Last Thursday, I talked about spiritual growth. Let’s take a look today at an answer to some of the questions: Why is spiritual growth so important? Spiritual growth is vital! If we are not growing, we’re going to become stagnant, lazy Christians that will eventually start going backwards. If we are not pushing forward with a clear vision and purpose in mind-we will fall into the dangerous state of complacency. When should we be growing? We should be constantly growing and moving forward-one step at a time! (not baby steps either-steps that are purposeful- "I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step". (1 Corinthians 9:26)
Today, I would like to look at two things that growth does not look like. Growth does not look like-
Guilt and Condemnation- Let’s be real clear and transparent here. We ALL have weaknesses! We all have areas that we struggle, areas that we just wish were better than they are. We see where we are and where we want to be and we end up feeling guilty that we aren’t there yet! When I see that one of my goals is to grow in patience as a mom, the next time I struggle with impatience and raise my voice, I suddenly feel overwhelmed in guilt. The enemy will tempt us to do the things we are so trying to avoid (overeating, overspending, overindulgence, gossip, laziness,) but then he immediately hits us over the head with this guilt and condemnation! It is so heavy; no one should be walking around with it. And clearly, it is NOT from God.
Romans 8:1 says, “So, there is NO condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus”
We are going to make some mistakes. We are human. Paul cried out to God about his weaknesses in 2 Corinthians12: 8, and here is Jesus’ response, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” Then Paul goes on to say in vs. 10, “That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and other troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” See, Paul understood that his weakness drove him to Christ’s power and help.
So, what does this spiritual growth look like?-
Obedience and Joy- We have been forgiven and set free from our loving Savior, so we obey out of love—and our obedience brings great joy!
Jesus said, "I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” (John 15:9–11)
The greatest tragedy this year would be for you and me to stand at the edge of your destiny, but to be afraid to enter into all that God has planned for us. Our obedience in moving forward (one step at a time) -- to take risks and step out in faith – will release God’s power in our lives. When Paul chose obedience, God’s power helped him to grow and be full of joy.
Challenge Questions:
1. Is guilt or condemnation holding you captive in any way? If so, let God’s truths and forgiveness set you free, and move on in his freedom.
2. Has God been prompting you to step out in obedience in an area of your life? As you do, be expecting God’s power to be at work in your life!
In His love,
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