The Helper

I absolutely have a passion for and love talking about the Holy Spirit. It seems to me He may be one of the most neglected persons in the Church, which boggles my mind. We talk about God the Father and God the Son on a regular basis, and that's fantastic, but few people know much about God the Holy Spirit. I think people know more about Moses or Abraham or Paul than they do about this Person of the Godhead.

Why is this? John 16.7 says, "Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you." Sounds like He's kind of a big deal to me! Jesus says that it is to our advantage that he go so that the Helper (Holy Spirit) may come.

I honestly believe that if the Church and believers got this understanding of the moving and power of the Holy Spirit, and allowed Him to move in and through it/them the way He desires, there would be a shift on the earth.

I don't dare go into all the theology and what we know of the Holy Spirit; it would take too long. But I have this burning desire to help people understand Him and His moving a little better...because the Holy Spirit is moving today!

I am tempted to go in depth about the movings and workings of the Holy Spirit. But to summarize, there are two movings: dwelling and baptism. The dwelling of the Holy Spirit happens at the moment of salvation, when the believer is born in the Spirit. Through this, He makes us more like Christ and enables us to do our Fathers will.

Why did Jesus say that it would be better for him to leave and for the Helper to come? Wouldn't it be better to have Jesus there, in person? For a moment, you would think have the Son of God, in the flesh, walking on the earth. But think about it this way. The Holy Spirit lives in us, and what's better than having God in us? To talk to Jesus on earth, you would have to fly to where he was, wait in line to talk to him, and then maybe get a question in. It's not that Jesus wouldn't want to spend all day talking to you, but there are six billion other people who would be vying for his attention. With the Holy Spirit, we have unlimited access to God, no matter where we are. How awesome is that!

The second moving is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which happens to a believer at some point. What I would like to emphasize is that this filling is for ALL believers. That's right; Gods desire is for you to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Acts 2.34 says, "For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself." Do you see that? It's for all who are far everyone whom the Lord calls to himself? Sounds like every believer to me.

So why, if this gift is for all believers, are so many missing it? It is so important that believers be baptized. Not only does it speed up the process that makes us more like Christ, but with it comes the power to witness and the gifts of the Spirit. I cannot express enough the importance of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that churches, leaders and believers all across the earth would eagerly seek the moving and power of the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that there would be a freedom for His moving. If there was, just think of what God would do through His Church for His glory!

A relationship with the Holy Sprit is a unique one, and one that I enjoy cultivating with each day. That relationship must be protected, nurtured, developed and guarded. You won't regret for a second the effort you put into the relationship.

God wants to maximize His power through our lives, but we must be willing.
Pray for the baptism if you have yet to experience it.
Seek it.
Have an open heart and an open mind.
Have faith; it is essential.
Be obedient.

It is Gods desire for His children to be baptized, and we should all eagerly desire it. If you have not, seek it. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen the first or fifth or tenth time you have prayed...keep praying and it will happen. If you have been, cultivate your relationship with the Holy Spirit. It's a two sided relationship; a communication that goes both ways.

The Holy Spirit longs to work in and through your life!

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