Last week I found myself stuck in the bank parking lot once again. Time after time I get stuck trying to pull out of the parking lot because I have to cross both lanes of traffic to get going in the right direction. I don’t want to take the easy way out and just pull out in the direction the traffic is going because that would take me further away from my house and eventually I would have to find away to turn back around. So then I become impatient and start thinking to myself “o.k. im just gonna gun it” or “if I pull out surely the next car will be kind enough to slow down and allow me to cut in.” Well these options are a little risky and I cant seem to get the nerve up so I then become frustrated.
Now that the Lord is within me, I love that He can just intervene anytime in my thought process. Thank God! Not just when im at church, not just when im on my knees, not just when im screaming out for answers...but anytime. Especially when Im trying to concentrate on something so ridiculous as to when im going to “gun it” out of the bank parking lot.
I started giggling immediately when He said “slow down.” How many times does He have to tell me this? Often, very often! It was like He just popped into my mind and reminded me of how silly my thinking was at that moment. Was it necessary to “gun it”, was it necessary to be in a rush, was it necessary to get impatient over traffic? No, absolutely not. But how many times in life have we wanted to rush ahead, be impulsive, get impatient and frustrated and make totally irrational decisions? The Lord wants only good for us and in order for us to receive this goodness, we must “slow down”.
It is critical to our lives and spirit that we don’t get weary, impatient, frustrated and irrational. We have to continue to be so tuned into His voice that He can intervene and pull us a step back from where we choose to jump ahead. We can not rush His plan and purpose in our lives. If we have to take a detour and a little extra time to be where He wants and desires us to be, we can actually enjoy the extra distance and reap the benefits.
The Holy Spirit has rocked my world lately through a study I am involved in and I am so thankful for the truth He has spoken over my daily life. In Galatians 5:22-25 it says “ 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” If the Holy Spirit is within us the fruit it will supply in our lives will be a bountiful harvest. Together we can hold each other accountable to cultivate and nourish the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Let’s take a step back today and ask, where is God speaking this into our lives? Is it over that job you so desperately desire to have? Is it over that house you must own? Is it over a broken marriage or relationship? Does it involve your children and their behavior? How about a friend that has hurt you? A diagnosis or an addiction? Whatever the issue may be, lets allow God to take the driver’s seat and rule over our journey and destinations!
Maranda Huntley
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True Identity Ministries
Luke 12:48
From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
So here is my question to you today, “what is your much and are you using it?” God’s word is making it clear here that to whom much has been given, much shall be required.
Luke 12:47-48 Message
The servant who knows what his master wants and ignores it, or insolently does whatever he pleases, will be thoroughly thrashed. But if he does a poor job through ignorance, he'll get off with a slap on the hand. Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!
The truth is that God has placed in you a very important “much“. I am not convinced that everyone believes that about themselves. One of the questions I hear over and over from women I meet seems to be, “I don’t know what purpose God has for me and what I could possibly offer?“ My answer is….your much. I promise it is in you. God has gifted you and gave you very specific talents.
1 Corinthians 12:4-7 Message
God's various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits.
And those gifts and talents have much purpose. It wasn’t to boost your self confidence, it wasn’t so that you would be able to measure up to some standard, it certainly wasn’t so you could boast about how talented you are….it was to serve the purpose of edifying others and glorifying God. Although our much was meant to be shared, all over you can find stingy Christians. People that are gifted and talented but just keep it to themselves. That’s not at all God plan.
1 Peter 4:7-11
Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide-awake in prayer. Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God's words; if help, let it be God's hearty help. That way, God's bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he'll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything—encores to the end of time. Oh, yes!
So what do you think it is that keeps us from living out God’s plan for our lives? What keeps us from offering God back the “much” he has entrusted each of us with. I am not claiming to have all the answers but I can share with you the things I realized were holding me back from using my much.
Comparisons seemed to top the list. As I surveyed the gifts of those around me I began to feel like the gifts and much I had to offer didn’t measure up. I felt like their gifts were much more significant than mine, so as a result I just tucked mine away feeling like there was no place for them. I am pleading with you to not do that. Remember in the verses we have already covered that God says he decided who to give what and it all holds great purpose. The last thing God wants us to do is to make a comparison and then decide to tuck away our much just because it looked different from someone else’s. Your job isn’t to decide how valuable your much is, your job is to willingly offer it back to God allowing him to use it as he pleases.
Another hindrance that seemed to keep me from offering my much was comfort. I wanted to be comfortable. I didn’t want to be stretched because sometimes stretching caused pain. Can anyone else relate? I can promise you that the first few times I stood up in front of groups (very small groups) to speak, everything in me became uncomfortable. I would feel sick, I would begin to sweat, and my words would come out all jumbled. The truth is that everything in me wanted to say “forget it!” I will keep my much and stay comfortable. Sometimes that is exactly what I did. Thankfully God began to pour these same scriptures we are studying together today over me and I realized God never said offering him back my much would be comfortable. And the truth is there was a lot more at stake if I chose to not use the gifts in me than just comfort.
As a result of me offering back the much God has placed in me….lives have been changed and Jesus has shined. My much has purpose and sweet one so does yours. I challenge you to take a survey today of your much. What is your much? Don’t know? Ask God to reveal it to you. What do you love to do? What are you pretty good at? What do other people notice about you? Answering those questions very well could lead you straight to your much.
My next question for you is: are you using it? Are you using your much or have you tucked it away thinking maybe you will use it later? Scripture told us that from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. God is asking you for your much. Don’t allow unhealthy comparisons or comfort stop you from offering it to him. As 1 Peter put it: Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God's words; if help, let it be God's hearty help. That way, God's bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he'll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything—encores to the end of time. Oh, yes! It’s want I want more than anything….God’s presence to be evident and for him to get all the credit. I love you so and pray that God stirs up the much in you and you begin to pour it out. You won’t regret it.
From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
So here is my question to you today, “what is your much and are you using it?” God’s word is making it clear here that to whom much has been given, much shall be required.
Luke 12:47-48 Message
The servant who knows what his master wants and ignores it, or insolently does whatever he pleases, will be thoroughly thrashed. But if he does a poor job through ignorance, he'll get off with a slap on the hand. Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!
The truth is that God has placed in you a very important “much“. I am not convinced that everyone believes that about themselves. One of the questions I hear over and over from women I meet seems to be, “I don’t know what purpose God has for me and what I could possibly offer?“ My answer is….your much. I promise it is in you. God has gifted you and gave you very specific talents.
1 Corinthians 12:4-7 Message
God's various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits.
And those gifts and talents have much purpose. It wasn’t to boost your self confidence, it wasn’t so that you would be able to measure up to some standard, it certainly wasn’t so you could boast about how talented you are….it was to serve the purpose of edifying others and glorifying God. Although our much was meant to be shared, all over you can find stingy Christians. People that are gifted and talented but just keep it to themselves. That’s not at all God plan.
1 Peter 4:7-11
Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide-awake in prayer. Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God's words; if help, let it be God's hearty help. That way, God's bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he'll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything—encores to the end of time. Oh, yes!
So what do you think it is that keeps us from living out God’s plan for our lives? What keeps us from offering God back the “much” he has entrusted each of us with. I am not claiming to have all the answers but I can share with you the things I realized were holding me back from using my much.
Comparisons seemed to top the list. As I surveyed the gifts of those around me I began to feel like the gifts and much I had to offer didn’t measure up. I felt like their gifts were much more significant than mine, so as a result I just tucked mine away feeling like there was no place for them. I am pleading with you to not do that. Remember in the verses we have already covered that God says he decided who to give what and it all holds great purpose. The last thing God wants us to do is to make a comparison and then decide to tuck away our much just because it looked different from someone else’s. Your job isn’t to decide how valuable your much is, your job is to willingly offer it back to God allowing him to use it as he pleases.
Another hindrance that seemed to keep me from offering my much was comfort. I wanted to be comfortable. I didn’t want to be stretched because sometimes stretching caused pain. Can anyone else relate? I can promise you that the first few times I stood up in front of groups (very small groups) to speak, everything in me became uncomfortable. I would feel sick, I would begin to sweat, and my words would come out all jumbled. The truth is that everything in me wanted to say “forget it!” I will keep my much and stay comfortable. Sometimes that is exactly what I did. Thankfully God began to pour these same scriptures we are studying together today over me and I realized God never said offering him back my much would be comfortable. And the truth is there was a lot more at stake if I chose to not use the gifts in me than just comfort.
As a result of me offering back the much God has placed in me….lives have been changed and Jesus has shined. My much has purpose and sweet one so does yours. I challenge you to take a survey today of your much. What is your much? Don’t know? Ask God to reveal it to you. What do you love to do? What are you pretty good at? What do other people notice about you? Answering those questions very well could lead you straight to your much.
My next question for you is: are you using it? Are you using your much or have you tucked it away thinking maybe you will use it later? Scripture told us that from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. God is asking you for your much. Don’t allow unhealthy comparisons or comfort stop you from offering it to him. As 1 Peter put it: Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God's words; if help, let it be God's hearty help. That way, God's bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he'll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything—encores to the end of time. Oh, yes! It’s want I want more than anything….God’s presence to be evident and for him to get all the credit. I love you so and pray that God stirs up the much in you and you begin to pour it out. You won’t regret it.
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Jehoshaphat was one of the good kings over God's people...for the most part. He was as the Bible put it, "single-minded in following God." Although he made a few bad decisions, Jehoshaphat had done well to be obedient to God and had removed the sex-and-religion shrines in the southern kingdom of Judah.
When we come to 2 Chronicles chapter 20, Jehoshaphat is well into his reign and finds himself in an impossible situation. He has been told that the Moabites and Ammonites have come up against him and were currently at Hazazon-tamar (also known as Engedi), which is about 35 miles from Jerusalem. Immediately he turned to God and called the kingdom to a fast. I like how Jehoshaphat is very honest and real with God in his prayer (v.6-12); I am a proponent of being bold in your prayers.
While Judah was gathered, a Word from the Lord came,
"Listen, all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: Thus says the LORD to you,'Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s. Tomorrow go down against them. Behold, they will come up by the ascent of Ziz. You will find them at the end of the valley, east of the wilderness of Jeruel. You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.' Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the LORD will be with you." (v. 15-17)
Wow, what a comforting Word from God to a king and people undoubtedly afraid. Put yourself in Jehoshaphat's shoes: not one, but multiple armies have joined together and are marching towards your city. They are 35 miles away and you aren't prepared. And this is after he lost the last battle he was in (chapter 18). Of course the most important thing, and really only thing you could do at a moment like this is pray.
My favorite part is, "Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s. Tomorrow go down against them." God knew that they were scared out of their wits at this huge army, and he points it out to them! But He tags on this beautiful assurance that this battle is His. He reassures them that He is in control.
The next day Jehoshaphat and the army wake up early for the battle. Before they head out to meet their enemy, Jehoshaphat speaks to his men.
"And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the LORD and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say,
'Give thanks to the LORD,
for his steadfast love endures forever'." (v.21-22)
I believe the most important lesson in this chapter comes from these two verses. Before Judah set out for the battle, Jehoshaphat appointed people to march before his army and praise God. Maybe he learned from his prior failure, but nevertheless he knew that praise had to be the first and most important act on his part.
Whatever you are facing, however big it may seem to you, decide to put worship in front of your problem. "March out boldly" (v.17 MSG) without fear and give thanks. For as surely as you do the Lord will fight your battle.
The next verse highlights the power of praise. In verse 23 it says,
"And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush against the men..."
Wow. Maybe you should go back, read it again, and allow those words to settle for a moment.
When we put praise at the front of the battle, placing worship to God first, God steps in and starts working. No matter what the circumstances may be, it is vital to place praise first...between you and the battle. Judah was up against not just one, but multiple armies. God had already promised victory, therefore Judah could have just marched out. But they took it a step further...they went beyond that to carry a heart of worship. As soon as the worship began, God began working on their behalf.
As Judah came to the top of the hill, they saw their enemies dead on the ground. The enemy armies had turned on each other and not one lived. Can you imagine marching to the top of that hill and seeing such a scene? What a victory...and they didn't even have to draw a sword. The people of Judah gathered the spoil, which took three days to collect. Three days to collect all that spoil. So not only was the victory won without a fight, but Judah collected many riches.
Once they had finished collecting the spoil, the people of Judah gathered in the valley to count their blessings, hence being named the Valley of Beracah (Blessing).
When a battle comes your way, hit the ground and pray. When you have, get up and march boldly towards that battle praising God. He has the victory waiting on the other side of that hill, you just have to go out with the confidence that God is with you and give Him glory.
I want to encourage you (and myself) to place God at the forefront of your battle. To go forth praising the Most High God. When the praise is released, God starts working on our behalf. We may not be able to see Him working as Judah did not, but when we come to the top of the hill and look, we will see a victory. What an encouragement to those facing a battle.
When we come to 2 Chronicles chapter 20, Jehoshaphat is well into his reign and finds himself in an impossible situation. He has been told that the Moabites and Ammonites have come up against him and were currently at Hazazon-tamar (also known as Engedi), which is about 35 miles from Jerusalem. Immediately he turned to God and called the kingdom to a fast. I like how Jehoshaphat is very honest and real with God in his prayer (v.6-12); I am a proponent of being bold in your prayers.
While Judah was gathered, a Word from the Lord came,
"Listen, all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: Thus says the LORD to you,'Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s. Tomorrow go down against them. Behold, they will come up by the ascent of Ziz. You will find them at the end of the valley, east of the wilderness of Jeruel. You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.' Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the LORD will be with you." (v. 15-17)
Wow, what a comforting Word from God to a king and people undoubtedly afraid. Put yourself in Jehoshaphat's shoes: not one, but multiple armies have joined together and are marching towards your city. They are 35 miles away and you aren't prepared. And this is after he lost the last battle he was in (chapter 18). Of course the most important thing, and really only thing you could do at a moment like this is pray.
My favorite part is, "Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s. Tomorrow go down against them." God knew that they were scared out of their wits at this huge army, and he points it out to them! But He tags on this beautiful assurance that this battle is His. He reassures them that He is in control.
The next day Jehoshaphat and the army wake up early for the battle. Before they head out to meet their enemy, Jehoshaphat speaks to his men.
"And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the LORD and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say,
'Give thanks to the LORD,
for his steadfast love endures forever'." (v.21-22)
I believe the most important lesson in this chapter comes from these two verses. Before Judah set out for the battle, Jehoshaphat appointed people to march before his army and praise God. Maybe he learned from his prior failure, but nevertheless he knew that praise had to be the first and most important act on his part.
Whatever you are facing, however big it may seem to you, decide to put worship in front of your problem. "March out boldly" (v.17 MSG) without fear and give thanks. For as surely as you do the Lord will fight your battle.
The next verse highlights the power of praise. In verse 23 it says,
"And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush against the men..."
Wow. Maybe you should go back, read it again, and allow those words to settle for a moment.
When we put praise at the front of the battle, placing worship to God first, God steps in and starts working. No matter what the circumstances may be, it is vital to place praise first...between you and the battle. Judah was up against not just one, but multiple armies. God had already promised victory, therefore Judah could have just marched out. But they took it a step further...they went beyond that to carry a heart of worship. As soon as the worship began, God began working on their behalf.
As Judah came to the top of the hill, they saw their enemies dead on the ground. The enemy armies had turned on each other and not one lived. Can you imagine marching to the top of that hill and seeing such a scene? What a victory...and they didn't even have to draw a sword. The people of Judah gathered the spoil, which took three days to collect. Three days to collect all that spoil. So not only was the victory won without a fight, but Judah collected many riches.
Once they had finished collecting the spoil, the people of Judah gathered in the valley to count their blessings, hence being named the Valley of Beracah (Blessing).
When a battle comes your way, hit the ground and pray. When you have, get up and march boldly towards that battle praising God. He has the victory waiting on the other side of that hill, you just have to go out with the confidence that God is with you and give Him glory.
I want to encourage you (and myself) to place God at the forefront of your battle. To go forth praising the Most High God. When the praise is released, God starts working on our behalf. We may not be able to see Him working as Judah did not, but when we come to the top of the hill and look, we will see a victory. What an encouragement to those facing a battle.
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Stephanie Lammers

Everyday we spend time choosing the clothing that we will wear that day. For some of us, it may be that comfortable t-shirt with our favorite pair of jeans, or a skirt and blouse as we head out the door for the office. Many of us are in the mode by now, after we have clothed ourselves subconsciously for years, that we don’t have to spend much time mentally picking out what we’ll wear…it just seems pretty natural.
Not so with my one of my children. I laugh as I write this because just yesterday I know he had at least four different outfits on throughout the day. One minute he’s wearing his basketball uniform as he is the ‘basketball player’ for the moment, while the next minute he’s putting on his church clothes and a sports jacket preparing for his ‘wedding’ as he is getting ready to get married. The next minute he has a play police costume on as he is ready to save the world, while at other times he might have changed into some khaki cargo shorts and a polo shirt as he tells me, “Mom, I just feel like being stylish right now.” It has become a funny story to share with people, as others have observed this cute trait about my 6 yr. old son also.
But recently, I couldn’t help but see a spiritual parallel. I was studying the book of Colossians and reading through the verses that instruct Christians what they should do; rules for holy living. I began in Colossians 3:12, as we are being instructed to clothe ourselves with some special clothing.
Colossians 3:12, says, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”
Wow, now this type of clothing doesn’t seem as easy to put on. We don’t just naturally and subconsciously put on our compassion or gentleness as easy as we do our most comfortable pair of jeans or work outfit. Oh no, these articles of clothing take some thought! The other day I was venting to my husband about this child and some of the irritating things he seemed to be doing. I went on and on giving him example after example. Why? Was it helping the situation? Well, that night, at 3:30 in the morning, I woke up from a sound sleep and the Lord spoke to me in his loving and gentle way, “Stephanie you had put on a critical spirit.” Without any more explanation, I knew exactly what He was talking about. I immediately confessed it to Him, while accepting his loving rebuke with a grateful heart. I had not even been aware of the outfit I had been wearing around for the past week and a half. But, at this moment, I remembered the exact day I had allowed it to be put on. Instead of walking around clothed in gentleness and patience with my son, I became very critical of his actions. None of his actions were anything big or even major, but because of me wearing the wrong attire, it had become a big deal. Verse 13 says, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” The Webster’s definition of the phrase, “Bear with each other” is: to be patient, or forbearing with; mean to put up with something trying or painful.
Ouch!! When I read that I had to smile as I shook my head in disbelief at how much it applied to me. I was called to bear with something that was a little painful…and most importantly forgive just as the Lord has so many times graciously forgiven me. How had I fallen into wearing that critical spirit around for so long without becoming aware of it? I had been starting my morning with time alone with God, it wasn’t as if I had not been reading my Bible or spending time in prayer. Galatians 3:3 says, “Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?” See, even though I had been spending time that morning with God, later in the day, I had become foolish-trying to attain my mothering by human effort. Just as my son was changing his outfits several times a day, so was I. I would start the day out with compassion, forgiveness, patience, and gentleness. But throughout the day, I put on that critical spirit subconsciously. It is impossible for us to clothe ourselves with this biblical wardrobe without asking the Holy Spirit to fill us up continually throughout the day. As He fills us, we will begin to walk daily with a beautiful wardrobe…and an over-top of supernatural love.
On a practical note, I am challenging myself to set up daily reminders for me throughout the day to keep me focused on wearing the biblical wardrobe. This may be some notes on my bathroom mirror, putting a penny in my shoe, or setting my cell phone’s timer to go off several times a day. These reminders will keep me focused on praying, keeping my thoughts and mind set on things above, and reevaluating what I am wearing! Off to the closet!
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True Identity Ministries
As I wipe the sweat from my forehead and hit my knees in thanksgiving and amazement, I praise my awesome Father for the ride we have taken in the last month and all that it has taught me. I have faced some tough pressure recently from friends and family for my radical obedience to God. As I have been going through this trialing time, God has lead me to 1 Peter. I know God gave me this book at this time in my life because Peter was a radically changed man who took risks to follow and speak the truth to everyone he encountered.
1 Peter 1:6-8, 13-14
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy. For you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls…13 Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy.”
I take this commitment I have made to the Lord very serious and have grown to really listen to His voice. When he speaks about preparing our minds for action and putting on the full amour of God, He truly means for us to do this. We need this equipment and this mind set if we are going to survive and receive His full blessing each day. The most awesome part of this relationship is the fact that He covers us with protection and wisdom. We only have to allow Him to speak louder than our emotions…that’s what I have learned most over the last month.
Emotions are the first thing that will rise up as soon as we feel pressure or persecution. As important as emotions are, they can also be very deceiving and damaging if we are constantly ruled by them and don’t keep them in context. We can’t allow our emotions to control our minds or actions. We have to choose to believe truth over what we may feel. When someone offends you, raises their voice, or misconstrues something you have done or said, you instinctually want to prove or explain yourself. In most cases this will just escalate the misunderstanding into a greater problem. And when we allow our emotions to steal our peace, we’ve just opened an unhealthy door for Satan to creep in. God wants us to be self-controlled enough that when we face any trial our instinct becomes to reach out to Him to receive peace and wisdom, and not our emotions.
As I walked through some tough relational times several months ago, God told me not to look to the left or right but only upward into His heart. For a time being, this was very difficult for me, and my emotions screamed for me to do otherwise. But as I held onto what God had instructed me to do, it became much easier and my emotions began to line up with God‘s plan. We must strive to not allow trials of any kind control us to the point of blurring Gods voice in our lives. If we choose to walk through these storms with the faith He asks us to, we will receive His goal, the salvations of our souls! We have to be so steadfast that only His love, His wisdom and His answers are what we long for.
Maranda Huntley
1 Peter 1:6-8, 13-14
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy. For you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls…13 Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy.”
I take this commitment I have made to the Lord very serious and have grown to really listen to His voice. When he speaks about preparing our minds for action and putting on the full amour of God, He truly means for us to do this. We need this equipment and this mind set if we are going to survive and receive His full blessing each day. The most awesome part of this relationship is the fact that He covers us with protection and wisdom. We only have to allow Him to speak louder than our emotions…that’s what I have learned most over the last month.
Emotions are the first thing that will rise up as soon as we feel pressure or persecution. As important as emotions are, they can also be very deceiving and damaging if we are constantly ruled by them and don’t keep them in context. We can’t allow our emotions to control our minds or actions. We have to choose to believe truth over what we may feel. When someone offends you, raises their voice, or misconstrues something you have done or said, you instinctually want to prove or explain yourself. In most cases this will just escalate the misunderstanding into a greater problem. And when we allow our emotions to steal our peace, we’ve just opened an unhealthy door for Satan to creep in. God wants us to be self-controlled enough that when we face any trial our instinct becomes to reach out to Him to receive peace and wisdom, and not our emotions.
As I walked through some tough relational times several months ago, God told me not to look to the left or right but only upward into His heart. For a time being, this was very difficult for me, and my emotions screamed for me to do otherwise. But as I held onto what God had instructed me to do, it became much easier and my emotions began to line up with God‘s plan. We must strive to not allow trials of any kind control us to the point of blurring Gods voice in our lives. If we choose to walk through these storms with the faith He asks us to, we will receive His goal, the salvations of our souls! We have to be so steadfast that only His love, His wisdom and His answers are what we long for.
Maranda Huntley
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True Identity Ministries
Hello Beautifly Girlfriends,
So yes it says beautifly not beautiful. That's because every time I try to type "beautiful" I end up typing too fast and it comes out beautifly instead. So I have decided to make that my new word. You won't find it in the dictionary but if you combine all the definitions of beauty and fly you get: someone that is pleasing and impressive, that moves quickly and forcefully, and is very hip. LOVE IT! Don't you? So therefore we are all now beautifly.
So on this Monday I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some things to come with TIM Blog. We want this to be a place that you will find encouragement, instruction, updates, and many many resources to help guide you closer to God. You will see blog entries from many wonderful "beautifly" women that I know will be such an encouragement to you in your journey!
We will also at the end of the summer be starting a new video blog bible study that you aren't going to want to miss. So start making plans now to get together a small group of ladies to join you in the study. Don't have time to meet with others? Don't worry you can still join in all on your own. We will be updating you very soon with more details on the study. So be sure to become a follower of the blog or to have the blogs emailed to you so you can stay right along with us in this journey! Also be sure to suggest it to your friends too! If you haven't already...visit our website at and make sure you are on the new email/newsletter mailing list. It's another great way we are able to update you on all upcoming events and adventures.
Okay with all those details out of the way. I want to encourage you on this monday (rainy monday where I am) to just make a decision to have joy today. I know that sometimes many of our circumstances can seem to overwhelm us and suck all the joy right out. But the truth is that you and I get to choose whether or not we lose our joy. We choose how we respond to all that life can throw at us. So I am imploring you to choose to respond with joy. God promised you that he would never leave your side or forsake you. So whatever you have thrown at you today whether small annoyances or huge life changing obstacles, your God will be faithful to see you through it. That should be enough to bring you joy. I love you sweet girls. Can I please say it one more time? Beautifly...pleasing, impressive, quick, forceful, and hip.
So yes it says beautifly not beautiful. That's because every time I try to type "beautiful" I end up typing too fast and it comes out beautifly instead. So I have decided to make that my new word. You won't find it in the dictionary but if you combine all the definitions of beauty and fly you get: someone that is pleasing and impressive, that moves quickly and forcefully, and is very hip. LOVE IT! Don't you? So therefore we are all now beautifly.
So on this Monday I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some things to come with TIM Blog. We want this to be a place that you will find encouragement, instruction, updates, and many many resources to help guide you closer to God. You will see blog entries from many wonderful "beautifly" women that I know will be such an encouragement to you in your journey!
We will also at the end of the summer be starting a new video blog bible study that you aren't going to want to miss. So start making plans now to get together a small group of ladies to join you in the study. Don't have time to meet with others? Don't worry you can still join in all on your own. We will be updating you very soon with more details on the study. So be sure to become a follower of the blog or to have the blogs emailed to you so you can stay right along with us in this journey! Also be sure to suggest it to your friends too! If you haven't already...visit our website at and make sure you are on the new email/newsletter mailing list. It's another great way we are able to update you on all upcoming events and adventures.
Okay with all those details out of the way. I want to encourage you on this monday (rainy monday where I am) to just make a decision to have joy today. I know that sometimes many of our circumstances can seem to overwhelm us and suck all the joy right out. But the truth is that you and I get to choose whether or not we lose our joy. We choose how we respond to all that life can throw at us. So I am imploring you to choose to respond with joy. God promised you that he would never leave your side or forsake you. So whatever you have thrown at you today whether small annoyances or huge life changing obstacles, your God will be faithful to see you through it. That should be enough to bring you joy. I love you sweet girls. Can I please say it one more time? Beautifly...pleasing, impressive, quick, forceful, and hip.
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True Identity Ministries
We had such an amazing time at the SWAG Single Women's Conference this past Saturday. It was a small intimate group of ladies and God was so faithful to speak an encouraging word over our hearts. We did lots of laughing and a little crying but at the end of the night it was obvious that God had healed broken hearts and changed lives. Thank you to all the ladies that joined us.
For those singles that wanted to be there but couldn't we wanted to make sure that you too got an encouraging word for the season that you are in. As a single so many times we can get so discouraged in our single season. Most singles can't wait to move past their single season into the next season of their life. The problem I have with that is that when you are constantly wishing you could just fast forward into the next season of life you risk missing out on all of the sweetness and purpose God has for you in the current season you are in. I know this one personally because I have done it time and time again. Every seemingly hard or uncomfortable or lonely season I find myself in, I reach for the fast forward button and beg God to pick me up and drop me into the next season. God's response is always the same to me, "Justeina if I did fast forward and allow you to skip this season of life you wouldn't be prepared for the season that is coming. Right now I am equipping you and teaching you so that you will be ready for that next season." I hate it when he tells me that, but none the less it always turns out to be true. When my next season of life does finally come around (and it always will) I realize that I am readily equipped for it because of the season I have just come out of.
The same is true for you as a single. God has so much in store for you and much much purpose for you as a single. Whether you are single and never been married or you are divorced or widowed God does have purpose to come from your singleness. It really can be one of the sweetest seasons you ever have with Jesus. Don't risk missing out on it by constantly meditating on ways to finally be done with singleness. God has a plan for you sweet one. I promise you that he will answer your prayers and give you the desires of your heart, in the meantime enjoy being single. Ask God to reveal to you all the purpose he has for you in this season of life and then girlfriend you live out that purpose with all of your heart. In the future when you look back on this season I promise you will remember just how sweet it was. Take it from the married woman (happily married I might add). For those singles that have gone through divorce or loss, you are not exempt from what I have said about your singlness holding in it much purpose. God will do a work on your heart if you let him. Don't allow rejection or shame from your past keep you from the healing God offers. In this time of singleness God is going to heal your brokeness and fill you full of his love. Let him do so.
We love you girls so much and continue to pray that God uses you for his glory!
For those singles that wanted to be there but couldn't we wanted to make sure that you too got an encouraging word for the season that you are in. As a single so many times we can get so discouraged in our single season. Most singles can't wait to move past their single season into the next season of their life. The problem I have with that is that when you are constantly wishing you could just fast forward into the next season of life you risk missing out on all of the sweetness and purpose God has for you in the current season you are in. I know this one personally because I have done it time and time again. Every seemingly hard or uncomfortable or lonely season I find myself in, I reach for the fast forward button and beg God to pick me up and drop me into the next season. God's response is always the same to me, "Justeina if I did fast forward and allow you to skip this season of life you wouldn't be prepared for the season that is coming. Right now I am equipping you and teaching you so that you will be ready for that next season." I hate it when he tells me that, but none the less it always turns out to be true. When my next season of life does finally come around (and it always will) I realize that I am readily equipped for it because of the season I have just come out of.
The same is true for you as a single. God has so much in store for you and much much purpose for you as a single. Whether you are single and never been married or you are divorced or widowed God does have purpose to come from your singleness. It really can be one of the sweetest seasons you ever have with Jesus. Don't risk missing out on it by constantly meditating on ways to finally be done with singleness. God has a plan for you sweet one. I promise you that he will answer your prayers and give you the desires of your heart, in the meantime enjoy being single. Ask God to reveal to you all the purpose he has for you in this season of life and then girlfriend you live out that purpose with all of your heart. In the future when you look back on this season I promise you will remember just how sweet it was. Take it from the married woman (happily married I might add). For those singles that have gone through divorce or loss, you are not exempt from what I have said about your singlness holding in it much purpose. God will do a work on your heart if you let him. Don't allow rejection or shame from your past keep you from the healing God offers. In this time of singleness God is going to heal your brokeness and fill you full of his love. Let him do so.
We love you girls so much and continue to pray that God uses you for his glory!
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True Identity Ministries
1 John 4:21
“And he has given us this command:Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”
A few mornings ago, I was sitting on the front porch sipping some coffee and spending some quiet time with God. As I sat there, I began to notice my neighbor’s homes through different eyes. Two houses down from me, a friend is grieving over the death of her father. Three houses down, an elderly man lives alone, now that his wife had gone to a nursing home this past winter. On the left of us lives a family where they continue to need to have the joy of Lord sprinkled on their marriage, and four houses down on the right, there is a busy mom of four who has way too much on her plate. My attention was drawn to these homes differently this time; it wasn’t the beautiful new hanging plant they had just put out on the front porch or the freshly mowed lawn that caught my eyes, but this time the Lord seemed to take my eyes a bit further inside…to the hearts who live in those homes. To the lonely, hurting, grieving, helpless, and fearful hearts. What can I do, Lord, besides pray?
“Be there, Me with skin on,” he responds in a gentle voice. My next thought moves to the home on my left. The Lord had showed me last summer to give the young man a book, The Purpose Driven Life, but time stole that away and I never did. Procrastination is such an obedience-stealer.
A meal for the grieving or offering a helpful hand to the elderly… people feel and experience the love of Christ through actions…..not just words. We say, “I care”…then show me, “I’m sorry”...then help me, “I’m sorry you’re lonely”…then take 15 minutes to sit and talk with me. These are the ways the Lord is impressing on my heart to reach out and to move past my own mailbox.
What I mean by moving past my own mailbox is this: biblical priorities for me are and should be God first, my husband second, children third, others, home, ministry, etc. Sometimes it can become too easy to stop after the top three, or even more so, and get them all jumbled up. For me, juggling a home of six along with other commitments can be a struggle at times and I can become near-sighted without even really seeing the depth of the needs of those who are so closely positioned around me. Yes, it is vital that we keep first things first, but I strongly believe that as we follow the Holy Spirit’s lead (not our emotions), He is not going to ask us to do anything that will be hurtful or neglectful of our families. It all begins with simple acts of obedience.
An insert from a book I’m studying, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, says “The love of Christ compels us to choose obedience. Jesus, whose amazing love compels us, said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:31-32). The truth is the name of Jesus that causes us to pause and redefine ourselves. The truth is the love that compels us to embrace the calling to be Jesus’ ambassador. The truth is the freedom to soar above this life and learn to live beyond ourselves and our circumstances.”
The following week God impressed on me to take a card over to the grieving friend, my three-year old and I took some cookies to the lonely man, I prayed for the busy mom of four and had her kids over for a play date so she could have some much needed time alone. You may be wondering about the book for the young man who was searching for purpose in his life- yes, I gave him the book and it spoke volumes of love to both him and his family! In Proverbs 11:25, the writer tells us, “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” This is so true! As we step out in obedience to God, a supernatural refreshing takes place in our own lives. I want to be interrupted in the middle of my busy life to see God, hear God and pursue God. I want to be compelled by love.
Lord, I pray today that you would fill my heart with your love for others. Help me to see others past their exterior, to seeing their hearts. Reveal their needs, hurts, and desires so that I can better pray for them, stop and listen to them, help them out, whatever you desire. Lord, help me to obey you, as I do want to live past my mailbox, not so caught up in my own busyness, that I overlook the needs of others. In Jesus' name, amen!
Stephanie Lammers
“And he has given us this command:Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”
A few mornings ago, I was sitting on the front porch sipping some coffee and spending some quiet time with God. As I sat there, I began to notice my neighbor’s homes through different eyes. Two houses down from me, a friend is grieving over the death of her father. Three houses down, an elderly man lives alone, now that his wife had gone to a nursing home this past winter. On the left of us lives a family where they continue to need to have the joy of Lord sprinkled on their marriage, and four houses down on the right, there is a busy mom of four who has way too much on her plate. My attention was drawn to these homes differently this time; it wasn’t the beautiful new hanging plant they had just put out on the front porch or the freshly mowed lawn that caught my eyes, but this time the Lord seemed to take my eyes a bit further inside…to the hearts who live in those homes. To the lonely, hurting, grieving, helpless, and fearful hearts. What can I do, Lord, besides pray?
“Be there, Me with skin on,” he responds in a gentle voice. My next thought moves to the home on my left. The Lord had showed me last summer to give the young man a book, The Purpose Driven Life, but time stole that away and I never did. Procrastination is such an obedience-stealer.
A meal for the grieving or offering a helpful hand to the elderly… people feel and experience the love of Christ through actions…..not just words. We say, “I care”…then show me, “I’m sorry”...then help me, “I’m sorry you’re lonely”…then take 15 minutes to sit and talk with me. These are the ways the Lord is impressing on my heart to reach out and to move past my own mailbox.
What I mean by moving past my own mailbox is this: biblical priorities for me are and should be God first, my husband second, children third, others, home, ministry, etc. Sometimes it can become too easy to stop after the top three, or even more so, and get them all jumbled up. For me, juggling a home of six along with other commitments can be a struggle at times and I can become near-sighted without even really seeing the depth of the needs of those who are so closely positioned around me. Yes, it is vital that we keep first things first, but I strongly believe that as we follow the Holy Spirit’s lead (not our emotions), He is not going to ask us to do anything that will be hurtful or neglectful of our families. It all begins with simple acts of obedience.
An insert from a book I’m studying, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, says “The love of Christ compels us to choose obedience. Jesus, whose amazing love compels us, said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:31-32). The truth is the name of Jesus that causes us to pause and redefine ourselves. The truth is the love that compels us to embrace the calling to be Jesus’ ambassador. The truth is the freedom to soar above this life and learn to live beyond ourselves and our circumstances.”
The following week God impressed on me to take a card over to the grieving friend, my three-year old and I took some cookies to the lonely man, I prayed for the busy mom of four and had her kids over for a play date so she could have some much needed time alone. You may be wondering about the book for the young man who was searching for purpose in his life- yes, I gave him the book and it spoke volumes of love to both him and his family! In Proverbs 11:25, the writer tells us, “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” This is so true! As we step out in obedience to God, a supernatural refreshing takes place in our own lives. I want to be interrupted in the middle of my busy life to see God, hear God and pursue God. I want to be compelled by love.
Lord, I pray today that you would fill my heart with your love for others. Help me to see others past their exterior, to seeing their hearts. Reveal their needs, hurts, and desires so that I can better pray for them, stop and listen to them, help them out, whatever you desire. Lord, help me to obey you, as I do want to live past my mailbox, not so caught up in my own busyness, that I overlook the needs of others. In Jesus' name, amen!
Stephanie Lammers
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Justeina Brownlee
My son turned 1 just this week. It was a very exciting time. As I thought back over the past year I thought about all the times I had the thought that "this is never going to get better". All of the nights we were up 5 to 6 times, all of the times I had to spend the whole day holding him, all of the times he would scream and scream with no solution in sight, seemed like they would never improve. After a year we still have some tough nights and screaming fits and full days of him being attached to my hip, but it has certainly gotten easier. The thing is that while you are right in the middle of a certain season; especially a hard one, you feel like it's never going to end. You feel as though you will never find a solution or relief.
The truth is that season too shall pass. Scripture tells us that there is a time for every season. In Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." The season you may find yourself in may have taken you by surprise but it didn't take God by surprise and he has much purpose for you in that specific season. God has taught me many lessons and revealed alot to me about myself through my latest season of raising my infant son. What I find is that so often we are constantly wishing away the season and ready to move forward rather than learning from and enjoying where we are at the time.
If you are single you probably know exactly what I am talking about. I can remember as a single feeling like my single season would never end. I just couldn't wait to be married and I felt like my life wouldn't be complete until I was finally out of my single season and into my married one. I can tell you that now I look back and realize what a sweet season of life my single season really was. I had plenty of free time to spend studying God's word and serving in my church and community. If I didn't feel like cleaning house or doing laundry I didn't. I could be very spontaneous with traveling and meeting up with friends. My single season as it ends up was one of the sweetest seasons I have ever experienced with Jesus.
That doesn't mean I am not enjoying my married season. I love my husband and my family. I have a blast with them and it too is a sweet season of it's own. My point is that if we aren't careful we will continue to rush our way through a season that God has amazing things stored up for us in. Potentially we could miss all that God wants to teach us and bless us with simply because we are in a hurry to move forward to the next season in life. If God has something for me I don't want to miss out on it.
Even today this is a good reminder for me. I find myself frequently saying "I can't wait until __________." Now as I say that sentence I try to catch myself and instead say, "What I enjoy about now is __________." It's a good reminder of the things that God has for me in the here and now. I want to encourage you today, don't wish away the season you are in. Ask God to show you and teach you all he has for you in that season. I can assure you that what you learn right now in the season you find yourself will equip you for the season that is coming. And to be sure there is always a new season coming. If you find yourself in a hard season just know that this too shall pass, so spend much time with Jesus learning what you can from him. If you find yourself in a sweet season also remember that this too shall pass, so spend much time with Jesus enjoying all he has for you. We love you at TIM and are praying for you in whatever season of life you are in.
The truth is that season too shall pass. Scripture tells us that there is a time for every season. In Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." The season you may find yourself in may have taken you by surprise but it didn't take God by surprise and he has much purpose for you in that specific season. God has taught me many lessons and revealed alot to me about myself through my latest season of raising my infant son. What I find is that so often we are constantly wishing away the season and ready to move forward rather than learning from and enjoying where we are at the time.
If you are single you probably know exactly what I am talking about. I can remember as a single feeling like my single season would never end. I just couldn't wait to be married and I felt like my life wouldn't be complete until I was finally out of my single season and into my married one. I can tell you that now I look back and realize what a sweet season of life my single season really was. I had plenty of free time to spend studying God's word and serving in my church and community. If I didn't feel like cleaning house or doing laundry I didn't. I could be very spontaneous with traveling and meeting up with friends. My single season as it ends up was one of the sweetest seasons I have ever experienced with Jesus.
That doesn't mean I am not enjoying my married season. I love my husband and my family. I have a blast with them and it too is a sweet season of it's own. My point is that if we aren't careful we will continue to rush our way through a season that God has amazing things stored up for us in. Potentially we could miss all that God wants to teach us and bless us with simply because we are in a hurry to move forward to the next season in life. If God has something for me I don't want to miss out on it.
Even today this is a good reminder for me. I find myself frequently saying "I can't wait until __________." Now as I say that sentence I try to catch myself and instead say, "What I enjoy about now is __________." It's a good reminder of the things that God has for me in the here and now. I want to encourage you today, don't wish away the season you are in. Ask God to show you and teach you all he has for you in that season. I can assure you that what you learn right now in the season you find yourself will equip you for the season that is coming. And to be sure there is always a new season coming. If you find yourself in a hard season just know that this too shall pass, so spend much time with Jesus learning what you can from him. If you find yourself in a sweet season also remember that this too shall pass, so spend much time with Jesus enjoying all he has for you. We love you at TIM and are praying for you in whatever season of life you are in.
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True Identity Ministries
Hello to all our girlfriends...and maybe a few following guyfriends! We are excited to finally be launching our new TIM blog. We hope you find it to be an easy way to receive encouragement through devotions and inspiring notes. We also hope it well help you keep up to date on the latest TIM news! So keep checking back for the latest updates and be sure to sign up as a follower! We look forward to hearing from you on here so send us your comments. We love you and continue to pray for all our sweet TIM girlfriends.