. I want to walk in my Father’s footsteps...I want to extend that same patient and merciful attitude he shows me, even when I don’t feel like it.

Mercy means: not getting what you deserve. Is there anyone that comes to your mind that needs some mercy extended to them today, even though they may not ‘deserve’ it? It may be a neighbor, co-worker, spouse or a child. This certainly doesn’t come natural to our flesh, and is yet another reason why it is so important to seek His face each and every day. As we ask him for His supernatural wisdom, guidance and strength, He sure provides. I want to be a woman that walks in my Father’s footsteps, are you willing to join me today?

Prov. 25:15- “Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can crush strong opposition.”
Romans 15:15- “May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other-each with the attitude of Christ Jesus toward the other.”

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Truth equals Freedom

John 8:31-32
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

My family and I had a blast this year celebrating the fourth of July. Our daughter took a step towards bravery and actually lit several fireworks. Our middle son enjoyed standing in the midst of the smoke bombs and making his eyes water, and our youngest son stood back in amazement of all the noises, smells, and bright lights. I love this week of celebration and all it involves on earth as well as in our spiritual lives.

As the song, “God bless the U.S.A” roars over all the radio stations this holiday, I am so deeply moved. In my town people are packed in on our local golf course gathering under the beautiful firework display, this amazing song, and one God. I think about how many times I have taken this freedom I have for granted. I begin to realize how many people die and strive to see the day of such a freedom. For most of us in America this is an incomprehensible blessing. We have always had this privilege so it is all we know, which can easily lead to a half hazard walk. The more knowledgeable we gain about something, the more Godly authority we can take towards our future. As we grow in the Lord, His Word (which is His wisdom) we can take this freedom we are blessed with to new heights.

I want to ask you what your definition of freedom is. I believe truth equals freedom. I don’t believe you can truly live in freedom until you have truly lived in and accepted the truth of God’s word. Full freedom is experienced only when we live in and for the truth that God offers us through his word. I just picture an ear to ear smile on the Lord’s face as we walk in obedience to his word. We must always remember this walk of obedience is for our benefit. The Lord does not actually have to have it, after all He is God. How sweet it is that He offers it daily into our lives. He wants us to experience every bit of heaven on earth.

When we seek His offer, we become selfless a little more each day. As we start being filled with His love, truth, and freedom He asks us to go and fill others lives. I want to expose and empty out as much of this undeserved goodness as I can so I can come back to His feet to be refueled once again. Without any hesitation, let’s grab His offer, digest it and seek the fruit within the offer!

Maranda Huntley

Honoring Your Man Video Devotion

Honoring Your Man

Since we have posted a devo for all the singles recently, I only thought it appropriate to post a devo for all the married women out there. Especially since it’s the week of my 4th wedding anniversary. But singles don’t tune out…you can still be encouraged through this post. I love to look at Proverbs 31 woman and learn from her, and we can learn much about being a wife. Proverbs 31:11 tells us that this man had full confidence in his wife. That word confidence is transliterated in Hebrew as batach and means: trusts, relies on, puts confidence in, finds security, and believes in her with his entire heart, emotions, mind, thoughts, and understanding.1

Okay, make sure you get this; the first part of this verse is telling us that everything inside this husband finds security, confidence, and protection in his wife. He can trust her with not only his physical needs, but he knows that he can trust her with his heart and emotions. He knows they are safe with her. Many times in relationships we girls do a pretty good job of taking care of all of our husband’s physical needs such as the housework, the laundry, the kids, the dry cleaning, etc. The problem is that we aren’t always as good about taking care of his heart. This has been the most challenging thing God has called me to. Taking good care of my husband’s heart. I am constantly having to apologize for nagging and abruptly spewing out rude comments in the heat of my anger. There is nothing that stings more to me than to see my husband get crushed by my piercing tongue. Can you relate? I want nothing more than my husband to be able to trust me with his heart…his whole heart. What about you? Is your husband able to trust you with his heart? Put his full confidence in you?

God is teaching me to honor my husband. The word honor means to add value to something, to treat it as precious and weighty, to revere and show respect. When you and I honor our husband we are regarding him as valuable. Sometimes there can be a gap between what our husbands are really like and what we would like them to be. Please be aware that honor doesn’t speak to where our husbands are, it speaks to where we see them being. Honor doesn’t point out all of the things within the gap. Take a look at Amplified Bible’s version of Ephesians 5:33 and allow its rich content to guide you in what honoring your husband would look like. This version does a fantastic job of offering us the words from the original Greek.

However, let each man of you [without exception] love his wife as [being in a sense] his very own self; and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband [that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly].

Now take a look at the definitions of each of these words…

She notices him
Notice: somebody's attention, observation, or consideration

She regards him
Regard: to consider somebody or something; to think of somebody or something as having a particular nature or quality or a particular role or function

She prefers him
Prefer: to like somebody or something better; give priority to somebody; promote somebody

She esteems him
Esteem: value somebody or something highly; to have a high regard for somebody or something

She defers to him
Defer: grant precedence to; to give way to, and usually acknowledge the merit of somebody else's judgment, opinion, wishes, or action

She praises him
Praise: expression of admiration; words that express approval or admiration

She loves him
Love: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails…” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

I can only pray that you have been half as challenged as I have been by breaking down this list. Each one of these things reflect honor. When we apply each of these to our marriage we are saying to our husband “you are valuable and I honor you“. Listen girls, God thinks your man is very valuable and you have to be sure that you treat him as such. Pray over this list you have studied today. Ask God to reveal to you the areas you fall short in and ask him for wisdom in how to begin to honor that man he has given you. I heard a pastor’s wife once say, “Don’t forget how long you prayed to get that man. Now you have him, so you had better treat him right!” I think that is very good advice, don’t you?


What Does Your World Revolve Around?

Ephesians 1.20-23,
"All this energy issues from Christ: God raised him from death and set him on a throne in deep heaven, in charge of running the universe, everything from galaxies to governments, no name and no power exempt from his rule. And not just for the time being, but forever. He is in charge of it all, has the final word on everything. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ's body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence

There has been a constant thought on my mind lately. And I mean constant. I can't seem to get out of my head this idea of keeping Christ central. As a Christian, there is this lifestyle we are called to live by; a lifestyle of living as Christ. Is that not why we are called "Christian?" To be like Christ. To model after Christ.

As much as we should be aware of this everyday of our lives, I'm afraid we do not keep it so central as we should. I know I didn't. But about a month ago it clicked. It was like a switch was flipped and now I can't turn it off (not that I would want to).

As believers, as CHRISTIANS, we must live every moment centered around Christ. Our lives must revolve around the message of salvation.

I am challenged in every way to see that all I do is made with the cross at the center. My relationships. The decisions I make. The attitude I present. I want people to look at my life and say, "That's a woman who centers her life around Christ."

I believe that if every Christian got a hold of this, and made this there number one priority, things would drastically shift in the Kingdom. Our lives should preach the cross. And not this image of the cross, but the life changing message of what the cross represents...salvation.

We are not called to preach a gospel everyone likes or agrees with. We must preach a gospel that calls people to see the foolishness of man under the cross. A message that boasts in God and His gift of salvation.

I don't want to be someone who stands at the cross and tells people they need to be there; I want to humbly invite people to join me at the foot.

I challenge you (and myself) to have this constant awareness of Christ in our lives. Everything we do and think must revolve around the Christ. This is the only way we can preach the gospel of salvation, made possible only by Christ, the Son of God.
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Trusting Him in the Testing

Whew…I am so thankful for seasonal changes! I am loving this time of warm sunshine, the beautiful flowers that are in full bloom, bike rides with my family and not dealing with the harsh coldness of winter!  But, spiritually speaking, this summer has been more like a colder season of testing for my family and me. Oh, sure, we’ve encountered some of the usual tests, such as minor illness, sibling rivalries and the day to day trials that come with living in this world. But, recently, there have been some tougher tests. Tough, tough job situations, a sister-in-law that is in end stage renal failure and in need of a new kidney, and those type of tests.

Ya know what I’m talking about, don’t you? Like the kind of testing that hurts! It’s like that exercising thing…the easier walks or 3 lb. weights are able to be handled with ease, but you start adding some running and 15lb. weights and ugh! Ouch! Those muscles are sure hurting! But, just like painful endurance in exercise helps strengthen our physical muscles; I know that these tests and trials are meant to strengthen our spiritual muscles as well!

James 1:2-5 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”

James doesn’t say if you face trials, but whenever you face them. He assumes that we will have trials and that it is possible to profit from them. The point is not to pretend to be happy when we face pain, but to have a positive outlook (“consider it pure joy”) because of what the trials will produce in us. James tells us to turn our hardships into times of learning. Tough times can teach us perseverance, while they are opportunities to help us grow.

Some things I have been learning in this season are:

1. God is faithful (He doesn’t love me more when life is good, his love is consistent despite how I feel!!)
2. TRUST, TRUST, TRUST, TRUST- I am not in control, I cannot change things, so why worry??? Phil 4:6-7 says, “Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”
3. Is my joy based on circumstances or is it based upon the Lord?? Paul said he had learned to be content in all situations, and to consider it pure JOY when we are going through these trials. This isn’t going to happen be patient with myself.
4. I’m learning about a deeper level of compassion for others, everyone is going through life with their own set of difficulties. These trials help me to be more sensitive to the hurts and needs of others.
Whatever it is that you may be facing today, know that the Father loves you and is holding you safely in His arms. He cares for you and has your best intentions at heart; so we can freely TRUST him.

Father, we thank you for your unconditional love. We know that you care for us, that you have special plans for each one of us and that your plans for us are good! Help us to trust you when we don’t understand what’s going on. Help us to learn to be content and joyful in all circumstances, knowing that you are making us mature and complete. We love you, Jesus.

Stephanie Lammers
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