What's inside?

A few years ago I bought my son some of those water capsules that you are supposed to soak in warm water and wait for a short time before an animal or car or a ‘surprise’ shape comes out of it. Well, he was so excited! Even though it was supposed to change into something within a few hours, the waiting time was so challenging because my son couldn’t wait to see what was inside of it! He couldn’t stop staying, “Mom…I just can’t wait to see what’s inside!”

A few weeks after this, I was thinking that this is often how it is when we impatiently wait for ourselves to make changes.

Do you ever feel like you just know you are spiritually making some changes?

Sometimes it can be challenging because we want changes NOW and it just takes time. It takes time for the Holy Spirit to do his work and bring about the beautiful surprise that’s inside of each of us. We all have gifts, talents, and strengths within us, but sometimes they are covered by a hard ‘capsule’ or what the Word of God calls sin. Sin of pride, anger, impatience, lust, or any other acts of the sinful nature.

In John 4, Jesus talks about living waters. Just like soaking that toy capsule in water, we must continually soak ourselves in the Living Waters!

That living water is Jesus! Time with Him each and every day...allowing Him to make changes within us moment by moment...step by step in this journey of life.

What does this look like?

Maybe it's the next time I am tempted to get impatient when a child does something real irritating, instead of getting so aggravated, I instead respond in patience and mercy.

Someone offends me...instead of letting it affect my mood or emotions, I give it over to God and extend forgiveness and grace.

I'm asking Him daily to soak away (chip away) any hard coating; i.e-sin that is preventing the inward fruit from coming out.

Ask Him to change you!

When He keeps showing us what's inside...it's beyond what we could ever dream~!

Love ya!

(Psalms 36:9 says, “For with you is the fountain of life, in your light we see light."-which is the power of the Almighty God, we are made new!!)

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