Contagious Enthusiasm

One of the first steps to living out your purpose and getting out what God has placed in you is to find out what excites you. The word enthusiasm according to the American Heritage Dictionary means: Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause. Compare that to a similar word zeal which means: Enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal and tireless diligence in its furtherance; synonym: passion. So what are you enthusiastic about? What do you feel passionate about? What are you willing to work in tireless diligence for? Scripture makes it clear that we are to be enthusiastic and full of zeal in life. Romans 12:11 says, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Ephesians 6:7 says, “Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” So as you and I talk about enthusiasm and zeal we are talking about an excitement, devotion, and diligence towards something. We really do need to strive to have enthusiasm and zeal in our lives. John Maxwell quoted:

“One of the greatest things you can do is to get excited about your life and start to live enthusiastically day after day after day; your whole world will improve. If you wait to get excited until some lucky outer event happens - guess what? If you wait, what does life do? It waits. And if you hold back until a more appropriate time to get excited what does life do? It holds back. If you’re going to hold back on enthusiasm, develop lots of patience, because you’re going to wait a long time for an exciting life.”

This quote described my life to a tee. I was waiting for something to change in my life before I chose to be excited or enthusiastic. I thought, “ If something could just change I am sure I would be filled with enthusiasm and zeal!” But for awhile nothing did change and so neither did my enthusiasm. In the meantime, I waited and so did my life! Before we are really able to seek out God’s purpose for our lives we have to begin to live out life with enthusiasm. Something very important to remember about enthusiasm is that it isn’t a by-product, it’s cultivated! So I want to ask you today...what are you excited about? Next week I will share with you what will happen in your life once you do apply zeal. This week I challenge you to begin to ask yourself what it is that you are passionate about, what excites you and what you are willing to give all diligence to in your life. 


1 comment:

Stephanie Lammers said...

Justeina-Thank you for this encouraging word! It can be easy to get off course and even lose our zeal with the daily pressures of life. We all need to hear and be reminded of this truth! Love ya girl!

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