With Valentine's Day fast approaching , I have been thinking about love. What does it look like? How and who do we show it to? What does God say about love?
I'm excited about a devotional I will post next Friday about love...so check back in. But today I wanted to pose a question for you. To get the wheels in your mind turning.
When you walk into a room, the question you shouldn't be asking yourself is, "Do these people love me?" The question you should be asking yourself is,
"Do these people know that I love them?"
Remember that as you go into your church, your workplace, your home, the doctors office, the grocery store, etc. It's not always easy, to love. But love is a decision.
Whether it's a room full of strangers or a place filled with old friends, love is the greatest thing you can give them. Can show them.
Decide to love, no matter how you are feeling: it may be you're down, it may be you're up. Our feelings can't control our disposition like that. The presence we bring shouldn't be affected by our day. Because Scripture says love never fails.
Decide to show God's love, to show genuine love each day. Like I said, it will not always be easy. At times the flesh will want to be irritable and rude, but the flesh must bow down to the Spirit. And the Spirit loves. Now go love the people in your world and offer the greatest of these.
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