Guarding our finances through the holidays Part 2

The first step for you and me in this process of guarding our finances this holiday season is realizing that we are just stewards, not owners. If you and I are going to manage our resources according to the bible we have to get it straight within our hearts who the true owner of those resources is. We are only stewards. Only the manager over the things entrusted to us. If you and I try to take over and claim ownership of our money, time, and resources it will lead us astray every time and many times bring destruction and defeat. Psalm 24:1 tells us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.”

A steward is just a manager of someone else’s property. They manage the property according to the owner’s wishes. An owner holds all rights to that thing. They are the legal titleholder and proprietor. What about you? Do you seem to fall into the mindset that you are the one that holds all rights to your money, time, and resources? Do you claim yourself as owner? Owner of your home, car, children, and business? Owner of your gifts and talents? We have to be very careful and very clear that we are only stewards, only managers. God is the true owner of everything you and I have. He is the one that should get the final say on how it should be managed. And trust me he has lots of advice for us on how to manage money in his word.

Think about the overwhelming mindset of the culture in which we live. “I worked hard for it and it’s mine!” The mindset that says it was my talent and hard work that earned this wealth and I should be able to do with it what I want to. Mine, Mine, Mine. This is the resounding word we see everywhere we look. You and I can also fall into this same seductive “mine” mentality. Scripture tells us to remember the Lord our God, for it is he that gives us the ability to produce wealth. Romans 14:12 says, “So then we will all give an account of ourselves to God.” We will certainly have to give an account to our “my money is my money” attitude if we have one. As we take on this attitude we begin to live beyond our means, confuse desires with needs, and rely on credit cards to sustain our “my money” lifestyle. Being a steward is adopting an attitude that says I have been made manager over these resources and I need to manage them wisely.

I really want to challenge you to think how different you would manage your money and resources if you truly did believe that God is owner and giver? As we close today’s study allow God to do an assessment over your life. Allow him to show you the areas that you are still trying to hold onto as owner instead of steward. It could be over your money, your home, your job, your children, or your gifts and talents. As long as you and I continue hold our grip on our resources as owner we will never be able to manage them as the steward that God expects us to be. When we take the appropriate role of steward, it is sure to bring God glory, and will certainly help you better guard your finances throughout the holidays.


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