Racing to Rescue!!

Today I thought I would do a little fitness encouragement since it's summer time and we should have NO excuses for not being more active! Unless you are 8 months pregnant with low iron, have a two year old, and it's 100 degrees outside...then you're off the hook ( I can't think of a more motivating way to get more physically active than to have a goal in mind...better yet, to do it for a cause. That's why I have such a heart for a cause called Racing 2 Rescue. As you know TIM is a close partner with Rescue Her organization working at raising awareness and resources to help rescue women and girls out of human trafficking. One way this is happening is by communities holding race fundraisers such as a 5Ks called Racing 2 Rescue. It's an amazing way to raise awareness and support for women and girls being abused and missused in sex and slave trafficking across the world. Just because the problem may be miles from where you or I live doesn't mean that God is willing to allow us to just look the other way. We can save lives!

Not only does Racing 2 Rescue give you a goal to physically train for, but you can stay motivated because you know that the cause you are running for is literally going to be life changing for someone. What a great challenge for each of us to take!

Today consider running a race 2 rescue...or if there isn't one in your area, consider hosting one. I promise as you are faithful to step out into what may seem the unknown and uncomfortable, God will show up to help you. He is so faithful and loves it when we take risks to bring him glory and impact others. What about you, what risk can you take that may save a life?

Visit the below links for more information or feel free to contact TIM for more ideas on how you can get involved in the "rescue".

Racing2Rescue info >

Live in South Dakota area? Race with us in September! Email Karen today for more info at:

Visit TIM for more info and resources:

So let's get moving...moving for a cause!

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