Growing in the step at a time!

"I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step."
1 Corinthians 9:26 (NLT)

New Years has come and gone and we are mid-January, believe it or not? If you are among the thousands of people around the world who make New Year’s goals; you are probably plugging away at them and trying to keep the momentum to follow them through. And if you are anything like me, we are going along with excitement and energy and slowly our energy and excitement starts to wane and drop off. But, we decide in our hearts to press on with purpose in our steps! :) Maybe it’s a goal to grow in your relationship with God by spending more time in His Word; maybe it’s a goal of investing more time into your marriage, losing some weight, showing more patience with your kids. Whatever the goal, one thing is for sure-goals are intended to push us towards growth. We shouldn’t stay where we are forever. And many times, these New Years goals keep us focused on growing and pressing on.

Speaking of growing, how many of you have children that struggle with growing pains? Growing pains or sometimes known as Charlie horses or leg spasms. They are most common in the middle of the night. Well, I had these as a child and I am sure my Mom can testify to the countless nights that she was up praying for me, massaging my legs and attempting any other possibilities to get rid of the aches to get us both back to bed. Three of my children have struggled with these growing pains from time to time. They are called growing pains for a reason. They are painful! I will be up praying for my crying child, rubbing down their legs with some lotion, and truly sympathizing for them. I am compassionate on my kids when they have them because I love them of course, but also because I can remember what they felt like! When my firstborn hit the age of two, he had them so bad, that I was concerned and asked the doctor about them. Of course, the Dr. just reassured me that they are completely ‘normal’ and a part of the growing son was just simply going through a growth spurt! It can be the same way with our spiritual growth too- rather painful at times.

Now, of course, growing pains are certainly not all painful, but more times than not, spiritual growth comes through the many trials and hardships we encounter in our lives. For the next few Thursdays, we are going to look at God’s word and what it has to say about spiritual growth.

So, what does spiritual growth practically look like in our lives? Why is it so important? When should we be growing? And how do we grow and get where we want to? These are some questions that we are going to answer over the next few weeks. Each Thursday, I am going to cover one thing about what growth does not look like in our lives, and one thing that growth does look like.

But, for today, I just want to leave you with some questions and scripture to stir some thought-provoking ideas on spiritual growth in your life. After you spend some time looking over them, leave some comments to encourage one another as we are all on this journey together.

1. On a scale of 1-10, (1 being very little and 10 being tremendous growth), where would you say you are in your growth?

2. What would you say have been some factors that has helped or hindered your growth?

3. Where do you see yourself wanting to be spiritually, mentally and physically in 2011?

4. Are you taking any intentional steps on getting there? If not, what can you do today to give yourself a push in the right direction?

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

"This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success." Joshua 1:8

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”-1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Love ya,

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