Lucky Day or God planned day???

Today is the day that my family has been praying for and hoping for some time now. My sister-in-law is getting her kidney transplant. She was diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease that caused her kidneys to fail last year. Since then, she has been undergoing dialysis three days a week, while being a mom to three young girls. It’s been a very tough, trying and testing year. My other sister-in-law went through extensive testing and is able to donate her kidney. So, as I write, they are undergoing the surgery. Praise God! When the date was set for the surgery, we all laughed that it was St. Patrick’s day or ‘lucky day’ as some call it. But, as we talked about it, we said, “Isn’t it great that we don’t have to ‘hope we get lucky?” Isn’t it great to know that we don’t have to hope we find some three leaf clover or superstitiously go about today thinking, “This is our lucky day.” No, this is the day that the Lord has planned long ago!

As Christians, we don’t have to hope for luck, we can put our trust in an Almighty God. He directs our days. He is in control of our lives. Maybe you are facing something today that you could be thinking, “I could use some major luck today!” :) And instead, what you really desire is for God’s blessings of peace, strength and hope. A verse from the Bible that has spoken to my heart so many times is this:
Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

While living on this earth, we must learn to live by sight and the certainty that comes through faith in God. We must learn to see with the eyes of faith as we follow Jesus, while keeping our mindset on eternity.

Would you say your eyes are set on the temporal or eternal things?

When people approached Jesus to tell him about their circumstances, he’d often say something like, “You’re looking for a drink of water, but look past your circumstances because I’m the living water. I can quench your thirst for eternity, not just in this moment. Can you see it?” Or, “You want to see bread right now, but I want you to see that I am the living bread. I can feed you for this one meal, but-look!-I can feed you for all eternity. Can you see it?”

In some of the difficult seasons of our lives, when our faith is challenged and tested to grow, Jesus says we should see the unseen. How do we practically do that? The way to do that is to stay intimate with him and let the Holy Spirit direct our sight, both our physical eyes and our spiritual eyes. Jesus knows all of the answers to the questions that we ask ourselves. He knows which answers are “yes” and which ones are “no”. He knows when and where to reveal to us our next step. Our part is simply to take the next step of obedience and keep our eyes on him every step of the way. Many times in our lives, it appears God is answering “no” but they are really stepping stones to His amazing “yes”. When we learn to step out in obedience and trust, blessing is down the path. And when times in our journey hold pain, it’s then that we learn to choose trust and obedience over worry, fear and doubt.

Would you say that your mindset is on eternity or are you plagued with fear of what your circumstances look like presently?

Trusting God completely means having faith that God knows what is best for your life. You expect him to keep his promises, help you with problems, and do the impossible when necessary.”
Rick Warren

As you go about today, trust and know that God is in control of all things. Rest in His plans for you, knowing that you don’t have to ‘get lucky’, God’s in control!

Romans 8 tell us that “nothing shall separate us from the love of God”-revel in that today!

In His love,

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