What Enthusiasm Will Do For You


Enthusiasm is able to energize you. One of the greatest obstacles keeping us from finding out what God has designed us for and keeping us from going forward with that plan is just a lack of energy. Let’s face it, by the end of the day we have no energy, no motivation, and nothing pushing us forward. When we become enthusiastic we will be strengthened, invigorated, and empowered to keep going forward. In my own life I can remember when God began to open up doors for me to teach a bible study at my church. I had a huge desire to write and teach tugging at my heart. Even so, I wondered how in the world I would have the energy to teach a bible study after working all day long. The answer was my enthusiasm for teaching the word of God. I was so excited about teaching and devoted to it that even when I began to feel weary, that enthusiasm would begin to recharge me and drive me forward. It is what kept me coming back each week to teach. That doesn’t mean I didn’t feel tired, it only means that my enthusiasm for the women I was teaching made me diligent to keep coming back to meet with them. So many people will burn out when it comes to living out God’s purpose for their lives whether it is ministry, raising a family, a career, a big dream, simply because they have lost their enthusiasm and zeal for that cause and they become weary and burdened by the task. Regain your enthusiasm and you will regain your energy!

Enthusiasm and zeal will also inspire and stir you to live beyond yourself. When we begin to get enthusiastic about living life for God it will cause you to be inspired to step out in ways that seem beyond you. It will force you to take action. That word zeal comes from a Greek word that means “to boil”. When we become filled with enthusiasm over something it is eventually going to boil over into us taking action. That desire to teach was boiling up in me until I finally took the first step of going to my church and asking to start a bible study. I could have waited until someone came to me and asked me to help lead, but that may have never happened. No one else knew this enthusiasm for teaching was in me until it grew so great that it inspired and stirred me to start a class. Had I not had that zeal boiling on the inside of me, I would have never been inspired to step out beyond my comfort zone into the unknown. And as a result, so many lives besides my own may have gone untouched. The unique thing about the class I stepped out to teach is that God used my enthusiasm for His word and combined it with my enthusiasm for fitness and health and it created a weight loss bible study that was able to transform lives! And eventually turned into a book.

Along the journey of finding out what God has designed you for, you are sure to hit roadblocks. Problems are going to rise and things won’t always be smooth. There are going to be times that could cause you to doubt you are headed in the right direction. Of course in those times you do need to seek God to be sure you are heading in the right direction, but if the answer is yes, your enthusiasm for what God has called you to can help you to overcome problems. That excitement and devotion will push you toward seeking God for solutions to the problems rather than just throwing in the towel and giving up.

You will also find that your enthusiasm is contagious. Your enthusiasm will entice others to become involved too. If you have ever been around someone that was full of enthusiasm you will know exactly what I mean. I have a dear friend that sells kitchen supplies similar to pampered chef products. She is so enthusiastic about what she does that it almost convinced me to not only buy the products, but to start selling them for myself. Then I was reminded that I can’t cook, nor do I enjoy cooking so I probably wouldn’t have the same enthusiasm as she and would never be able to convince others to buy the product from me! But her enthusiasm was contagious. You will find that your can be too. God will use your enthusiasm to encourage others to want to get involved. I pray that you allow your enthusiasm to push you forward into all that God has planned for your sweet life. Dare to Dream sweet sisters!!!


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