We’ve been talking about spiritual growth for the past few Thursdays and today I would like to take a closer look of what spiritual growth truly looks like in our lives.
Spiritual growth does not look like: slavery. In Romans chapters 6-8, the Bible speaks on slavery to sin, freedom from sin’s grasp, and life in the Spirit.
Romans 6:1, “Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?”
So, if forgiveness is guaranteed, do we have to the freedom to sin as much as we want to? Paul’s answer is a solid, “Of course not!” The slavery to sin leads to-
Romans 6:20, “When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the obligation to do right. And what was the result? You are now ashamed of the things you used to do.”
Shame? I know that I certainly do not want to live this life on Earth with this hanging over my head! So, if we are in some type of slavery to sin..how can we GROW past it?!
We can take some necessary steps:
1.Identify our personal weaknesses
2.Recognize the things that tempt us
3.Stay AWAY from the sources of temptations
4.Practice self-control
5.Invest our time and energies into things that pleasing to God
6.Lean on God’s power and strength.
Lastly, we must realize that sin’s power is broken. We do not have to live in slavery. We have power available to us.
Romans 8:2, “And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.”
Many times we are not tapping into the true power source and we are trying to achieve this on our own. I know I have done this many times and still mess up! It’s like thinking I am going to use my blow dryer to dry my hair without plugging it in to the power outlet. It’s impossible!
Well, it’s the same way with our spiritual growth. If we want to live in freedom and be the women of God that He intended us to be…we MUST never underestimate the power of sin and attempt to fight it in our own strength. Satan is a crafty tempter, and we have an amazing ability to make excuses. Instead of trying to overcome sin with our own human willpower, we must take hold of God’s provision for victory over sin: the Holy Spirit, who lives within us and gives us power.
This week’s challenge:
1.Read Romans chapters 6-8 and ask God to speak to your heart through these chapters.
2.Read and pray over the 6 steps.
3.Ask the Holy Spirit for His power to be the director of your days.
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