
Ezra, as the introduction puts it in my Bible, "beneath his quiet, private, bookish exterior lay a passionate, determined soul committed to helping the people live what the Scriptures taught. God's whole story mattered to him..." I immediately paid attention because I saw maybe a bit of myself in that description; quiet, private and loving the Word of God!

Ezra was a priest sent by the Persian king to lead Israelites back to Jerusalem. I have studied Esther, which led to some study of Nehemiah, another man who helped in the rebuilding of Jerusalem. But I have failed to really learn much of here was my chance.

I haven't finished reading the book yet, but I have particularly found chapter 7 interesting. Verse 15 required special attention from me.

"You are also authorized to take the silver and gold that the king and his advisers are giving for the God of Israel, whose residence is in Jerusalem..."

I chewed on those words for a moment and thought about the implications of this statement. In the Old Testament, God's residence was (at this time) in the temple. Not only was His presence to be found there, but few people were able to enter the room.

But then a man came, who was fully God and fully man, to tear the veil in the temple. When Christ gave up his life as a ransom, the barrier between God and man was torn; a bridge was built for relationship. I am so thankful that today I don't have to fly all the way to Jerusalem and hope I can get into the room that God's presence is held.

The king of Persia, in Ezra 7, makes a statement that was very relevant to that time and one we are blessed not to have actualized at present. God is everywhere, at all times, with all people. We don't have to wait in long lines or bring a bull for offering or follow a list of rules. What we have today is all access to an Almighty God.

I "happened" to have read this on a Sunday morning before church. As I sat in the back of the sanctuary that morning and glanced out to see thousands of people worshipping a beautiful God, I couldn't help but think about Ezra 7.15...and to be thankful that we can have a relationship with the One who created us.

God no longer takes residence on earth in one building, but rather graciously chooses to take residence in the hearts of men. For that we cannot help but be humbled and incredibly thankful.
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Growing in the step at a time! Part 2

Last Thursday, I talked about spiritual growth. Let’s take a look today at an answer to some of the questions: Why is spiritual growth so important? Spiritual growth is vital! If we are not growing, we’re going to become stagnant, lazy Christians that will eventually start going backwards. If we are not pushing forward with a clear vision and purpose in mind-we will fall into the dangerous state of complacency. When should we be growing? We should be constantly growing and moving forward-one step at a time! (not baby steps either-steps that are purposeful- "I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step". (1 Corinthians 9:26)

Today, I would like to look at two things that growth does not look like. Growth does not look like-

Guilt and Condemnation- Let’s be real clear and transparent here. We ALL have weaknesses! We all have areas that we struggle, areas that we just wish were better than they are. We see where we are and where we want to be and we end up feeling guilty that we aren’t there yet! When I see that one of my goals is to grow in patience as a mom, the next time I struggle with impatience and raise my voice, I suddenly feel overwhelmed in guilt. The enemy will tempt us to do the things we are so trying to avoid (overeating, overspending, overindulgence, gossip, laziness,) but then he immediately hits us over the head with this guilt and condemnation! It is so heavy; no one should be walking around with it. And clearly, it is NOT from God.

Romans 8:1 says, “So, there is NO condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus

We are going to make some mistakes. We are human. Paul cried out to God about his weaknesses in 2 Corinthians12: 8, and here is Jesus’ response, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” Then Paul goes on to say in vs. 10, “That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and other troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” See, Paul understood that his weakness drove him to Christ’s power and help.

So, what does this spiritual growth look like?-

Obedience and Joy- We have been forgiven and set free from our loving Savior, so we obey out of love—and our obedience brings great joy!
Jesus said, "I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” (John 15:9–11)

The greatest tragedy this year would be for you and me to stand at the edge of your destiny, but to be afraid to enter into all that God has planned for us. Our obedience in moving forward (one step at a time) -- to take risks and step out in faith – will release God’s power in our lives. When Paul chose obedience, God’s power helped him to grow and be full of joy.

Challenge Questions:
1. Is guilt or condemnation holding you captive in any way? If so, let God’s truths and forgiveness set you free, and move on in his freedom.
2. Has God been prompting you to step out in obedience in an area of your life? As you do, be expecting God’s power to be at work in your life!

In His love,
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Making Prayer and the Word a Priority

Acts 4:31
After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God boldly.

How are you connected to God? How can you and do you experience His peace? How do you make an impact for the Lord? How do you learn to speak the Word boldly? How do we bear His fruit? How do we gain understanding and knowledge of God's will in our lives? The answer is His Word and Prayer! When we dive into His Word and connect ourselves with Him through communication, change inevitably happens. Experiencing God's Word that was given to us and prayer which is just for us, is overwhelming. I challege us all to make His Word and Prayer with Him as intimate as possible this year. It will truly change not only your day, but your life!
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The Best Wine

The first in book in the Old Testament section of The Prophets is Isaiah, a prophet who lived around 700 BC in Jerusalem. Through the reign of four kings, Isaiah was God's voice to a nation (Judah) spiraling further into sin and disobedience.

"Your silver has become dross, your best wine mixed with water." (Isaiah 1.22 ESV)

The second half of the verse really stands out to me. You might be wondeirng what watered down wine has to do with you, right? I know, I can read your thoughts before you think it ;) Or perhaps I have wondered that too. We're all girls...we get each other, right!

Judah and the people of Israel were favored by God and had every advantage. They were a best wine. As time progressed however, their hearts began to turn toward the things of this world. In a sense, they were allowing water of the world to seep into the wine.

As a Christian, we can be full on for God. Things are going great. But if we are not careful to guard our relationship with God, water can began to seep in...clutter will build...junk will fill our hearts. If we do not protect that relationship, water will begin to mix with the wine...clutter will overwhelm...junk will leave no room for necessities.

The wine may continue to have the color and appearance of wine, but that would just be an appearance. When we allow clutter to build up, on the outside we may still have an appearance of being full on (for a while), but the truth is that we are not best wine any longer. And I believe God would desire for His children to be the best wine.

How often do we allow a little to mix in our hearts? We may think it's just the season, or a little won't hurt...the excuses could go on. But the truth is that mixing is actually a person slacking in their relationship with God and living selfishly, truth be told. I know, I've been there.

I would like to challenge you today to look within your heart. Have you allowed any water to seep in? Water seeps in through what we watch, the music we listen to, the people we hang around. If we aren't guarding what is entering, then there is an opportunity for what is not righteous to mix with what is righteous.

But there are also the other things that can seep in that may not be so noticeable: loneliness, depression, lust, greed...the list could go on. There was a time period in my life where I became discouraged. I allowed the water of discouragement to seep in and mix with what was in my heart. After a while this diluted wine began to hinder my relationship with the Lord.

Not one person can afford to allow the unrighteousness of this world to mix with the best wine God has favored. Be careful to guard the best wine.

"I...purge the junk from your life, clean you up. I'll set honest judges and wise counselors among you just like it was back in the beginning. The you'll be renamed City-That-Treats-People-Right, a True-Blue City." (Isaiah 1.25-26 MSG)

The people of Israel had turned their back to God (and it wasn't the first time). Yet God in His wonderful Grace and Love tells them that He will remove the junk and clean them up if they would turn back to Him. The mixed wine returned to purity.

What an encouragement to all of us. The Creator of the Universe says that if we will just look to Him, He will clean us up.

Growing in the step at a time!

"I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step."
1 Corinthians 9:26 (NLT)

New Years has come and gone and we are mid-January, believe it or not? If you are among the thousands of people around the world who make New Year’s goals; you are probably plugging away at them and trying to keep the momentum to follow them through. And if you are anything like me, we are going along with excitement and energy and slowly our energy and excitement starts to wane and drop off. But, we decide in our hearts to press on with purpose in our steps! :) Maybe it’s a goal to grow in your relationship with God by spending more time in His Word; maybe it’s a goal of investing more time into your marriage, losing some weight, showing more patience with your kids. Whatever the goal, one thing is for sure-goals are intended to push us towards growth. We shouldn’t stay where we are forever. And many times, these New Years goals keep us focused on growing and pressing on.

Speaking of growing, how many of you have children that struggle with growing pains? Growing pains or sometimes known as Charlie horses or leg spasms. They are most common in the middle of the night. Well, I had these as a child and I am sure my Mom can testify to the countless nights that she was up praying for me, massaging my legs and attempting any other possibilities to get rid of the aches to get us both back to bed. Three of my children have struggled with these growing pains from time to time. They are called growing pains for a reason. They are painful! I will be up praying for my crying child, rubbing down their legs with some lotion, and truly sympathizing for them. I am compassionate on my kids when they have them because I love them of course, but also because I can remember what they felt like! When my firstborn hit the age of two, he had them so bad, that I was concerned and asked the doctor about them. Of course, the Dr. just reassured me that they are completely ‘normal’ and a part of the growing son was just simply going through a growth spurt! It can be the same way with our spiritual growth too- rather painful at times.

Now, of course, growing pains are certainly not all painful, but more times than not, spiritual growth comes through the many trials and hardships we encounter in our lives. For the next few Thursdays, we are going to look at God’s word and what it has to say about spiritual growth.

So, what does spiritual growth practically look like in our lives? Why is it so important? When should we be growing? And how do we grow and get where we want to? These are some questions that we are going to answer over the next few weeks. Each Thursday, I am going to cover one thing about what growth does not look like in our lives, and one thing that growth does look like.

But, for today, I just want to leave you with some questions and scripture to stir some thought-provoking ideas on spiritual growth in your life. After you spend some time looking over them, leave some comments to encourage one another as we are all on this journey together.

1. On a scale of 1-10, (1 being very little and 10 being tremendous growth), where would you say you are in your growth?

2. What would you say have been some factors that has helped or hindered your growth?

3. Where do you see yourself wanting to be spiritually, mentally and physically in 2011?

4. Are you taking any intentional steps on getting there? If not, what can you do today to give yourself a push in the right direction?

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

"This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success." Joshua 1:8

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”-1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Love ya,

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We have AUTHORITY through Jesus Christ!

I was listening to the radio the other day and was filled with joy when I was reminded of the verse from 1 John 4:4 “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” We have to remember this at all times. He who is in us, is greater than he who is in the world! Satan will always attack and be on the prey, this is true. When Jesus speaks to us He does not try to sugar coat reality and tell us what we want to hear. He is truthful! He does not say if the storms come, He says WHEN they come be prepared. One of the most awesome, encouraging and strengthening truths to what God has given us is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in us, has authority over him and his ways. The Holy Spirit is ever present. I believe it can fade if we don’t acknowledge and feed it in our daily lives. Ask God to help us be confident in what He has given to us. We need to make God more of a priority than we did today. He wants us to live an abundant life and give glory to His name. He wants us to draw people near and be bold when speaking of His love. Let’s hold each other accountable to equip ourselves with the Word, His love, His protection, His wisdom, His guidance and His AUTHORITY! Let it just overflow!

“Father, I pray we can rise up and take courage in Your Name. When we feel the attack of satan in our lives and those around us, infuse us with the authority you have granted us. I pray we realize that with this authority we have the right to maintain strong and persistent through you. No person, situation or circumstance can come close to the truth you have planted in our lives. Help us not get distracted or give more attention than needed to what satan is inflicting in our lives. I pray we can stay focused and set on your heart and will for our lives. I ask that you consume us and be on our minds every second of the day. Thank you Lord for loving us, thank you for being persistent in our lives and being so truthful and faithful! We hope in you Lord! AMEN

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Your Purpose

"This is my life work: helping people understand and respond to the Message."
Ephesians 3.7 (MSG)

Ever wonder what your purpose is? What God has planned for you? I wonder that at times, truth be told. But Paul lays it out for us in Ephesians 3...that our life work is to help people understand, and respond to, the gospel of grace.

Perhaps you wonder what that Message is exactly, that he mentions here? If so, read the New Testament. Read the Gospels. The Message is the gospel of grace, extended to us through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Perhaps you don't feel very well equipped for such a task? That perhaps it should be left to the pastors, missionaries, and uber-spiritual Christians of the world?

Not so.

Paul continues in Ephesians 3.8, "When it came to presenting the Message to people who had no background in God's way, I was the least qualified of any of the available Christians. God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities."

Even Paul, of all people, didn't feel quite qualified to help people understand the Message. But he knew without a shadow of a doubt that God had equipped him to do so.

God desires to use the weak for His purpose. It is in weakness that His power really shines. It leaves no question that God did it; not the ability of a person, but the power of God working through someone.

Remember, your purpose today and everyday ahead is to share the Message with the people in your world. If you and I are not doing this, than what are we here for? What are we doing to advance the Kingdom of God?

And know that God has equipped you to do so :)
What does God think?

Proverbs 25:8 MSG
Don't jump to conclusions—there may be
a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw.

Proverbs 23:7 KJV
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he

I have a challenge for us all as the body of believers of Jesus Christ. For the next month, I want you as well as myself to stop and quote these scriptures at the beginning of each day. When you come up against a situation where you may start to feel yourself become judgmental, stop and quote these scriptures. When you see something or hear something you don’t agree with, stop and quote these scriptures. When you start to get frustrated, angry or impatient with anyone or anything in your life for the next month, stop and quote these scriptures.
The fact is we do not know it all! There is only ONE who does. We may think we are a good judge of character or motives, but that is not our job. How much freedom could we begin to find if we let God do His job and we do what He has asked of us. He completely and over abundantly blesses us if we are willing to obey his commands. Something may happen in someone’s life and to us it may look completely different than what God’s plans to do in the end is. We are to love as He has loved us and never look down upon someone. We as humans are so quick to pass judgment. We must have the mercy and grace that God has shown to us available at all times to show to others. Most times we have no idea where or what a person has come from or is going through. The explanation of their behavior or attitude may not be what we would say, but it may be exactly what they are feeling and what they need to say at that moment. Love them! Accept them! Guide them to the peace of our Father!
Lets always remember that what we think in our heart is exactly who we are or who we will become. So what is in your mind/ heart? I know some of the things I’ve thought about myself and others are nothing close to what God thinks. We want to focus and become everything He created us to be. We are created in His image, by His image and for His image. We must always hold firm to the truth of who we are, who others are and who we were created to be. Say what God says about you! You are beautiful! You are my child! Your sins are gone! I couldn’t love you anymore! You’ve been redeemed! You are chosen! You are free! Continue to make changes in your life toward a more intimate relationship with Christ. Transformation through Him is essential. Over indulge in the Word, that has been given to us. Pray for discernment and don’t take your focus off of the Heart of our Father. Lets get our minds and hearts right in and for Christ!
I cant get enough of Philippians 4:8 in my life. “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
Dear Heavenly Father,
Help us become more like you each day Lord. I pray we can die to ourselves and take on your mindset. We ask that you help us focus on your heart, what is true, what is noble, what is right, what is pure, what is lovely and what is admirable. We want to make a difference in the lives around us. There are too many people hurting around us to be anything other than what you have called us to be. Give us the confidence to step out of our comfort zones and follow your voice. Help us tune in and speak to those you have chosen for us. Help us to slow down in life and in our minds to feel the needs of others. We are so grateful for where we are in You today God, thank you for the life you have given! In your awesome Name we pray, Amen! I will be praying for you as we take on this challenge to focus on what God thinks!
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Not Your Average Love Story

Romans 8.31-39 (ESV),

"If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. What shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written,

"For your sake we are being killed all the day long;
we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered."

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Love is God's greatest gift, but one we often find difficult to receive. Why do you think that is? We crave to be loved, and we are unconditionally by our God, yet the very thing we crave, we hide from. Perhaps is goes back to Adam and Eve, after they had sinned. Knowing they had failed, they hid from their Creator.

One thing I absolutely am drawn to in this particular passage is one of the first verses, "If God is for us." That sentence literally translates to, "Since God is for us." Without a doubt, hands down, it's as if God is leaving no room for question of how he feels towards us. It's decided. God has chosen, and will always chose, to be with His children. Those believers who live in relationship with Him.

The passage continues with "graciously give." This phrase actually translates, "to bestow out of grace." Paul often uses it denote forgiveness. Continuing with "all things," this entire sentence suggests that God forgives every sin we commit.

John MacArthur commented on verse 32, "God's unlimited forgiveness makes it impossible for a believer to sin himself out of God's grace."

If God gave His Son for us, He will give us everything we need.

There is a lot we could explore in these nine verses, but to do so would take much time and blog space. But what I hope you would see is that God loves you unconditionally, forgives unconditionally, and always provides.

Verse 39 says that nothing can separate us from the love of God. That means that there is nothing that we could do, or anybody else could do to us, that would stop God from loving us.

Take with you today this passage from Romans 8. There is no need that God doesn't want to provide for. There is no sin a Christian could commit that God doesn't want to forgive. And the thing you crave the most, He cho0ses to eternally pour out on you without reserve.
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1 Corinthians 7 - The Message
17 “Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches. 18 Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised. 19 Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commands is what counts. 20 Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.”

Each time I dive into the Word, I am amazed at the power and clarity God sends into my life. I feel I have heard this and wrote this over and over and over. Once again I am moved by the love of God to pour this simple message out all over again. I truly believe if we can grasp the simplicity of this amazing blessing our lives will be drastically changed.

God called and chose YOU! How beautiful is that? From where ever you were or whatever you had been, He chose YOU! I have a friend from childhood contact me recently and share with me that she had finally let God into her life. I wept with joy knowing the love she was experiencing and all the joys that were to come. I literally feel like a child on Christmas morning when I hear people accepting Jesus into their life. There is nothing like the love and forgiveness of our God.

God has called each of us to live as believers. I’m still learning how to live as a believer. I think this takes time to live as a true believer. It goes much deeper than just saying I believe in God. I’m definitely one who wants to experience all the Lord has for me. I want my life to continually be searched and formed by the hands of God on a daily basis. I don’t want to live this life that has been resurrected from the grave half hearted. I don’t just want to tell the good news, I MUST evangelize and share what the Lord has for each and every person. So when God tells us to live as believers I don’t think we should go about our day without knowing, believing and seeking what the Lord’s will is in our lives.

The part I love most about this scripture is that He not only chose us to be believers but it is in whatever situation the Lord had assigned to you, just as God had called you. It is not just a coincidence that you are living with the person you are living with, or the family you’ve been put with, or the fact you’ve just been laid off of work, or the debt that has piled up, or the addict in your life(we need to understand we too have strongholds in our lives and this situation maybe one) you’ve been chosen by your Heavenly Father to see someone through this life to the next. How is your faith walk right now in your circumstances? You’ve been blessed to shine a light for ALL to see. You may be where I once was and be slapped with insults, retaliation, threats and much suffering. Though they are throwing this negativity your way, they see your good deeds and we will all wait patiently on the Lord as they walk closer to His heart. 1 Peter 2 11-25.

Seek this truth and love out every second of the day you can. I’ve know Him to show off a little bit in our lives. I’ve heard people very close to my heart use the word “never.” Well if it is something the Lord has in store for you and your freedom in Christ, there is no such word. He may just break you at the most unpredictable time, place and circumstance. You will be forever grateful for his unimaginable love all throughout your life. Be a warrior for God and keep His commands, you and many others will be blessed immeasurably.

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A Fast for The New Year!

Fasting, a word that most people don’t like to hear, let alone actually do. I still remember when my pastor announced right before the New Year that our church would be participating in a corporate fast. He asked the entire church to spend time in fasting and prayer the first week of January dedicating the whole next year to God. My pastor was going to do a three day fast of only water and some juice and he had encouraged those who physically could, to do the same. I remember thinking there was no way I could actually go three days without eating. The thought scared me to death frankly! I really wanted my food, but I realized I really wanted to seek God more. So I decided to go for it. This three day fast would be a turning point in my life and in my walk with God. Seven years later I’m still fasting at the beginning of every year and throughout. When I am on a fast I find myself in some of the most intimate and treasured times with God that I have ever experienced. Fasting helps move other distractions out of the way so that you can really focus on seeking God and his will for you and your family’s life. Not to mention it does wonders for your physical health.

Don’t get me wrong…fasting is certainly not easy. You do get hungry, feel sick, have headaches; all the
physical symptoms you would expect of going without food. It’s certainly not a walk in the park, but in this physical state you realize how much you really do need God. Scripture tells us in Isaiah 58 what a true and acceptable fast will bring into our lives. God really does respond to our sacrificing food for the purpose of seeking him. Please understand that just going without food for a period of time doesn’t constitute a real biblical fast. Fasting involves us spending the extra time in prayer and study. Also understand that fasting in not just for leaders and “super Christians”. Scripture encourages everyone to fast as a spiritual discipline. Many miracles happened in scripture while God’s people were fasting. God has been so faithful to meet me every time I fast. It was on a fast that I was called into ministry, found my husband, had physical healing in my body, broke off bad habits and addictions, True Identity Ministries was born, and most of all fell head over heels forever in true love with Jesus. I have learned to never make a big decision in my life without first spending time in fasting and prayer.

Although the physical part of fasting can be a challenge I desperately look forward to the precious times with God each time I fast. There is such a clear feeling of his presence and his voice. I would encourage you this year to do a fast of your own. Whether you are looking for a deeper intimacy with God, needing an answered prayer, looking for direction, or you just want to dedicate the coming year to God; take the time at the beginning of this year to fast and pray. Just do whatever God leads you to do. It could be fasting a meal, a day, three days, or more. You could also fast certain foods or activities. But make sure it’s what God has laid on your heart. He may call you to do something that you would think is impossible, but he will help you. The results will astound you and you will never be the same again. Remember that it is the attitude of a heart sincerely seeking Him to which God responds with blessing. May He greatly bless you as you fast!

Scriptures on fasting:
Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:14-15, Luke 18:9-14, Isaiah 58
